Probleme mise à jour nextcloud

j’ai un problème avec la dernière mise à jour de nextcloud, je n’arrive pas l’installer.
voici le log:

ended_at: 2024-07-04 19:37:01.612019
  YNH_APP_ACTION: upgrade
  YNH_APP_BASEDIR: /var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app__995o0d8
  YNH_APP_ID: nextcloud
  YNH_ARCH: amd64
error: "Une erreur s'est produite durant l'ex\xE9cution du script de mise \xE0 niveau\
  \ de l'application"
interface: api
operation: app_upgrade
parent: null
- - app
  - nextcloud
started_at: 2024-07-04 19:36:03.050118
success: false


2024-07-04 21:36:03,085: INFO - Updating sources...
2024-07-04 21:36:03,086: DEBUG - Prefetching asset main: ...
2024-07-04 21:36:08,792: DEBUG - Prefetching asset 28: ...
2024-07-04 21:36:18,156: INFO - Updating system_user...
2024-07-04 21:36:18,297: INFO - Updating install_dir...
2024-07-04 21:36:18,321: INFO - Updating data_dir...
2024-07-04 21:36:18,341: INFO - Updating permissions...
2024-07-04 21:36:18,710: DEBUG - Nothing to update in LDAP
2024-07-04 21:36:18,880: DEBUG - Permission 'nextcloud.main' mise à jour
2024-07-04 21:36:18,880: DEBUG - Journal complet de cette opération : '<a href="#/tools/logs/20240704-193618-user_permission_update-nextcloud" style="text-decoration :underline"> Mise à jour des accès pour la permission 'nextcloud' </a>'
2024-07-04 21:36:19,269: DEBUG - Nothing to update in LDAP
2024-07-04 21:36:19,269: DEBUG - Permission 'nextcloud.main' mise à jour
2024-07-04 21:36:19,427: DEBUG - Journal complet de cette opération : '<a href="#/tools/logs/20240704-193619-permission_url-nextcloud" style="text-decoration :underline"> Mise à jour de l'URL associée à l'autorisation 'nextcloud' </a>'
2024-07-04 21:36:19,769: DEBUG - Nothing to update in LDAP
2024-07-04 21:36:19,928: DEBUG - Permission 'nextcloud.api' mise à jour
2024-07-04 21:36:19,928: DEBUG - Journal complet de cette opération : '<a href="#/tools/logs/20240704-193619-user_permission_update-nextcloud" style="text-decoration :underline"> Mise à jour des accès pour la permission 'nextcloud' </a>'
2024-07-04 21:36:20,121: DEBUG - Nothing to update in LDAP
2024-07-04 21:36:20,121: DEBUG - Permission 'nextcloud.api' mise à jour
2024-07-04 21:36:20,279: DEBUG - Journal complet de cette opération : '<a href="#/tools/logs/20240704-193620-permission_url-nextcloud" style="text-decoration :underline"> Mise à jour de l'URL associée à l'autorisation 'nextcloud' </a>'
2024-07-04 21:36:20,450: DEBUG - The permission database has been resynchronized
2024-07-04 21:36:20,692: DEBUG - La configuration de SSOwat a été regénérée
2024-07-04 21:36:20,697: INFO - Updating apt...
2024-07-04 21:36:20,708: DEBUG - Executing command '['sh', '-c', '/bin/bash -x "./provision_or_update_apt"  7>&1']'
2024-07-04 21:36:20,719: DEBUG - + source /usr/share/yunohost/helpers
2024-07-04 21:36:20,719: DEBUG - ++++ dirname -- /usr/share/yunohost/helpers
2024-07-04 21:36:20,720: DEBUG - +++ cd -- /usr/share/yunohost
2024-07-04 21:36:20,720: DEBUG - +++ pwd
2024-07-04 21:36:20,720: DEBUG - ++ SCRIPT_DIR=/usr/share/yunohost
2024-07-04 21:36:20,721: DEBUG - ++ YNH_HELPERS_VERSION=2
2024-07-04 21:36:20,723: DEBUG - ++ readonly 'XTRACE_ENABLE=set -o xtrace'
2024-07-04 21:36:20,723: DEBUG - ++ XTRACE_ENABLE='set -o xtrace'
2024-07-04 21:36:20,749: DEBUG - + ynh_abort_if_errors
2024-07-04 21:36:20,749: DEBUG - + trap ynh_exit_properly EXIT
2024-07-04 21:36:20,749: DEBUG - + ynh_install_app_dependencies mariadb-server imagemagick libmagickcore-6.q16-6-extra acl tar smbclient at php8.3-fpm php8.3-bz2 php8.3-imap php8.3-gmp php8.3-gd php8.3-intl php8.3-curl php8.3-apcu php8.3-redis php8.3-ldap php8.3-imagick php8.3-zip php8.3-mbstring php8.3-xml php8.3-mysql php8.3-igbinary php8.3-bcmath
2024-07-04 21:36:20,750: DEBUG - + local 'dependencies=mariadb-server imagemagick libmagickcore-6.q16-6-extra acl tar smbclient at php8.3-fpm php8.3-bz2 php8.3-imap php8.3-gmp php8.3-gd php8.3-intl php8.3-curl php8.3-apcu php8.3-redis php8.3-ldap php8.3-imagick php8.3-zip php8.3-mbstring php8.3-xml php8.3-mysql php8.3-igbinary php8.3-bcmath'
2024-07-04 21:36:20,750: DEBUG - ++ echo 'mariadb-server imagemagick libmagickcore-6.q16-6-extra acl tar smbclient at php8.3-fpm php8.3-bz2 php8.3-imap php8.3-gmp php8.3-gd php8.3-intl php8.3-curl php8.3-apcu php8.3-redis php8.3-ldap php8.3-imagick php8.3-zip php8.3-mbstring php8.3-xml php8.3-mysql php8.3-igbinary php8.3-bcmath'
2024-07-04 21:36:20,750: DEBUG - ++ sed 's/\([^\<=\>]\)\ \([^(]\)/\1, \2/g'
2024-07-04 21:36:20,752: DEBUG - + dependencies='mariadb-server, imagemagick, libmagickcore-6.q16-6-extra, acl, tar, smbclient, at, php8.3-fpm, php8.3-bz2, php8.3-imap, php8.3-gmp, php8.3-gd, php8.3-intl, php8.3-curl, php8.3-apcu, php8.3-redis, php8.3-ldap, php8.3-imagick, php8.3-zip, php8.3-mbstring, php8.3-xml, php8.3-mysql, php8.3-igbinary, php8.3-bcmath'
2024-07-04 21:36:20,752: DEBUG - + local 'dependencies=mariadb-server, imagemagick, libmagickcore-6.q16-6-extra, acl, tar, smbclient, at, php8.3-fpm, php8.3-bz2, php8.3-imap, php8.3-gmp, php8.3-gd, php8.3-intl, php8.3-curl, php8.3-apcu, php8.3-redis, php8.3-ldap, php8.3-imagick, php8.3-zip, php8.3-mbstring, php8.3-xml, php8.3-mysql, php8.3-igbinary, php8.3-bcmath'
2024-07-04 21:36:20,753: DEBUG - ++ ynh_read_manifest --manifest_key=version
2024-07-04 21:36:20,768: DEBUG - ++ '[' '!' -e '' ']'
2024-07-04 21:36:20,769: DEBUG - ++ '[' -e /var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app__995o0d8/manifest.json ']'
2024-07-04 21:36:20,769: DEBUG - ++ '[' -e /var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app__995o0d8/manifest.toml ']'
2024-07-04 21:36:20,769: DEBUG - ++ manifest=/var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app__995o0d8/manifest.toml
