Thinking of using yunohost to manage my work backoffice services

Hi everyone,

I am thinking of using yunohost to manage my work server. It has a lot of services which can be put in place by just installing different apps and I can see a whole lot of use that I can get out of it at work.

Just wondering if other people have done this and if so can share their experience or best-practices.


Hi ! Iā€™m progressively migrating my work services to a self hosted server so maybe i can share a bit of experience. For information we mainly use dolibarr, nextcloud and metabase. I have also installed netdata for monitoring purposes.

For data safety and resilience reasons i have begun by installing debian on raid1, then yunohost, then a first borg instance for backups on a usb SSD. Now it is ready to get in production but since we are full throttle in the summer season we will do so in october.

Feel free to ask anything !

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@kevinsky888 : do you have any tips about baking a raspberry pie ?

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