Suddenly unable to access the SSO and apps via my domain

What type of hardware are you using: Old laptop or computer
What YunoHost version are you running: 12.0.10
How are you able to access your server: The webadmin

Describe your issue

I’m fairly new to Yunohost as I’ve just installed it a few days ago. I installed a few apps: ntfy, actual, paperless-ngx, archivist, unattended upgrades. I also added my own domain and installed the proper certificates.

Yesterday, as I tried to access Actual (via my domain) I noticed that I can’t reach any of my installed apps. This gave me a headache, because everything was working totally fine before, I hadn’t done anything overnight.

So now I can’t access the following:

  • SSO (mydomain.tld)
  • My apps (xxx.mydomain.tld)

However, I can still access the SSH and the webadmin (

What I’ve already tried:

  • checked whether my domain expired (it did not)
  • Unbanned and whitelisted my ip using fail2ban
  • Restarted nginx
  • Restarted the computer twice

At this point, I’m clueless what to do, so any help is appreciated!

Share relevant logs or error messages

When I do ‘ping -4 mydomain.tld’ the output is Request timed out (x4)

When running ‘ping -6 mydomain.tld’ it says: Ping request could not find host mydomain.tld. Please check the name and try again.

[ERROR] Some DNS records are missing or incorrect for domain maindomain.tld 

You probably have a dynamic ip. This needs dynamic dns update. Depending on your registrar, you can configure tokens in the webadmin > domains > your domain > dns

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