2024-07-04 21:36:20,769: DEBUG - ++ echo /var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app__995o0d8/manifest.toml
2024-07-04 21:36:20,769: DEBUG - ++ grep -q '\.json$'
2024-07-04 21:36:20,771: DEBUG - ++ cat /var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app__995o0d8/manifest.toml
2024-07-04 21:36:20,772: DEBUG - ++ python3 -c 'import json, toml, sys; print(json.dumps(toml.load(sys.stdin)))'
2024-07-04 21:36:20,772: DEBUG - ++ jq .version --raw-output
2024-07-04 21:36:20,820: DEBUG - + local version=29.0.2~ynh1
2024-07-04 21:36:20,821: DEBUG - + '[' -z 29.0.2~ynh1 ']'
2024-07-04 21:36:20,821: DEBUG - + '[' 29.0.2~ynh1 == null ']'
2024-07-04 21:36:20,821: DEBUG - + local dep_app=nextcloud
2024-07-04 21:36:20,821: DEBUG - + [[ mariadb-server, imagemagick, libmagickcore-6.q16-6-extra, acl, tar, smbclient, at, php8.3-fpm, php8.3-bz2, php8.3-imap, php8.3-gmp, php8.3-gd, php8.3-intl, php8.3-curl, php8.3-apcu, php8.3-redis, php8.3-ldap, php8.3-imagick, php8.3-zip, php8.3-mbstring, php8.3-xml, php8.3-mysql, php8.3-igbinary, php8.3-bcmath =~ [<=>] ]]
2024-07-04 21:36:20,821: DEBUG - ++ echo mariadb-server, imagemagick, libmagickcore-6.q16-6-extra, acl, tar, smbclient, at, php8.3-fpm, php8.3-bz2, php8.3-imap, php8.3-gmp, php8.3-gd, php8.3-intl, php8.3-curl, php8.3-apcu, php8.3-redis, php8.3-ldap, php8.3-imagick, php8.3-zip, php8.3-mbstring, php8.3-xml, php8.3-mysql, php8.3-igbinary, php8.3-bcmath
2024-07-04 21:36:20,822: DEBUG - ++ grep -oP '(?<=php)[0-9.]+(?=-|\>|)'
2024-07-04 21:36:20,822: DEBUG - ++ sort -u
2024-07-04 21:36:20,824: DEBUG - + local specific_php_version=8.3
2024-07-04 21:36:20,824: DEBUG - + [[ -n 8.3 ]]
2024-07-04 21:36:20,824: DEBUG - ++ echo 8.3
2024-07-04 21:36:20,825: DEBUG - ++ wc -l
2024-07-04 21:36:20,826: DEBUG - + [[ 1 -eq 1 ]]
2024-07-04 21:36:20,826: DEBUG - + dependencies+=', php8.3, php8.3-fpm, php8.3-common'
2024-07-04 21:36:20,827: DEBUG - ++ ynh_app_setting_get --app=nextcloud --key=phpversion
2024-07-04 21:36:20,856: DEBUG - ++ [[ phpversion =~ (unprotected|protected|skipped)_ ]]
2024-07-04 21:36:20,913: DEBUG - + local old_phpversion=8.2
2024-07-04 21:36:20,913: DEBUG - + '[' -n 8.2 ']'
2024-07-04 21:36:20,913: DEBUG - + '[' 8.2 '!=' 8.3 ']'
2024-07-04 21:36:20,913: DEBUG - ++ ynh_app_setting_get --app=nextcloud --key=fpm_config_dir
2024-07-04 21:36:20,941: DEBUG - ++ [[ fpm_config_dir =~ (unprotected|protected|skipped)_ ]]
2024-07-04 21:36:20,998: DEBUG - + local old_php_fpm_config_dir=/etc/php/8.2/fpm
2024-07-04 21:36:20,998: DEBUG - + local old_php_finalphpconf=/etc/php/8.2/fpm/pool.d/nextcloud.conf
2024-07-04 21:36:20,998: DEBUG - + [[ -f /etc/php/8.2/fpm/pool.d/nextcloud.conf ]]
2024-07-04 21:36:20,998: DEBUG - + ynh_backup_if_checksum_is_different --file=/etc/php/8.2/fpm/pool.d/nextcloud.conf
2024-07-04 21:36:21,007: DEBUG - ++ ynh_app_setting_get --app=nextcloud --key=checksum__etc_php_8.2_fpm_pool.d_nextcloud.conf
2024-07-04 21:36:21,037: DEBUG - ++ [[ checksum__etc_php_8.2_fpm_pool.d_nextcloud.conf =~ (unprotected|protected|skipped)_ ]]
2024-07-04 21:36:21,094: DEBUG - + local checksum_value=aaa3014946bab30abb8f0e5f4c23f498
2024-07-04 21:36:21,094: DEBUG - + backup_file_checksum=
2024-07-04 21:36:21,094: DEBUG - + '[' -n aaa3014946bab30abb8f0e5f4c23f498 ']'
2024-07-04 21:36:21,094: DEBUG - + '[' -e /etc/php/8.2/fpm/pool.d/nextcloud.conf ']'
2024-07-04 21:36:21,094: DEBUG - + md5sum --check --status
2024-07-04 21:36:21,096: DEBUG - + ynh_remove_fpm_config
2024-07-04 21:36:21,096: DEBUG - ++ ynh_app_setting_get --app=nextcloud --key=fpm_config_dir
2024-07-04 21:36:21,122: DEBUG - ++ [[ fpm_config_dir =~ (unprotected|protected|skipped)_ ]]
2024-07-04 21:36:21,179: DEBUG - + local fpm_config_dir=/etc/php/8.2/fpm
2024-07-04 21:36:21,179: DEBUG - ++ ynh_app_setting_get --app=nextcloud --key=fpm_service
2024-07-04 21:36:21,209: DEBUG - ++ [[ fpm_service =~ (unprotected|protected|skipped)_ ]]
2024-07-04 21:36:21,272: DEBUG - + local fpm_service=php8.2-fpm
2024-07-04 21:36:21,273: DEBUG - ++ ynh_app_setting_get --app=nextcloud --key=fpm_dedicated_service
2024-07-04 21:36:21,320: DEBUG - ++ [[ fpm_dedicated_service =~ (unprotected|protected|skipped)_ ]]
2024-07-04 21:36:21,395: DEBUG - + local dedicated_service=0
2024-07-04 21:36:21,395: DEBUG - + dedicated_service=0
2024-07-04 21:36:21,395: DEBUG - ++ ynh_app_setting_get --app=nextcloud --key=phpversion
2024-07-04 21:36:21,423: DEBUG - ++ [[ phpversion =~ (unprotected|protected|skipped)_ ]]
2024-07-04 21:36:21,478: DEBUG - + local phpversion=8.2
2024-07-04 21:36:21,478: DEBUG - + phpversion=8.2
2024-07-04 21:36:21,478: DEBUG - + '[' -z /etc/php/8.2/fpm ']'
2024-07-04 21:36:21,478: DEBUG - + ynh_secure_remove --file=/etc/php/8.2/fpm/pool.d/nextcloud.conf
2024-07-04 21:36:21,498: DEBUG - + '[' -e /etc/php/8.2/fpm/conf.d/20-nextcloud.ini ']'
2024-07-04 21:36:21,498: DEBUG - + ynh_package_is_installed --package=php8.2-fpm
2024-07-04 21:36:21,508: DEBUG - + dpkg-query --show '--showformat=${Status}' php8.2-fpm
2024-07-04 21:36:21,508: DEBUG - + grep --count 'ok installed'
2024-07-04 21:36:21,525: DEBUG - + ynh_systemd_action --service_name=php8.2-fpm --action=reload
2024-07-04 21:36:21,603: DEBUG - + service_name=php8.2-fpm
2024-07-04 21:36:21,603: DEBUG - + action=reload
2024-07-04 21:36:21,603: DEBUG - + line_match=
2024-07-04 21:36:21,603: DEBUG - + length=20
2024-07-04 21:36:21,604: DEBUG - + log_path=/var/log/php8.2-fpm/php8.2-fpm.log
2024-07-04 21:36:21,604: DEBUG - + timeout=300
2024-07-04 21:36:21,604: DEBUG - + '[' reload == stop ']'
2024-07-04 21:36:21,604: DEBUG - + '[' reload == reload ']'
2024-07-04 21:36:21,604: DEBUG - + action=reload-or-restart
2024-07-04 21:36:21,604: DEBUG - ++ date --utc --rfc-3339=seconds
2024-07-04 21:36:21,604: DEBUG - ++ cut -d+ -f1
