[SOLVED?] Series of errors and mail notifications

Hi @unmy
I also find myself with this avalanche of emails for Dyndns and this “black hole” : /dev/null

I have to change the time variables in the file Cron Dyndns with Nano in SSH:

nano /etc/cron.d/yunohost-dyndns

2 solutions:
1/ Totally delete the sending of mail on root@XXX.nohost.XX
To prevent a particular task from sending an email, you just have to add at the end of the command a directive asking it to redirect the output to nothing (/dev/null), it is possible to do it in two ways:

by adding > /dev/null 2>&1 at the end of the command ;
or by adding &> /dev/null at the end of the command ;

2/ Change the timing of mail sending

0 7 * * 1-5 root : YunoHost DynDNS update […]
this represents one email at 7h00 from Monday to Friday

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