System Youno host aim not api found

Bei mir ist es fast Identisch mit dem difference as E complain (of me to one Dezentierten Server runs I7 32GB 2X 3TB
The API connection from the server to the software has not been running properly for a long time. Though, DNS set correctly. Some of the programs are still running. From the application side, not all of them and they remain, as on the next screen.
I hope it’s not too much, but I’ll pass on my English with a translator and pictures. With the hope that this problem will be solved.

if you try to make a backup you can see what happens in the picture above. If you’re lucky, they’ll show up. Next, mastodon.
I thought that if he suddenly had so many DNS problems that I couldn’t manage that either, this shows that the different Horster are here and three IP addresses are available here, since my little hoster and two other hosters have domains here running my server. The voting problems I went and changed a new one of the whole domains as the main domain. Since I can afford to add or name several main and no sub-domains.
Had now managed to delete Mastodon and wanted to import the backup. What doesn’t work.
I can also access my terminal if someone can tell me what you want to do now via Terminal, that it is also running on me, what the Yunohost script was actually trying to prevent. But as often as I have installed and restored the whole thing and put work into it, it would be nice with over 160GB if the system could run again. Sorry, I work with a translator
wenn man das ganze über ein Backup versucht sieht man was passiert im oberen Bild. Wenn man Glück hat zeigen die sich mal. Als nächstes mastodon .
Ich habe gedacht wenn er auf einmal so viel DNS Probleme hat, das ich das auch nicht hinbekommen habe,das zeigt das hierdurch die bei verschiedenen Horster liegen und hier drei IP Adressen Vorhanden sind, da hier von meinem kleinen Hoster und zwei weiteren Hostern Domains auf meinen Server laufen. Die Abstimmungs Probleme ich bin hergegangen und habe eine neue von den ganzen Domains als Haupt Domain umgeändert. Da ich mir das leisten kann mehre Haupt und keine Sub-Domain dazu machen oder benenn kann.
Hatte jetzt geschafft Mastodon zu löschen und wollte das Backup einspielen. Was nicht geht.
Ich kann auch auf meinem Terminal zugreifen wenn mir jemand sagen kann was man jetzt gerne auch über Terminal, das es auch bei mir läuft, was eigentlich das Skript von Yunohost versucht hat zu unterbinden. Doch so oft wie ich das ganze hier installiert und wieder hergestellt habe und Arbeit reingesteckt habe wäre es schön bei über 160GB wenn das System wieder lauffähig wird. Entschuldigt ich arbeite mit übersetzter

if you try to make a backup you can see what happens in the picture above. If you’re lucky, they’ll show up. Next, mastodon.
I thought that if he suddenly had so many DNS problems that I couldn’t manage that either, this shows that the different Horster are here and three IP addresses are available here, since my little hoster and two other hosters have domains here running my server. The voting problems I went and changed a new one of the whole domains as the main domain. Since I can afford to add or name several main and no sub-domains.
Had now managed to delete Mastodon and wanted to import the backup. What doesn’t work.
I can also access my terminal if someone can tell me what you want to do now via Terminal, that it is also running on me, what the Yunohost script was actually trying to prevent. But as often as I have installed and restored the whole thing and put work into it, it would be nice with over 160GB if the system could run again. Sorry, I work with a translator
I have the same problem and can’t find an answer.
I do not know what’s up ? After working for a year, everything I’ve set myself to work on my blogs and other posts is broken. So if there is no longer a solution here or if people living in Germany are not taken care of. Sorry then I’ll turn my back on Yunohost. Since I can no longer follow the whole thing in the forum like what. Thank you and stay healthy. Mise à jour yunohost de 4.2.6 à