2024-07-04 21:36:21,605: DEBUG - + local 'time_start=2024-07-04 19:36:21 UTC'
2024-07-04 21:36:21,606: DEBUG - + systemctl reload-or-restart php8.2-fpm
2024-07-04 21:36:21,632: DEBUG - + '[' 8.2 '!=' 7.4 ']'
2024-07-04 21:36:21,632: DEBUG - + '[' -n '' ']'
2024-07-04 21:36:21,633: DEBUG - + ynh_app_setting_set --app=nextcloud --key=phpversion --value=8.3
2024-07-04 21:36:21,707: DEBUG - + [[ phpversion =~ (unprotected|protected|skipped)_ ]]
2024-07-04 21:36:21,775: DEBUG - + test -e /usr/bin/php7.4
2024-07-04 21:36:21,776: DEBUG - + update-alternatives --set php /usr/bin/php7.4
2024-07-04 21:36:21,777: DEBUG - ++ ynh_package_is_installed postgresql-13
2024-07-04 21:36:21,788: DEBUG - ++ dpkg-query --show '--showformat=${Status}' postgresql-13
2024-07-04 21:36:21,788: DEBUG - ++ grep --count 'ok installed'
2024-07-04 21:36:21,805: DEBUG - ++ echo yes
2024-07-04 21:36:21,806: DEBUG - + local psql_installed=yes
2024-07-04 21:36:21,806: DEBUG - + [[ true == \t\r\u\e ]]
2024-07-04 21:36:21,806: DEBUG - + YNH_INSTALL_APP_DEPENDENCIES_REPLACE=false
2024-07-04 21:36:21,806: DEBUG - + cat
2024-07-04 21:36:21,807: DEBUG - + ynh_package_install_from_equivs /tmp/nextcloud-ynh-deps.control
2024-07-04 21:36:21,807: DEBUG - + local controlfile=/tmp/nextcloud-ynh-deps.control
2024-07-04 21:36:21,808: DEBUG - ++ grep '^Package: ' /tmp/nextcloud-ynh-deps.control
2024-07-04 21:36:21,808: DEBUG - ++ cut '--delimiter= ' --fields=2
2024-07-04 21:36:21,810: DEBUG - + local pkgname=nextcloud-ynh-deps
2024-07-04 21:36:21,811: DEBUG - ++ grep '^Version: ' /tmp/nextcloud-ynh-deps.control
2024-07-04 21:36:21,812: DEBUG - ++ cut '--delimiter= ' --fields=2
2024-07-04 21:36:21,813: DEBUG - + local pkgversion=29.0.2~ynh1
2024-07-04 21:36:21,814: DEBUG - + [[ -z nextcloud-ynh-deps ]]
2024-07-04 21:36:21,814: DEBUG - + [[ -z 29.0.2~ynh1 ]]
2024-07-04 21:36:21,814: DEBUG - + ynh_package_update
2024-07-04 21:36:21,814: DEBUG - + ynh_apt update
2024-07-04 21:36:21,814: DEBUG - + ynh_wait_dpkg_free
2024-07-04 21:36:21,948: DEBUG - + return 0
2024-07-04 21:36:21,948: DEBUG - + apt-get --assume-yes --quiet -o=Acquire::Retries=3 -o=Dpkg::Use-Pty=0 update
2024-07-04 21:36:22,092: DEBUG - Hit:1 bullseye-security InRelease
2024-07-04 21:36:22,092: DEBUG - Hit:2 bullseye InRelease
2024-07-04 21:36:22,106: DEBUG - Hit:3 bullseye-updates InRelease
2024-07-04 21:36:27,085: DEBUG - Hit:4 bullseye InRelease
2024-07-04 21:36:27,189: DEBUG - Hit:5 bullseye InRelease
2024-07-04 21:36:30,679: DEBUG - Reading package lists...
2024-07-04 21:36:30,694: DEBUG - ++ mktemp --directory
2024-07-04 21:36:30,695: DEBUG - + local TMPDIR=/tmp/tmp.9YBNvWqJiV
2024-07-04 21:36:30,695: DEBUG - + rm -f /usr/share/equivs/template/debian/compat
2024-07-04 21:36:30,696: DEBUG - + ynh_wait_dpkg_free
2024-07-04 21:36:30,834: DEBUG - + return 0
2024-07-04 21:36:30,834: DEBUG - + cp /tmp/nextcloud-ynh-deps.control /tmp/tmp.9YBNvWqJiV/control
2024-07-04 21:36:30,836: DEBUG - + cd /tmp/tmp.9YBNvWqJiV
2024-07-04 21:36:30,836: DEBUG - + equivs-build ./control
2024-07-04 21:36:31,018: DEBUG - dpkg-buildpackage: info: source package nextcloud-ynh-deps
2024-07-04 21:36:31,018: DEBUG - dpkg-buildpackage: info: source version 29.0.2~ynh1
2024-07-04 21:36:31,018: DEBUG - dpkg-buildpackage: info: source distribution unstable
2024-07-04 21:36:31,018: DEBUG - dpkg-buildpackage: info: source changed by Equivs Dummy Package Generator <root@maindomain.tld>
2024-07-04 21:36:31,066: DEBUG -  dpkg-source --before-build .
2024-07-04 21:36:31,066: DEBUG - dpkg-buildpackage: info: host architecture amd64
2024-07-04 21:36:31,205: DEBUG -  debian/rules clean
2024-07-04 21:36:31,208: DEBUG - dh clean
2024-07-04 21:36:31,318: DEBUG -    dh_clean
2024-07-04 21:36:31,359: DEBUG -  debian/rules binary
2024-07-04 21:36:31,361: DEBUG - dh binary
2024-07-04 21:36:31,456: DEBUG -    dh_update_autotools_config
2024-07-04 21:36:31,492: DEBUG -    dh_autoreconf
2024-07-04 21:36:31,547: DEBUG -    create-stamp debian/debhelper-build-stamp
2024-07-04 21:36:31,547: DEBUG -    dh_prep
2024-07-04 21:36:31,583: DEBUG -    dh_install
2024-07-04 21:36:31,626: DEBUG -    dh_installdocs
2024-07-04 21:36:31,675: DEBUG -    dh_installchangelogs
2024-07-04 21:36:31,785: DEBUG -    dh_perl
2024-07-04 21:36:31,831: DEBUG -    dh_link
2024-07-04 21:36:31,875: DEBUG -    dh_strip_nondeterminism
2024-07-04 21:36:31,965: DEBUG -    dh_compress
2024-07-04 21:36:32,014: DEBUG -    dh_fixperms
2024-07-04 21:36:32,063: DEBUG -    dh_missing
2024-07-04 21:36:32,096: DEBUG -    dh_installdeb
2024-07-04 21:36:32,138: DEBUG -    dh_gencontrol
2024-07-04 21:36:32,282: DEBUG -    dh_md5sums
2024-07-04 21:36:32,325: DEBUG -    dh_builddeb
2024-07-04 21:36:32,358: DEBUG - dpkg-deb: building package 'nextcloud-ynh-deps' in '../nextcloud-ynh-deps_29.0.2~ynh1_all.deb'.
2024-07-04 21:36:32,381: DEBUG -  dpkg-genbuildinfo --build=binary
2024-07-04 21:36:33,175: DEBUG -  dpkg-genchanges --build=binary >../nextcloud-ynh-deps_29.0.2~ynh1_amd64.changes
2024-07-04 21:36:33,277: DEBUG - dpkg-genchanges: info: binary-only upload (no source code included)
2024-07-04 21:36:33,281: DEBUG -  dpkg-source --after-build .
2024-07-04 21:36:33,410: DEBUG - dpkg-buildpackage: info: binary-only upload (no source included)
2024-07-04 21:36:33,415: DEBUG - 
2024-07-04 21:36:33,415: DEBUG - The package has been created.
2024-07-04 21:36:33,415: DEBUG - Attention, the package has been created in the current directory,
2024-07-04 21:36:33,415: DEBUG - not in ".." as indicated by the message above!
2024-07-04 21:36:33,417: DEBUG - + dpkg --force-depends --install ./nextcloud-ynh-deps_29.0.2~ynh1_all.deb
2024-07-04 21:36:33,417: DEBUG - + tee ./dpkg_log
2024-07-04 21:36:33,512: DEBUG - (Reading database ... 93374 files and directories currently installed.)
