Unable to install Funkwhale: "Peer authentication failed for user"

My YunoHost configuration

Hardware: x64 VPS
Internet access: datacenter
YunoHost version:
repo: testing
version: 3.2.0~testing1
repo: testing
version: 3.2.0~testing1
repo: testing
version: 3.2.0~testing1
repo: stable
version: 3.1.0

Have you personalized your yunohost with some specifics configurations or do you use only the yunohost cli/webadmin tool ? basic

Description of my problem

When attempting to install Funkwhale on my server, I receive an error that states:
WARNING - psycopg2.OperationalError: FATAL: Peer authentication failed for user “funkwhale”

As stated on the Funkwhale installation page I attempted to solve this by modifying /etc/postgresql/9.6/main/pg_hba.conf, but it apparently had no effect.

Here’s a link to the installation log.