[Solved] Nextcloud Erreur MAJ de 29.0.10~ynh2 à 30.0.4~ynh1

What type of hardware are you using: VPS bought online
What YunoHost version are you running: 12.0.9 (stable)
What app is this about: Nextcloud

Describe your issue

Erreur à la mise à jour

Share relevant logs or error messages


I just did the update, I also have errors.

J’ai cherché sur d’autres forums et sites, mais toujours rien de concret.

Technical information

core/Controller/LoginController.php] => Array
[expected] => 73dbxxxxxxxx…
[current] => b955xxxxxxxx…

lib/private/Repair/RepairMimeTypes.php] => Array
[expected] => a8bfxxxxxxxx…
[current] => 74e0dxxxxxxxx…

lib/private/Security/CSP/ContentSecurityPolicyNonceManager.php] => Array
[expected] => c50axxxxxxxx…
[current] => 2166xxxxxxxx…

lib/public/AppFramework/Http/EmptyContentSecurityPolicy.php] => Array
[expected] => 63d4exxxxxxxx…
[current] => 76a7xxxxxxxx…

lib/public/AppFramework/Http/ContentSecurityPolicy.php] => Array
[expected] => 57b8xxxxxxxx…
[current] => 3bd0xxxxxxxx…

[EXTRA_FILE] => Array
[.bash_history] => Array
[expected] =>
[current] => 1150xxxxxxxx…

sudo -u nextcloud php8.3 --define apc.enable_cli=1 /var/www/nextcloud/occ ldap:delete-config s01

should solve the issue


Maybe but not for people using only the Admin Panel

Sorry but my post was for @JfmbLinux

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Hmm can you try manually installing the apcu for php8.2 with

sudo apt install php8.2-apcu

and try again ?

Sorry but I’m afraid to work outside the Admin Panel
Is it any other solution?

Thanks, I’ll check that out tomorrow.

Thx, it solved the same issue I had :smile: :pray: !

It solved part of the problems, I looked for solutions on the Nextcloud forums, GitHub, but still nothing concrete about the problems below:

Technical information

core/Controller/LoginController.php] => Array
[expected] => 73dbxxxxxxxx…
[current] => b955xxxxxxxx…

lib/private/Repair/RepairMimeTypes.php] => Array
[expected] => a8bfxxxxxxxx…
[current] => 74e0dxxxxxxxx…

lib/private/Security/CSP/ContentSecurityPolicyNonceManager.php] => Array
[expected] => c50axxxxxxxx…
[current] => 2166xxxxxxxx…

lib/public/AppFramework/Http/EmptyContentSecurityPolicy.php] => Array
[expected] => 63d4exxxxxxxx…
[current] => 76a7xxxxxxxx…

lib/public/AppFramework/Http/ContentSecurityPolicy.php] => Array
[expected] => 57b8xxxxxxxx…
[current] => 3bd0xxxxxxxx…

So, I deleted Nextcloud 30.0.4~ynh2 and restored Nextcloud 29.0.10~ynh2. I’ll wait for the next version, maybe it will fix these small bugs.

So, I deleted Nextcloud 30.0.4~ynh2 and restored Nextcloud 29.0.10~ynh2. I’ll wait for the next version, maybe it will fix these small bugs.

I hardly understand your logic. Version 30.0.4 already fixes small bugs from 29.0.10.
If you want a bug-free version, you will have to wait for the Saint-Glinglin :sweat_smile:

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If I recall correctly, that hash/integrity issues on these files are normal, as these files are patched specifically for YunoHost.

Writing this, note to @Apps : part of the patches could be removed (the CSP part), as they were created to be compatible with the (now removed) YunoHost tile :sweat_smile:

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I’ll wait for Saint-Glinglin’s Day then.


sometime you need to use the terminal for debugging an app…

Don’t be afraid of command line, it really save some cases, I’m also a newbe with it but it solved some bad situations. You can also “mix” by using Wincsp and edit some files in “wysiwyg” mode

Saperlipopette !!! It’s already Saint-Glinglin’s Day… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :rofl:
I managed to solve my problem

Commands used:
sudo -u nextcloud php8.3 --define apc.enable_cli=1 /var/www/nextcloud/occ maintenance:update:htaccess

sudo -u nextcloud php8.3 --define apc.enable_cli=1 /var/www/nextcloud/occ integrity:check-core

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I’m not on Windows, only Linux (Debian, Fedora, OpenSUSE).
So I often use the terminal and I go through FileZilla.

I’m also on Linux (Xubuntu) but someone installed Yunohost for me on a VPS (on Contabo) telling me that I could do everything via the Admin panel.
I gess I’m not the only one in this case. I even can’t go there with Filezilla, I’m able to do it on shared web

No, there are things you can do via the admin panel and others that you need to do with the terminal. It’s wrong, it is not possible to do everything with the admin panel.
In case of difficulty, there is this forum to help you.

With the Linux terminal (xbuntu), you can connect in SSH.
SSH command.

Why can’t you use Filezilla?
You can find an help here: Filezilla

I hope this can help you a little better.

I don’t know Contabo :wink: