Spacedeck - how to upload images with more than 1 MB?

Hi All,

My YunoHost server

Hardware: VPS bought online
YunoHost version: (stable)
I have access to my server : Through SSH | through the webadmin

Description of my issue

I ve a fresh install of spacedeck. When uploading an image greater than 1MB the hourglas rotate and rotate … for ever… and nothing happens. When I upload an image less than 1 MB all works fine.

In my php.ini (/etc/php/7.4./fpm/) the value max_upload_filesize is set to 8M. So this should be ok.

In /var/www/spacedeck is a config-folder with a default.json. But with in I cant see any limitation.

Is there any place in yunohost or in spacedeck, where the uploads a limited?

Thanks for your help

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