Rainloop - Email account picture


Is there a way to setup the email account picture ?


I don’t know if this has something to do with Rainloop or the internal Yunohost email server.
I don’t even know if there is some kind of standard for those account pictures…

Thanks !

For those who have the same question

  1. You first need to go to the rainloop admin pannel
    Default credentials :
    User : admin
    Password : admin password you chose during installation (if my memory is good)
    Then you go to General / Interface > allow Gravatar
    It looks like this is allowed by default with the Rainloop app installation on Yunohost
  2. Just go to gravatar.com, sign up, upload your profile picture


1 Like

Thanks for this!
It’s also important to think about what privacy level you want by using Gravatar

Thanks for this warning. I might quit as fast as I registered…
If I have only my email registered and one picture, without any linking to third party website, what are the risks ?

Risks from Gravatar itself
Can Gravatar track and log all email adresses I have emailed ?

Risks from third party hacker
I’ve read a hacker could “guess” my email adress by bruetforcing the MD5 hash of my Gravatar.

Do you think those are serious issues ?