2024-07-04 21:36:33,516: DEBUG - Preparing to unpack .../nextcloud-ynh-deps_29.0.2~ynh1_all.deb ...
2024-07-04 21:36:33,523: DEBUG - Unpacking nextcloud-ynh-deps (29.0.2~ynh1) over (28.0.6~ynh1) ...
2024-07-04 21:36:33,570: DEBUG - dpkg: nextcloud-ynh-deps: dependency problems, but configuring anyway as you requested:
2024-07-04 21:36:33,571: DEBUG -  nextcloud-ynh-deps depends on php8.3-fpm; however:
2024-07-04 21:36:33,571: DEBUG -   Package php8.3-fpm is not installed.
2024-07-04 21:36:33,571: DEBUG -  nextcloud-ynh-deps depends on php8.3-bz2; however:
2024-07-04 21:36:33,571: DEBUG -   Package php8.3-bz2 is not installed.
2024-07-04 21:36:33,571: DEBUG -  nextcloud-ynh-deps depends on php8.3-imap; however:
2024-07-04 21:36:33,571: DEBUG -   Package php8.3-imap is not installed.
2024-07-04 21:36:33,571: DEBUG -  nextcloud-ynh-deps depends on php8.3-gmp; however:
2024-07-04 21:36:33,572: DEBUG -   Package php8.3-gmp is not installed.
2024-07-04 21:36:33,572: DEBUG -  nextcloud-ynh-deps depends on php8.3-gd; however:
2024-07-04 21:36:33,572: DEBUG -   Package php8.3-gd is not installed.
2024-07-04 21:36:33,572: DEBUG -  nextcloud-ynh-deps depends on php8.3-intl; however:
2024-07-04 21:36:33,572: DEBUG -   Package php8.3-intl is not installed.
2024-07-04 21:36:33,572: DEBUG -  nextcloud-ynh-deps depends on php8.3-curl; however:
2024-07-04 21:36:33,572: DEBUG -   Package php8.3-curl is not installed.
2024-07-04 21:36:33,572: DEBUG -  nextcloud-ynh-deps depends on php8.3-apcu; however:
2024-07-04 21:36:33,572: DEBUG -   Package php8.3-apcu is not installed.
2024-07-04 21:36:33,573: DEBUG -  nextcloud-ynh-deps depends on php8.3-redis; however:
2024-07-04 21:36:33,573: DEBUG -   Package php8.3-redis is not installed.
2024-07-04 21:36:33,573: DEBUG -  nextcloud-ynh-deps depends on php8.3-ldap; however:
2024-07-04 21:36:33,573: DEBUG -   Package php8.3-ldap is not installed.
2024-07-04 21:36:33,573: DEBUG -  nextcloud-ynh-deps depends on php8.3-imagick; however:
2024-07-04 21:36:33,573: DEBUG -   Package php8.3-imagick is not installed.
2024-07-04 21:36:33,573: DEBUG -  nextcloud-ynh-deps depends on php8.3-zip; however:
2024-07-04 21:36:33,573: DEBUG -   Package php8.3-zip is not installed.
2024-07-04 21:36:33,574: DEBUG -  nextcloud-ynh-deps depends on php8.3-mysql; however:
2024-07-04 21:36:33,574: DEBUG -   Package php8.3-mysql is not installed.
2024-07-04 21:36:33,574: DEBUG -  nextcloud-ynh-deps depends on php8.3-igbinary; however:
2024-07-04 21:36:33,574: DEBUG -   Package php8.3-igbinary is not installed.
2024-07-04 21:36:33,574: DEBUG -  nextcloud-ynh-deps depends on php8.3-bcmath; however:
2024-07-04 21:36:33,574: DEBUG -   Package php8.3-bcmath is not installed.
2024-07-04 21:36:33,574: DEBUG -  nextcloud-ynh-deps depends on php8.3; however:
2024-07-04 21:36:33,574: DEBUG -   Package php8.3 is not installed.
2024-07-04 21:36:33,574: DEBUG - 
2024-07-04 21:36:33,574: DEBUG - Setting up nextcloud-ynh-deps (29.0.2~ynh1) ...
2024-07-04 21:36:33,610: DEBUG - + ynh_package_install --fix-broken
2024-07-04 21:36:33,610: DEBUG - + ynh_apt --no-remove --option Dpkg::Options::=--force-confdef --option Dpkg::Options::=--force-confold install --fix-broken
2024-07-04 21:36:33,610: DEBUG - + ynh_wait_dpkg_free
2024-07-04 21:36:33,759: DEBUG - + return 0
2024-07-04 21:36:33,759: DEBUG - + apt-get --assume-yes --quiet -o=Acquire::Retries=3 -o=Dpkg::Use-Pty=0 --no-remove --option Dpkg::Options::=--force-confdef --option Dpkg::Options::=--force-confold install --fix-broken
2024-07-04 21:36:33,999: DEBUG - Reading package lists...
2024-07-04 21:36:34,225: DEBUG - Building dependency tree...
2024-07-04 21:36:34,226: DEBUG - Reading state information...
2024-07-04 21:36:34,429: DEBUG - Correcting dependencies... Done
2024-07-04 21:36:34,731: DEBUG - The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:
2024-07-04 21:36:34,732: DEBUG -   php8.2-apcu php8.2-bcmath php8.2-bz2 php8.2-gmp php8.2-imagick php8.2-imap
2024-07-04 21:36:34,732: DEBUG -   php8.2-intl php8.2-redis
2024-07-04 21:36:34,732: DEBUG - Use 'apt autoremove' to remove them.
2024-07-04 21:36:34,734: DEBUG - The following additional packages will be installed:
2024-07-04 21:36:34,734: DEBUG -   php8.3 php8.3-apcu php8.3-bcmath php8.3-bz2 php8.3-curl php8.3-fpm php8.3-gd
2024-07-04 21:36:34,734: DEBUG -   php8.3-gmp php8.3-igbinary php8.3-imagick php8.3-imap php8.3-intl
2024-07-04 21:36:34,735: DEBUG -   php8.3-ldap php8.3-mysql php8.3-redis php8.3-zip
2024-07-04 21:36:34,785: DEBUG - The following NEW packages will be installed:
2024-07-04 21:36:34,785: DEBUG -   php8.3 php8.3-apcu php8.3-bcmath php8.3-bz2 php8.3-curl php8.3-fpm php8.3-gd
2024-07-04 21:36:34,786: DEBUG -   php8.3-gmp php8.3-igbinary php8.3-imagick php8.3-imap php8.3-intl
2024-07-04 21:36:34,786: DEBUG -   php8.3-ldap php8.3-mysql php8.3-redis php8.3-zip
2024-07-04 21:36:39,956: DEBUG - 0 upgraded, 16 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
2024-07-04 21:36:39,957: DEBUG - Need to get 104 kB/2625 kB of archives.
2024-07-04 21:36:39,957: DEBUG - After this operation, 9557 kB of additional disk space will be used.
2024-07-04 21:36:39,957: DEBUG - Get:1 bullseye/main amd64 php8.3-imagick amd64 3.7.0-5+0~20240704.44+debian11~1.gbp3f7f5c [104 kB]
2024-07-04 21:36:40,522: DEBUG - Fetched 104 kB in 5s (20.0 kB/s)
2024-07-04 21:36:40,554: DEBUG - Selecting previously unselected package php8.3-fpm.
2024-07-04 21:36:40,604: DEBUG - (Reading database ... 93374 files and directories currently installed.)
2024-07-04 21:36:40,608: DEBUG - Preparing to unpack .../00-php8.3-fpm_8.3.8-2+0~20240608.35+debian11~1.gbp4d7dbc_amd64.deb ...
2024-07-04 21:36:40,616: DEBUG - Unpacking php8.3-fpm (8.3.8-2+0~20240608.35+debian11~1.gbp4d7dbc) ...
2024-07-04 21:36:40,818: DEBUG - Selecting previously unselected package php8.3-apcu.
2024-07-04 21:36:40,826: DEBUG - Preparing to unpack .../01-php8.3-apcu_5.1.23-1+0~20231125.39+debian11~1.gbp8bf49a_amd64.deb ...
