Hi to every dev / NGINX expert,
We need some help to finalize the integration of Selfoss in Yunohost (Selfoss is a RSS feed reader).
In the beginning of 2022, ericgaspard created this repo:
GitHub - YunoHost-Apps/selfoss_ynh: Selfoss package for YunoHost It seems that he succeeded to make Selfoss work in a subdomain (I don’t know I can not test it).
I tried to help him by making it possible to install Selfoss in a subfolder: selfoss refuses to install · Issue #2 · YunoHost-Apps/selfoss_ynh · GitHub According to Selfoss documentation (link in this GitHub issue) it is possible to install it in a subfolder.
So here is my PR where I succeeded to install Selfoss in a subfolder: Install selfoss on a subfolder by Binnette · Pull Request #3 · YunoHost-Apps/selfoss_ynh · GitHub
But it seems that my solution is making Selfoss impossible to install in a subdomain. And we need it to be capable of both (subfolder and subdomain) to give both options to yunohost users.
What we need:
- a NGINX/YunoHost expert that can integrate my subfolder solution (my PR) and the subdomain solution (branch master).
- a YunoHost dev that have write access to merge the solution made in step 1
- a tester to test that the app works tldr: the app home page works and the app can retrieve a random RSS (I can test the subfolder part but not the subdomain…)
- a Yunohost dev to finalize the integration of Selfoss in the official App catalog.
Thank for any help given by the volunteer community.
PS: please don’t blame me if I didn’t post in the good forum section