Using Seafile as a mediaserver for my blog

My YunoHost server

Hardware: VPS bought online
YunoHost version:
I have access to my server : SSH and gui
Are you in a special context or did you perform some particular tweaking on your YunoHost instance ? : no

Description of my issue

I want to write a blog and therefore I have installed the writefreely app under and to be able to insert pictures to my postings I have installed Seafile under Everthing is working as expected exept if I want to post a picture uploaded via Android app or browser to my blog. Posting with this code I only get the broken picture symbol. And if I right click on the broken picture I get redirected to https://yuno.domain/yunohost/sso/
I found out that maybe something with the same site origin header could be the reason causing this problem but I dont really know where and what needs to be changed.

Can someone please help me or point me in the right direction?
Thank you!

Are you sure that your image is available online to everyone via your Seafile link? If you go to the image link as an anonymous visitor without being connected to the SSO YH do you get the image?

Well I just logged out of my account and you were right I am not getting the image.
What should I do now?

How do you create the link on SeaFile? Are you sure you shared it with everyone? Is the SeaFile application configured to be accessible to visitors in https://yourdomaine.tld/yunohost/admin/#/groups?

I upload a picture via the upload button into the shared for everyone library for example and then I create a download link.
Is the SeaFile app configured like it should?

Yes it seems to be fine ! Did you change anything or was it already like this ?

No it was already like this after installing the app.

I have the impression that it is more the sharing function of seafile that is the problem than writefreely but I do not know what could be wrong.

Yes I agree. Writefreely lets me post picture with this code easily.
Could it be a content security related problem caused by a cross-origin request or something related to it?
My browser console is showing me weired errors but stating its in a report only mode…

At the moment if you go anonymously to the URL of the image in your browser you don’t see the image, this is a problem with SeaFile. Once you have solved this problem and can access your image with its URL, if it is not displayed in Writefreely then a cross-origin problem can be considered. But for the moment it doesn’t seem to come from there but from your image not being accessible on the internet at all.

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