2024-07-04 21:36:40,830: DEBUG - Unpacking php8.3-apcu (5.1.23-1+0~20231125.39+debian11~1.gbp8bf49a) ...
2024-07-04 21:36:40,865: DEBUG - Selecting previously unselected package php8.3-igbinary.
2024-07-04 21:36:40,874: DEBUG - Preparing to unpack .../02-php8.3-igbinary_3.2.15-1+0~20231202.49+debian11~1.gbpe9ffe8_amd64.deb ...
2024-07-04 21:36:40,879: DEBUG - Unpacking php8.3-igbinary (3.2.15-1+0~20231202.49+debian11~1.gbpe9ffe8) ...
2024-07-04 21:36:40,919: DEBUG - Selecting previously unselected package php8.3-imagick.
2024-07-04 21:36:40,927: DEBUG - Preparing to unpack .../03-php8.3-imagick_3.7.0-5+0~20240704.44+debian11~1.gbp3f7f5c_amd64.deb ...
2024-07-04 21:36:40,931: DEBUG - Unpacking php8.3-imagick (3.7.0-5+0~20240704.44+debian11~1.gbp3f7f5c) ...
2024-07-04 21:36:40,971: DEBUG - Selecting previously unselected package php8.3-redis.
2024-07-04 21:36:40,979: DEBUG - Preparing to unpack .../04-php8.3-redis_6.0.2-1+0~20231128.56+debian11~1.gbp9f3071_amd64.deb ...
2024-07-04 21:36:40,984: DEBUG - Unpacking php8.3-redis (6.0.2-1+0~20231128.56+debian11~1.gbp9f3071) ...
2024-07-04 21:36:41,026: DEBUG - Selecting previously unselected package php8.3.
2024-07-04 21:36:41,035: DEBUG - Preparing to unpack .../05-php8.3_8.3.8-2+0~20240608.35+debian11~1.gbp4d7dbc_all.deb ...
2024-07-04 21:36:41,037: DEBUG - Unpacking php8.3 (8.3.8-2+0~20240608.35+debian11~1.gbp4d7dbc) ...
2024-07-04 21:36:41,074: DEBUG - Selecting previously unselected package php8.3-bcmath.
2024-07-04 21:36:41,082: DEBUG - Preparing to unpack .../06-php8.3-bcmath_8.3.8-2+0~20240608.35+debian11~1.gbp4d7dbc_amd64.deb ...
2024-07-04 21:36:41,087: DEBUG - Unpacking php8.3-bcmath (8.3.8-2+0~20240608.35+debian11~1.gbp4d7dbc) ...
2024-07-04 21:36:41,120: DEBUG - Selecting previously unselected package php8.3-bz2.
2024-07-04 21:36:41,128: DEBUG - Preparing to unpack .../07-php8.3-bz2_8.3.8-2+0~20240608.35+debian11~1.gbp4d7dbc_amd64.deb ...
2024-07-04 21:36:41,133: DEBUG - Unpacking php8.3-bz2 (8.3.8-2+0~20240608.35+debian11~1.gbp4d7dbc) ...
2024-07-04 21:36:41,170: DEBUG - Selecting previously unselected package php8.3-curl.
2024-07-04 21:36:41,178: DEBUG - Preparing to unpack .../08-php8.3-curl_8.3.8-2+0~20240608.35+debian11~1.gbp4d7dbc_amd64.deb ...
2024-07-04 21:36:41,182: DEBUG - Unpacking php8.3-curl (8.3.8-2+0~20240608.35+debian11~1.gbp4d7dbc) ...
2024-07-04 21:36:41,224: DEBUG - Selecting previously unselected package php8.3-gd.
2024-07-04 21:36:41,232: DEBUG - Preparing to unpack .../09-php8.3-gd_8.3.8-2+0~20240608.35+debian11~1.gbp4d7dbc_amd64.deb ...
2024-07-04 21:36:41,237: DEBUG - Unpacking php8.3-gd (8.3.8-2+0~20240608.35+debian11~1.gbp4d7dbc) ...
2024-07-04 21:36:41,271: DEBUG - Selecting previously unselected package php8.3-gmp.
2024-07-04 21:36:41,279: DEBUG - Preparing to unpack .../10-php8.3-gmp_8.3.8-2+0~20240608.35+debian11~1.gbp4d7dbc_amd64.deb ...
2024-07-04 21:36:41,284: DEBUG - Unpacking php8.3-gmp (8.3.8-2+0~20240608.35+debian11~1.gbp4d7dbc) ...
2024-07-04 21:36:41,317: DEBUG - Selecting previously unselected package php8.3-imap.
2024-07-04 21:36:41,326: DEBUG - Preparing to unpack .../11-php8.3-imap_8.3.8-2+0~20240608.35+debian11~1.gbp4d7dbc_amd64.deb ...
2024-07-04 21:36:41,330: DEBUG - Unpacking php8.3-imap (8.3.8-2+0~20240608.35+debian11~1.gbp4d7dbc) ...
2024-07-04 21:36:41,365: DEBUG - Selecting previously unselected package php8.3-intl.
2024-07-04 21:36:41,373: DEBUG - Preparing to unpack .../12-php8.3-intl_8.3.8-2+0~20240608.35+debian11~1.gbp4d7dbc_amd64.deb ...
2024-07-04 21:36:41,377: DEBUG - Unpacking php8.3-intl (8.3.8-2+0~20240608.35+debian11~1.gbp4d7dbc) ...
2024-07-04 21:36:41,422: DEBUG - Selecting previously unselected package php8.3-ldap.
2024-07-04 21:36:41,430: DEBUG - Preparing to unpack .../13-php8.3-ldap_8.3.8-2+0~20240608.35+debian11~1.gbp4d7dbc_amd64.deb ...
2024-07-04 21:36:41,435: DEBUG - Unpacking php8.3-ldap (8.3.8-2+0~20240608.35+debian11~1.gbp4d7dbc) ...
2024-07-04 21:36:41,474: DEBUG - Selecting previously unselected package php8.3-mysql.
2024-07-04 21:36:41,483: DEBUG - Preparing to unpack .../14-php8.3-mysql_8.3.8-2+0~20240608.35+debian11~1.gbp4d7dbc_amd64.deb ...
2024-07-04 21:36:41,487: DEBUG - Unpacking php8.3-mysql (8.3.8-2+0~20240608.35+debian11~1.gbp4d7dbc) ...
2024-07-04 21:36:41,530: DEBUG - Selecting previously unselected package php8.3-zip.
2024-07-04 21:36:41,539: DEBUG - Preparing to unpack .../15-php8.3-zip_8.3.8-2+0~20240608.35+debian11~1.gbp4d7dbc_amd64.deb ...
2024-07-04 21:36:41,543: DEBUG - Unpacking php8.3-zip (8.3.8-2+0~20240608.35+debian11~1.gbp4d7dbc) ...
2024-07-04 21:36:41,600: DEBUG - Setting up php8.3-curl (8.3.8-2+0~20240608.35+debian11~1.gbp4d7dbc) ...
2024-07-04 21:36:41,813: DEBUG - 
2024-07-04 21:36:41,814: DEBUG - Creating config file /etc/php/8.3/mods-available/curl.ini with new version
2024-07-04 21:36:41,972: DEBUG - Setting up php8.3-imap (8.3.8-2+0~20240608.35+debian11~1.gbp4d7dbc) ...
2024-07-04 21:36:42,185: DEBUG - 
2024-07-04 21:36:42,185: DEBUG - Creating config file /etc/php/8.3/mods-available/imap.ini with new version
2024-07-04 21:36:42,357: DEBUG - Setting up php8.3-fpm (8.3.8-2+0~20240608.35+debian11~1.gbp4d7dbc) ...
2024-07-04 21:36:42,579: DEBUG - 
2024-07-04 21:36:42,580: DEBUG - Creating config file /etc/php/8.3/fpm/php.ini with new version
2024-07-04 21:36:43,377: DEBUG - Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/ -> /lib/systemd/system/php8.3-fpm.service.
2024-07-04 21:36:43,948: DEBUG - Setting up php8.3-intl (8.3.8-2+0~20240608.35+debian11~1.gbp4d7dbc) ...
