I needed lot of commands that was required under chroot jail along with ssh support. So I installed debootstrap and installed debian stable version inside chroot folder that is my_webapp__1. This way a virtual envirnment was created for the development of the app completely away from the yunohost. Here are the steps I followed. If some thing can be improved or can be done in better way, please don’t hesitate to improve this.
Install my_webapp on yunohost.
# yunohost app install https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/my_webapp_ynh/
Remove force sftp for the app from ssh
# nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
RemoveForceCommand internal-sftp
from the my_webapp__1 . -
Allow the user to have ssh permission by adding the line
AllowUsers my_webapp__1
Restart ssh
# service ssh restart
Install debootstrap. Read more about chroot and debootstrap here
# apt-get install debootstrap
Install the choice of os in chroot directory.
# debootstrap stable /var/www/my_webapp__1 http://deb.debian.org/debian/
You can login to the root of the new installed os by chroot
# chroot /var/www/my_webapp__1
Install the required packages like ssh,sudo
# apt-get install ssh sudo
Exit the chroot
# exit
The uid for both the users that is the real os (Yunohost) and the chroot os should be same. So we give the same uid of my_webapp__1’s (real os-Yunohost) to the my_webapp__1’s (chroot os).
Get the uid of webapp__1 from real os(Yunohost)
#cat /etc/passwd
Check for the uid of the my_webapp__1 and copy it.
Again login to chroot directory following step 7 and create a user my_webapp__1 in chroot OS.
# adduser my_webapp__1
Give it the same password as real OS(Yuhohost) user. -
Give the same uid to the chroot os by coping the uid of real os (Yunohost) to the chroot os.
Paste the uid of for_webapp__1 ( real os) copied from real os (Yunohost)
#nano /etc/passwd
Paste the uid to the my_webapp__1 -
Now you can ssh to the chroot folder with the my_webapp__1 user.
Try it
$ ssh my_webapp__1@domain.tld
Enter password and you will be in the shell as my_webapp__1 user of chroot os.
Sometimes my_webapp__1 will require root privileges. For this either you can give my_webapp__1 as root privileges or login as root by su. Other way is giving user privilege to run sudo without password and with root access by editing /etc/sudoers.
Login to the chroot root by step 7 again and add the user to have sudo privieges.
# nano /etc/sudoers
Add this line under Allow members of group sudo to execute any command
my_webapp__1 ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL
Now you can ssh to the chroot by ssh my_webapp__1@domain.tld and run any command which require by sudo.