Unable to view code changes on Send app

When I change the value of the colors of the buttons on the Send interface via the “Config.jss” file, the modifications made after entering the “npm run build” command, the modifications are not effective and do not appear on the browser.

On my YunoHost server I already have a Send application which works correctly, I installed a second Send application. So I have to go to the “Send__2” folder to modify the code. The interface modifications made on the first application are directly visible except on the second which are not visible.

When I use the browser inspection tool I realize that the “main.css” and “config.jss” file remain in their original states which confirms that I do not really see my modifications made on the application.

Can you advise me on what I should look at to resolve this issue? or someone who has already had this problem tell me which file needs to be modified.

For more information on my error here is a screenshot of the error :

thanks in advance

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