2024-07-04 21:36:44,309: DEBUG - 
2024-07-04 21:36:44,309: DEBUG - Creating config file /etc/php/8.3/mods-available/intl.ini with new version
2024-07-04 21:36:44,456: DEBUG - Setting up php8.3-igbinary (3.2.15-1+0~20231202.49+debian11~1.gbpe9ffe8) ...
2024-07-04 21:36:44,530: DEBUG - Setting up php8.3-zip (8.3.8-2+0~20240608.35+debian11~1.gbp4d7dbc) ...
2024-07-04 21:36:44,745: DEBUG - 
2024-07-04 21:36:44,746: DEBUG - Creating config file /etc/php/8.3/mods-available/zip.ini with new version
2024-07-04 21:36:44,896: DEBUG - Setting up php8.3-mysql (8.3.8-2+0~20240608.35+debian11~1.gbp4d7dbc) ...
2024-07-04 21:36:45,111: DEBUG - 
2024-07-04 21:36:45,111: DEBUG - Creating config file /etc/php/8.3/mods-available/mysqlnd.ini with new version
2024-07-04 21:36:45,462: DEBUG - 
2024-07-04 21:36:45,462: DEBUG - Creating config file /etc/php/8.3/mods-available/mysqli.ini with new version
2024-07-04 21:36:45,822: DEBUG - 
2024-07-04 21:36:45,822: DEBUG - Creating config file /etc/php/8.3/mods-available/pdo_mysql.ini with new version
2024-07-04 21:36:45,968: DEBUG - Setting up php8.3 (8.3.8-2+0~20240608.35+debian11~1.gbp4d7dbc) ...
2024-07-04 21:36:45,974: DEBUG - Setting up php8.3-gmp (8.3.8-2+0~20240608.35+debian11~1.gbp4d7dbc) ...
2024-07-04 21:36:46,190: DEBUG - 
2024-07-04 21:36:46,190: DEBUG - Creating config file /etc/php/8.3/mods-available/gmp.ini with new version
2024-07-04 21:36:46,343: DEBUG - Setting up php8.3-ldap (8.3.8-2+0~20240608.35+debian11~1.gbp4d7dbc) ...
2024-07-04 21:36:46,562: DEBUG - 
2024-07-04 21:36:46,562: DEBUG - Creating config file /etc/php/8.3/mods-available/ldap.ini with new version
2024-07-04 21:36:46,713: DEBUG - Setting up php8.3-bcmath (8.3.8-2+0~20240608.35+debian11~1.gbp4d7dbc) ...
2024-07-04 21:36:46,928: DEBUG - 
2024-07-04 21:36:46,928: DEBUG - Creating config file /etc/php/8.3/mods-available/bcmath.ini with new version
2024-07-04 21:36:47,074: DEBUG - Setting up php8.3-bz2 (8.3.8-2+0~20240608.35+debian11~1.gbp4d7dbc) ...
2024-07-04 21:36:47,290: DEBUG - 
2024-07-04 21:36:47,291: DEBUG - Creating config file /etc/php/8.3/mods-available/bz2.ini with new version
2024-07-04 21:36:47,446: DEBUG - Setting up php8.3-apcu (5.1.23-1+0~20231125.39+debian11~1.gbp8bf49a) ...
2024-07-04 21:36:47,521: DEBUG - Setting up php8.3-imagick (3.7.0-5+0~20240704.44+debian11~1.gbp3f7f5c) ...
2024-07-04 21:36:47,597: DEBUG - Setting up php8.3-redis (6.0.2-1+0~20231128.56+debian11~1.gbp9f3071) ...
2024-07-04 21:36:47,674: DEBUG - Setting up php8.3-gd (8.3.8-2+0~20240608.35+debian11~1.gbp4d7dbc) ...
2024-07-04 21:36:47,889: DEBUG - 
2024-07-04 21:36:47,890: DEBUG - Creating config file /etc/php/8.3/mods-available/gd.ini with new version
2024-07-04 21:36:48,037: DEBUG - Processing triggers for man-db (2.9.4-2) ...
2024-07-04 21:36:48,095: DEBUG - Processing triggers for php8.3-cli (8.3.8-2+0~20240608.35+debian11~1.gbp4d7dbc) ...
2024-07-04 21:36:48,102: DEBUG - Processing triggers for php8.3-fpm (8.3.8-2+0~20240608.35+debian11~1.gbp4d7dbc) ...
2024-07-04 21:36:48,404: DEBUG - + [[ -n /tmp/tmp.9YBNvWqJiV ]]
2024-07-04 21:36:48,404: DEBUG - + rm --recursive --force /tmp/tmp.9YBNvWqJiV
2024-07-04 21:36:48,405: DEBUG - + ynh_package_is_installed nextcloud-ynh-deps
2024-07-04 21:36:48,414: DEBUG - + dpkg-query --show '--showformat=${Status}' nextcloud-ynh-deps
2024-07-04 21:36:48,415: DEBUG - + grep --count 'ok installed'
2024-07-04 21:36:48,432: DEBUG - + rm /tmp/nextcloud-ynh-deps.control
2024-07-04 21:36:48,434: DEBUG - ++ ynh_package_is_installed postgresql-13
2024-07-04 21:36:48,444: DEBUG - ++ dpkg-query --show '--showformat=${Status}' postgresql-13
2024-07-04 21:36:48,444: DEBUG - ++ grep --count 'ok installed'
2024-07-04 21:36:48,462: DEBUG - ++ echo yes
2024-07-04 21:36:48,462: DEBUG - + local psql_installed2=yes
2024-07-04 21:36:48,462: DEBUG - + [[ yes != \y\e\s ]]
2024-07-04 21:36:48,462: DEBUG - + ynh_exit_properly
2024-07-04 21:36:48,462: DEBUG - + [[ provision_or_update_apt =~ ^install$|^upgrade$|^restore$ ]]
2024-07-04 21:36:49,464: INFO - Updating database...
2024-07-04 21:36:49,575: DEBUG - Executing command '['sh', '-c', '/bin/bash -x "./upgrade"  7>&1']'
2024-07-04 21:36:49,585: DEBUG - + source
2024-07-04 21:36:49,585: DEBUG - + source /usr/share/yunohost/helpers
2024-07-04 21:36:49,585: DEBUG - ++++ dirname -- /usr/share/yunohost/helpers
2024-07-04 21:36:49,586: DEBUG - +++ cd -- /usr/share/yunohost
2024-07-04 21:36:49,586: DEBUG - +++ pwd
2024-07-04 21:36:49,586: DEBUG - ++ SCRIPT_DIR=/usr/share/yunohost
2024-07-04 21:36:49,586: DEBUG - ++ YNH_HELPERS_VERSION=2
2024-07-04 21:36:49,589: DEBUG - ++ readonly 'XTRACE_ENABLE=set -o xtrace'
2024-07-04 21:36:49,589: DEBUG - ++ XTRACE_ENABLE='set -o xtrace'
2024-07-04 21:36:49,615: DEBUG - ++ ynh_check_app_version_changed
2024-07-04 21:36:49,616: DEBUG - ++ local return_value=UPGRADE_APP
2024-07-04 21:36:49,616: DEBUG - ++ '[' UPGRADE_APP == UPGRADE_SAME ']'
2024-07-04 21:36:49,616: DEBUG - ++ '[' UPGRADE_APP == DOWNGRADE ']'
2024-07-04 21:36:49,616: DEBUG - ++ echo UPGRADE_APP
2024-07-04 21:36:49,616: DEBUG - + upgrade_type=UPGRADE_APP
2024-07-04 21:36:49,670: INFO - [+...................] > Ensuring downward compatibility...
