Protecting some applications/paths with HTTP basic auth

Hacking around, I actually found a way to use HTTP basic auth.

In /etc/nginx/conf.d/*.d/my_webapp.conf:

auth_basic "Please identify for ...";
auth_basic_user_file /etc/nginx/auth/...;

Create the auth file:

mkdir -p /etc/nginx/auth
htpasswd -c /etc/nginx/auth/...

Reload nginx:

systemctl reload nginx

Tweak ssowat by setting the following values to false:

vi /etc/ssowat/conf.json

    "my_webapp.main": {
        "auth_header": false,
        "use_remote_user_var_in_nginx_conf": false,

The flag use_remote_user_var_in_nginx_conf has been introduced very recently:

I found a related discussion here: Authentication issues with YunoHost 11.1.0 with new SSOwat version / Please upgrade to YunoHost 11.1.2 to fix - #85 by DerpFox

I don’t understand the background of all this… Does anyone know if the developer of the commit is on this forum?

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