Snappymail is not 32 bits - Raspberry Pi 2B can't run it :'(

Hi !
As I was happy to see Nextcloud reverting his idea to not run on 32 bits systems, I’m disappointed this morning about Snappymail…

So, it’s not possible to update the Snappymail app on a Raspberry Pi 2B, which running fine everyday without performance issue.
For sure, it will end to the trash one day soon… sad news for the planet :frowning:

Apparently things have evolved upstream: 64-bit PHP required? · Issue #852 · the-djmaze/snappymail · GitHub. I will define the requirements to allow 32 bit to see if the app supports 32bit arch.

Can you try to upgrade from the testing branch?:

sudo yunohost app upgrade snappymail -u 

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