Succesfully upgraded matrix-synapse after migration from YNH 4.x to 11.x

My YunoHost server

Hardware: VPS bought online
Version: Just migrated from 4.x to 11.x

Server hardware architecture is kvm amd64
Server model is Red Hat KVM
Server is running Linux kernel 5.10.0-17-amd64
Server is running Debian 11.5
Server is running YunoHost (stable)
yunohost version: (stable)
yunohost-admin version: 11.0.10 (stable)
moulinette version: 11.0.9 (stable)
ssowat version: 11.0.9 (stable)

I have access to my server : Through SSH | through the webadmin | VNC console
Are you in a special context or did you perform some particular tweaking on your YunoHost instance ? : a bit, Borg-target is a ‘local’ directory mounted via SSHFS (diagnosis complains)

Description of my issue

Hi all,

Just a note (with hopefully findable keywords) in case someone got the same problem during migration and does not know where to start :slight_smile:

I just upgraded this Yunohost to v11.0.9 via the migration. At some point there was a timeout in the web interface during the migration. There were two warnings about Python environments:

2022-09-09 23:20:01,415: INFO - Running migration 0024_rebuild_python_venv...
2022-09-09 23:20:01,445: INFO - Skipping matrix-synapse because virtualenv can't easily be rebuilt for this app. Instead, you should fix the situation by forcing the upgrade of this app using `yunohost app upgrade --force matrix-synapse`.
2022-09-09 23:20:01,445: INFO - Now attempting to rebuild the Python virtualenv for `borg-env`

SSH still worked, and I could pick up the migration from pending migrations. It ran quickly for the borg-env, but Synapse would not run after the migration.

It does mostly after the manual upgrade --force , but it needed synapse instead of matrix-synapse :

# yunohost app upgrade --force matrix-synapse
Error: Could not find matrix-synapse in the list of installed apps: 
 * borg
 * element
 * hextris
 * mautrix_whatsapp
 * opensondage
 * rainloop
 * redirect
 * redirect__2
 * shellinabox
 * synapse
 * wordpress
 * yunomonitor
# yunohost app upgrade --force synapse
Info: Now upgrading synapse...
Info: [....................] > Loading installation settings...
Info: [+...................] > Ensuring downward compatibility...
Info: [#++++++++...........] > Backing up the app before upgrading (may take a while)...
Warning: 395  It's hightly recommended to make your backup when the service is stopped. Please stop synapse service with this command before to run the backup 'systemctl stop matrix-synapse.service'
Info: [#########+..........] > Upgrading dependencies...
Info: [##########++........] > Upgrading source files...
Info: '/opt/yunohost/matrix-synapse/lib64' wasn't deleted because it doesn't exist.
Info: '/opt/yunohost/matrix-synapse/.rustup' wasn't deleted because it doesn't exist.
Info: '/opt/yunohost/matrix-synapse/.cargo' wasn't deleted because it doesn't exist.
Info: [############........] > Updating synapse config...
Info: [############+.......] > Upgrading nginx web server configuration...
Info: [#############.......] > Configuring application...
Info: [#############.......] > Updating coturn config...
Info: [#############+......] > Upgrading systemd configuration...
Info: [##############++....] > Reconfiguring fail2ban...
Info: The service fail2ban has correctly executed the action reload-or-restart.
Info: [################+...] > Configuring permissions...
Warning: YunoHost automatically translated some legacy redirections in /etc/ssowat/conf.json.persistent to match the new default application using domain configuration
Warning: YunoHost automatically translated some legacy redirections in /etc/ssowat/conf.json.persistent to match the new default application using domain configuration
Warning: Additionnal URL '' already removed in the additional URL for permission 'synapse.server_api'
Info: [#################+..] > Restarting synapse services...
Info: The service matrix-synapse has correctly executed the action restart.
Info: [####################] > Upgrade of synapse completed
Success! synapse upgraded
Success! Upgrade complete

Synapse starts now, only coturn-synapse is not yet running. The log repeats these lines:

Sep 10 15:13:41 systemd[1]: Starting coturn...
Sep 10 15:13:41 systemd[1]: coturn-synapse.service: Can't open PID file /run/coturn-synapse/ (yet?) after start: Operation not permitted
Sep 10 15:13:41 systemd[1]: Started coturn.
Sep 10 15:13:41 systemd[1]: coturn-synapse.service: Main process exited, code=killed, status=31/SYS
Sep 10 15:13:41 systemd[1]: coturn-synapse.service: Failed with result 'signal'.
Sep 10 15:13:42 systemd[1]: coturn-synapse.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 5.
Sep 10 15:13:42 systemd[1]: Stopped coturn.
Sep 10 15:13:42 systemd[1]: coturn-synapse.service: Start request repeated too quickly.
Sep 10 15:13:42 systemd[1]: coturn-synapse.service: Failed with result 'signal'.
Sep 10 15:13:42 systemd[1]: Failed to start coturn.

Maybe a reboot helps, I’ll update the topic once it runs. In the mean time, I’m open for suggestions :slight_smile:

Well, it didn’t.

What does seem to help, is creating the directory that is missing, and allowing turnserver access:

# cd /run
# mkdir coturn-synapse
# chown turnserver coturn-synapse

That didn’t do the trick either; I’m not quite sure which user to allow access to /run/coturn-synapse/

Any idea?

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