Uris of /yunoshot/admin


It seems like every domain added gets an uris created to access at mydomain.com/yunohost/admin

in conf file at /etc/ssowat/conf.json

"permissions": {
        "core_skipped": {
            "auth_header": false,
            "label": "Core permissions - skipped",
            "public": true,
            "show_tile": false,
            "uris": [mydomain.com/yunohost/admin]

when the domain is deleted, the configuration is not…
so if you configure a sub domain then delete it, you can still access it to have admin login page only (since domain is auto-configured like * A IP)

Is that meant to be so ?

this seems to be also the case for /yunohost/api…

after a bit of cleaning I kept only those for the ‘default’ domain.
so far so good :slight_smile:

Hello @Guwom,
I’ve done some cleaning in that redirection to the admin portal, but if I go to a domain.fr/yunohost/admin adress, it redirects always me to the admin…

Maybe this modifications aren’t enough ?

Do you know where we can change things to block this redirection ?

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Ok I’ve found my answer : We have to change one by one each /etc/nginx/conf.d/domain.tld.conf,
and comment the line include conf.d/yunohost_admin.conf.inc. We cn do the same thing for include conf.d/yunohost_sso.conf.inc.