Suspiciously high number of authentication failures?

You should have a line like -A INPUT -p tcp -m multiport --dports MYSSHPORT -j f2b-sshd

Had more or less the same issue last year (because I done a stupid thing when I tried to add a jail) => SSH : Multiple tentatives de connexion malgré fail2ban - #5 by Kit

Let’s recheck properly :

  • cat /etc/fail2ban/jail.d/yunohost-jails.conf : is the sshd jail in the output ? Is the ssh port the new one ?
  • yunohost settings get security.ssh.port : let’s double-check if the right port is monitored.
  • yunohost service status yunohost-firewall fail2ban: are the firewall and f2b services running ?
  • Did you tried to restart the firewall and f2b services ?