[solved] Apps not responding after a while, changes reset after a reboot

My YunoHost server

Hardware: Raspberry Pi 4 at home
YunoHost version: 11.2.10
I have access to my server : Through SSH | through the webadmin
Are you in a special context or did you perform some particular tweaking on your YunoHost instance ? : no
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Description of my issue

Many of my apps are either behaving weirdly or not responding at all. I thought I had solved the problem by restarting the machine but this general misbehaving has resumed.

It’s even worse than I thought: the system seems to reset to a previous state after a reboot: for example new links I saved in my shaarli are gone. As far as I know, shaarli is super simple and only writes to a file so it doesn’t involve many moving parts. And yet it is affected by a reboot.

I tried to update yunohost but it partially failed. The logs say nothing about the attempt, again due to the seemingly global reset of the system after a reboot.

All services are green, apart from borg, which fails.

I’m beginning to suspect a hardware failure but I could be wrong.

How do I go from here?

The sdcard is probably dying.
Shut down the server, remove the sdcard and plug it in a pc. Use any tool depending on your os to check the filesystem and surface test.
You can also check the other connected storage, but the sdcard is the first to suspect.

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it was the SD card. I bought a new one, cloned the old one to it and after a week of use and multiple reboots, I haven’t had any issues so far.

To clone the SD card, on another machine:

  • create an image with something like sudo dd if=/dev/mmcblk0 of=~/yunohost_20240630.img status=progress
  • clone it on the new SD card. I used Balerna Etcher for that but you can do it from the command line as well.

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