2024-07-04 21:36:49,671: DEBUG - + ynh_app_setting_delete --app=nextcloud --key=backup_core_only
2024-07-04 21:36:49,700: DEBUG - + [[ backup_core_only =~ (unprotected|skipped|protected)_ ]]
2024-07-04 21:36:49,762: DEBUG - + phpflags='--define apc.enable_cli=1'
2024-07-04 21:36:49,762: DEBUG - + ynh_app_setting_set --app=nextcloud --key=phpflags '--value=--define apc.enable_cli=1'
2024-07-04 21:36:49,825: DEBUG - + [[ phpflags =~ (unprotected|protected|skipped)_ ]]
2024-07-04 21:36:49,886: DEBUG - + ynh_compare_current_package_version --comparison lt --version 22.2~ynh1
2024-07-04 21:36:49,887: DEBUG - + declare -Ar args_array
2024-07-04 21:36:49,942: DEBUG - + local current_version=28.0.6~ynh1
2024-07-04 21:36:49,942: DEBUG - + [[ ! 22.2~ynh1 =~ ~ynh ]]
2024-07-04 21:36:49,942: DEBUG - + [[ ! 28.0.6~ynh1 =~ ~ynh ]]
2024-07-04 21:36:49,942: DEBUG - + [[ ! lt =~ (lt|le|eq|ne|ge|gt) ]]
2024-07-04 21:36:49,943: DEBUG - + dpkg --compare-versions 28.0.6~ynh1 lt 22.2~ynh1
2024-07-04 21:36:49,945: DEBUG - ++ grep OC_VersionString /var/www/nextcloud/version.php
2024-07-04 21:36:49,946: DEBUG - ++ cut '-d'\''' -f2
2024-07-04 21:36:49,948: DEBUG - + current_version=28.0.6
2024-07-04 21:36:49,948: DEBUG - + current_major_version=28
2024-07-04 21:36:49,949: DEBUG - ++ ynh_read_manifest --manifest_key=resources.sources.main.url
2024-07-04 21:36:49,949: DEBUG - ++ grep -o '[0-9][0-9]\.[0-9]\.[0-9]'
2024-07-04 21:36:49,966: DEBUG - ++ '[' '!' -e '' ']'
2024-07-04 21:36:49,966: DEBUG - ++ '[' -e /var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app__995o0d8/manifest.json ']'
2024-07-04 21:36:49,966: DEBUG - ++ '[' -e /var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app__995o0d8/manifest.toml ']'
2024-07-04 21:36:49,967: DEBUG - ++ manifest=/var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app__995o0d8/manifest.toml
2024-07-04 21:36:49,967: DEBUG - ++ echo /var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app__995o0d8/manifest.toml
2024-07-04 21:36:49,967: DEBUG - ++ grep -q '\.json$'
2024-07-04 21:36:49,969: DEBUG - ++ cat /var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app__995o0d8/manifest.toml
2024-07-04 21:36:49,969: DEBUG - ++ python3 -c 'import json, toml, sys; print(json.dumps(toml.load(sys.stdin)))'
2024-07-04 21:36:49,970: DEBUG - ++ jq .resources.sources.main.url --raw-output
2024-07-04 21:36:50,020: DEBUG - + last_version=29.0.2
2024-07-04 21:36:50,020: DEBUG - + last_major_version=29
2024-07-04 21:36:50,020: DEBUG - + [[ 29 != \2\8 ]]
2024-07-04 21:36:50,020: DEBUG - ++ list_installed_apps_not_compatible_with_future_version 29
2024-07-04 21:36:50,021: DEBUG - ++ local nextcloud_destination_version=29
2024-07-04 21:36:50,021: DEBUG - +++ grep OC_VersionString /var/www/nextcloud/version.php
2024-07-04 21:36:50,022: DEBUG - +++ cut '-d'\''' -f2
2024-07-04 21:36:50,024: DEBUG - ++ local nextcloud_current_version=28.0.6
2024-07-04 21:36:50,024: DEBUG - +++ mktemp
2024-07-04 21:36:50,025: DEBUG - ++ local installed_apps=/tmp/tmp.Kz8e8JnozO
2024-07-04 21:36:50,025: DEBUG - +++ mktemp
2024-07-04 21:36:50,027: DEBUG - ++ local core_apps_in_current_version=/tmp/tmp.ScNaNjEFnL
2024-07-04 21:36:50,027: DEBUG - +++ mktemp
2024-07-04 21:36:50,028: DEBUG - ++ local nextcloud_destination_appcatalog=/tmp/tmp.BTTzHUi0t2
2024-07-04 21:36:50,029: DEBUG - ++ exec_occ -V
2024-07-04 21:36:50,029: DEBUG - ++ '[' 28 = last ']'
2024-07-04 21:36:50,029: DEBUG - ++ '[' 28 -ge 26 ']'
2024-07-04 21:36:50,029: DEBUG - ++ NEXTCLOUD_PHP_VERSION=8.2
2024-07-04 21:36:50,029: DEBUG - +++ ynh_app_setting_get --app=nextcloud --key=phpversion
2024-07-04 21:36:50,056: DEBUG - +++ app=nextcloud
2024-07-04 21:36:50,056: DEBUG - +++ [[ phpversion =~ (unprotected|protected|skipped)_ ]]
2024-07-04 21:36:50,118: DEBUG - ++ phpversion=8.3
2024-07-04 21:36:50,119: DEBUG - ++ [[ 8.2 != \8\.\3 ]]
2024-07-04 21:36:50,120: DEBUG - +++ dpkg-query --show '--showformat=${Depends}' nextcloud-ynh-deps
2024-07-04 21:36:50,159: DEBUG - ++ local 'pkg_dependencies=mariadb-server, imagemagick, libmagickcore-6.q16-6-extra, acl, tar, smbclient, at, php8.3-fpm, php8.3-bz2, php8.3-imap, php8.3-gmp, php8.3-gd, php8.3-intl, php8.3-curl, php8.3-apcu, php8.3-redis, php8.3-ldap, php8.3-imagick, php8.3-zip, php8.3-mbstring, php8.3-xml, php8.3-mysql, php8.3-igbinary, php8.3-bcmath, php8.3, php8.3-common'
2024-07-04 21:36:50,160: DEBUG - ++ pkg_dependencies='mariadb-server, imagemagick, libmagickcore-6.q16-6-extra, acl, tar, smbclient, at, php8.2-fpm, php8.2-bz2, php8.2-imap, php8.2-gmp, php8.2-gd, php8.2-intl, php8.2-curl, php8.2-apcu, php8.2-redis, php8.2-ldap, php8.2-imagick, php8.2-zip, php8.2-mbstring, php8.2-xml, php8.2-mysql, php8.2-igbinary, php8.2-bcmath, php8.2, php8.2-common'
2024-07-04 21:36:50,160: DEBUG - ++ YNH_INSTALL_APP_DEPENDENCIES_REPLACE=true
2024-07-04 21:36:50,161: DEBUG - ++ ynh_install_app_dependencies 'mariadb-server, imagemagick, libmagickcore-6.q16-6-extra, acl, tar, smbclient, at, php8.2-fpm, php8.2-bz2, php8.2-imap, php8.2-gmp, php8.2-gd, php8.2-intl, php8.2-curl, php8.2-apcu, php8.2-redis, php8.2-ldap, php8.2-imagick, php8.2-zip, php8.2-mbstring, php8.2-xml, php8.2-mysql, php8.2-igbinary, php8.2-bcmath, php8.2, php8.2-common'
2024-07-04 21:36:50,161: DEBUG - ++ local 'dependencies=mariadb-server, imagemagick, libmagickcore-6.q16-6-extra, acl, tar, smbclient, at, php8.2-fpm, php8.2-bz2, php8.2-imap, php8.2-gmp, php8.2-gd, php8.2-intl, php8.2-curl, php8.2-apcu, php8.2-redis, php8.2-ldap, php8.2-imagick, php8.2-zip, php8.2-mbstring, php8.2-xml, php8.2-mysql, php8.2-igbinary, php8.2-bcmath, php8.2, php8.2-common'
