Trying to get rid of a dead service

Hello all

I installed Jellyseerr today, didn’t get along with it and decided to uninstall it, which I did in the UI. The app was deleted, however when I did a Diagnostics check the service was still there in the list, not started of course, but still in the list. I did a server reboot but it’s still there.

I like things to be clean and tidy. Can anyone help me to get trid of this service from the list.

Many thanks


Via SSH:

sudo yunohost service remove jellyseerr

Can you please share uninstallation logs? The service should have been removed.

Yesterday I deleted a Friendica installation. After some time, I got an error message saying that the friendica daemon could not be started. This was also confirmed by the system diagnostics in the web interface.

Of course it can’t be started because it was deleted correctly when it was uninstalled. Presumably, however, the link was not removed by systemd. I then deleted the service via SSH (see above) and the error message was gone.

So this problem does not seem to be limited to a single software.

@pepecyb Thanks very much. I dont have locaal access at the moment, but will tomorrow. I will try your “sudo yunohost service remove jellyseerr” and see what happens. I will let you know.

Thanks again and have a great day


@orhtej2 Hello…

Here is the log from that services

Mnay thanks


He meant the log of the uninstall of the app not the service.

whoops! yes of course…

Here is the correct log of the uninstall:

Best wishes


Thank you, speculative fix for future users incoming: Fixed `remove` by orhtej2 · Pull Request #26 · YunoHost-Apps/jellyseerr_ynh · GitHub


The pr has been merged. Thanks for notifying this issue and thanks for @orhtej2 for fixing it!


@pepecyb That did the trick… Many thanks for that


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