Sauvegarde boite mail

This failed.
I could not SSH my YUnoHost server with my “third computer”, nor with my “fourth computer”.
All I did until yesterday was done with all computers on the LAN. Today, I am acting from the WAN.
I think that I chose to block SSH from WAN when I installed YUnoHost several years ago.
I still have access to YUnoHost web interface.
I have been searching where the WAN lock can be (un)triggered, but did not find it.

Hello @wbk ,

I can report a success (sort of) !
I could transfer many messages with mbsync/isync to a “” mailbox. But the process stopped because of an overquota (the mailbox at ended up full).


No more banning now.

I am back to the situation I described in the first part of post #18.

I found the solution : I asked YUnoHost to consider that the main domain is domain.tld
This solved my problem with certificates.

J’ai trouvé la solution : j’ai demandé à YUnoHost de considérer que le domaine principal était domain.tld
Ça a résolu mon problème de certificat.


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Great! Thanks for posting the solution :slight_smile: