The synapse user password is no longer the yunohost user password

Thanks a lot.

I wasn’t quite certain that I would be doing the right thing so I logged precisely what I did:

  1. Change the file /etc/yunohost/apps/synapse/conf/homeserver.yaml and change the line 2249 from
bind_dn: __SYNAPSE_USER_APP__


bind_dn: "uid=__SYNAPSE_USER_APP__,ou=users,dc=yunohost,dc=org"
  1. And also the change the file /etc/matrix-synapse/homeserver.yaml on line 2249 from
bind_dn: synapse


bind_dn: "uid=synapse,ou=users,dc=yunohost,dc=org"

And it worked for me. I home this is the proper was to do it and that future updates will go smoothly.