Very unresponsive everything since system update

Well it’s not really messed up but you thought that it was something similar right but the base of your system en all it’s hardware or Network in the structure it’s far more different than you health and taught us so it’s just like riding over and grabbing my stop it away from me and then in states giving all the attention to something which is not the same at all and you could have known that if you choose to read into the topic completely instead of just seeing a few symptoms then yeah pirate it’s rusty just like a pirate actually does it make any sense to you and am I right or not because I if I’m wrong you may correct me also ?

Similar would be the same type of machine and config and internet and network infra I didn’t tell anything about and I said yes so yeah couldn’t be similar at all.

Also Alex or Titus could one of you explain to me why de heck it took so long for his VPS to be rebooted. Sounds to me like a host without static ip’s and a dns conflict every time it boots
Just as we all get with the basic stupid Google VPS which they make very unfriendly to use. Then you’ll have to do very much comped some of idiot tasks to gain acces you your own files. This wis with all the hosting companies. Shure put your date on their servers and good luck to get it off there in the form of a backup or acutely if they even allow to. Yes some host claim your files and grab the authorf from you to gain some money.

But if you want I can check your full system and tweak it for you, just Google my user name and call or connect trough a private self hosted by server to be the one in full control “. We do it all the time, giving remote support. So you’re just getting stuff learned mean while write down wat we tell you and then I let you handle it and just watch to your own work so you resells leaning things.

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