2024-07-04 21:36:50,162: DEBUG - +++ echo 'mariadb-server, imagemagick, libmagickcore-6.q16-6-extra, acl, tar, smbclient, at, php8.2-fpm, php8.2-bz2, php8.2-imap, php8.2-gmp, php8.2-gd, php8.2-intl, php8.2-curl, php8.2-apcu, php8.2-redis, php8.2-ldap, php8.2-imagick, php8.2-zip, php8.2-mbstring, php8.2-xml, php8.2-mysql, php8.2-igbinary, php8.2-bcmath, php8.2, php8.2-common'
2024-07-04 21:36:50,162: DEBUG - +++ sed 's/\([^\<=\>]\)\ \([^(]\)/\1, \2/g'
2024-07-04 21:36:50,166: DEBUG - ++ dependencies='mariadb-server,, imagemagick,, libmagickcore-6.q16-6-extra,, acl,, tar,, smbclient,, at,, php8.2-fpm,, php8.2-bz2,, php8.2-imap,, php8.2-gmp,, php8.2-gd,, php8.2-intl,, php8.2-curl,, php8.2-apcu,, php8.2-redis,, php8.2-ldap,, php8.2-imagick,, php8.2-zip,, php8.2-mbstring,, php8.2-xml,, php8.2-mysql,, php8.2-igbinary,, php8.2-bcmath,, php8.2,, php8.2-common'
2024-07-04 21:36:50,166: DEBUG - ++ local 'dependencies=mariadb-server,, imagemagick,, libmagickcore-6.q16-6-extra,, acl,, tar,, smbclient,, at,, php8.2-fpm,, php8.2-bz2,, php8.2-imap,, php8.2-gmp,, php8.2-gd,, php8.2-intl,, php8.2-curl,, php8.2-apcu,, php8.2-redis,, php8.2-ldap,, php8.2-imagick,, php8.2-zip,, php8.2-mbstring,, php8.2-xml,, php8.2-mysql,, php8.2-igbinary,, php8.2-bcmath,, php8.2,, php8.2-common'
2024-07-04 21:36:50,167: DEBUG - +++ ynh_read_manifest --manifest_key=version
2024-07-04 21:36:50,193: DEBUG - +++ '[' '!' -e '' ']'
2024-07-04 21:36:50,193: DEBUG - +++ '[' -e /var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app__995o0d8/manifest.json ']'
2024-07-04 21:36:50,193: DEBUG - +++ '[' -e /var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app__995o0d8/manifest.toml ']'
2024-07-04 21:36:50,193: DEBUG - +++ manifest=/var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app__995o0d8/manifest.toml
2024-07-04 21:36:50,194: DEBUG - +++ echo /var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app__995o0d8/manifest.toml
2024-07-04 21:36:50,194: DEBUG - +++ grep -q '\.json$'
2024-07-04 21:36:50,195: DEBUG - +++ cat /var/cache/yunohost/app_tmp_work_dirs/app__995o0d8/manifest.toml
2024-07-04 21:36:50,196: DEBUG - +++ python3 -c 'import json, toml, sys; print(json.dumps(toml.load(sys.stdin)))'
2024-07-04 21:36:50,196: DEBUG - +++ jq .version --raw-output
2024-07-04 21:36:50,252: DEBUG - ++ local version=29.0.2~ynh1
2024-07-04 21:36:50,252: DEBUG - ++ '[' -z 29.0.2~ynh1 ']'
2024-07-04 21:36:50,252: DEBUG - ++ '[' 29.0.2~ynh1 == null ']'
2024-07-04 21:36:50,252: DEBUG - ++ local dep_app=nextcloud
2024-07-04 21:36:50,252: DEBUG - ++ [[ mariadb-server,, imagemagick,, libmagickcore-6.q16-6-extra,, acl,, tar,, smbclient,, at,, php8.2-fpm,, php8.2-bz2,, php8.2-imap,, php8.2-gmp,, php8.2-gd,, php8.2-intl,, php8.2-curl,, php8.2-apcu,, php8.2-redis,, php8.2-ldap,, php8.2-imagick,, php8.2-zip,, php8.2-mbstring,, php8.2-xml,, php8.2-mysql,, php8.2-igbinary,, php8.2-bcmath,, php8.2,, php8.2-common =~ [<=>] ]]
2024-07-04 21:36:50,253: DEBUG - +++ echo mariadb-server,, imagemagick,, libmagickcore-6.q16-6-extra,, acl,, tar,, smbclient,, at,, php8.2-fpm,, php8.2-bz2,, php8.2-imap,, php8.2-gmp,, php8.2-gd,, php8.2-intl,, php8.2-curl,, php8.2-apcu,, php8.2-redis,, php8.2-ldap,, php8.2-imagick,, php8.2-zip,, php8.2-mbstring,, php8.2-xml,, php8.2-mysql,, php8.2-igbinary,, php8.2-bcmath,, php8.2,, php8.2-common
2024-07-04 21:36:50,253: DEBUG - +++ grep -oP '(?<=php)[0-9.]+(?=-|\>|)'
2024-07-04 21:36:50,253: DEBUG - +++ sort -u
2024-07-04 21:36:50,255: DEBUG - ++ local specific_php_version=8.2
2024-07-04 21:36:50,256: DEBUG - ++ [[ -n 8.2 ]]
2024-07-04 21:36:50,256: DEBUG - +++ echo 8.2
2024-07-04 21:36:50,256: DEBUG - +++ wc -l
2024-07-04 21:36:50,258: DEBUG - ++ [[ 1 -eq 1 ]]
2024-07-04 21:36:50,258: DEBUG - ++ dependencies+=', php8.2, php8.2-fpm, php8.2-common'
2024-07-04 21:36:50,258: DEBUG - +++ ynh_app_setting_get --app=nextcloud --key=phpversion
2024-07-04 21:36:50,288: DEBUG - +++ app=nextcloud
2024-07-04 21:36:50,288: DEBUG - +++ [[ phpversion =~ (unprotected|protected|skipped)_ ]]
2024-07-04 21:36:50,346: DEBUG - ++ local old_phpversion=8.3
2024-07-04 21:36:50,346: DEBUG - ++ '[' -n 8.3 ']'
2024-07-04 21:36:50,346: DEBUG - ++ '[' 8.3 '!=' 8.2 ']'
2024-07-04 21:36:50,346: DEBUG - +++ ynh_app_setting_get --app=nextcloud --key=fpm_config_dir
2024-07-04 21:36:50,377: DEBUG - +++ app=nextcloud
2024-07-04 21:36:50,378: DEBUG - +++ [[ fpm_config_dir =~ (unprotected|protected|skipped)_ ]]
2024-07-04 21:36:50,438: DEBUG - ++ local old_php_fpm_config_dir=/etc/php/8.2/fpm
2024-07-04 21:36:50,439: DEBUG - ++ local old_php_finalphpconf=/etc/php/8.2/fpm/pool.d/nextcloud.conf
2024-07-04 21:36:50,439: DEBUG - ++ [[ -f /etc/php/8.2/fpm/pool.d/nextcloud.conf ]]
2024-07-04 21:36:50,439: DEBUG - ++ ynh_app_setting_set --app=nextcloud --key=phpversion --value=8.2
2024-07-04 21:36:50,500: DEBUG - ++ [[ phpversion =~ (unprotected|protected|skipped)_ ]]
2024-07-04 21:36:50,560: DEBUG - ++ test -e /usr/bin/php7.4
2024-07-04 21:36:50,560: DEBUG - ++ update-alternatives --set php /usr/bin/php7.4
2024-07-04 21:36:50,561: DEBUG - +++ ynh_package_is_installed postgresql-13
2024-07-04 21:36:50,571: DEBUG - +++ dpkg-query --show '--showformat=${Status}' postgresql-13
2024-07-04 21:36:50,571: DEBUG - +++ grep --count 'ok installed'
2024-07-04 21:36:50,588: DEBUG - +++ echo yes
2024-07-04 21:36:50,589: DEBUG - ++ local psql_installed=yes
2024-07-04 21:36:50,589: DEBUG - ++ [[ true == \t\r\u\e ]]
2024-07-04 21:36:50,589: DEBUG - ++ YNH_INSTALL_APP_DEPENDENCIES_REPLACE=false
2024-07-04 21:36:50,589: DEBUG - ++ cat
2024-07-04 21:36:50,590: DEBUG - ++ ynh_package_install_from_equivs /tmp/nextcloud-ynh-deps.control
2024-07-04 21:36:50,591: DEBUG - ++ local controlfile=/tmp/nextcloud-ynh-deps.control
2024-07-04 21:36:50,591: DEBUG - +++ grep '^Package: ' /tmp/nextcloud-ynh-deps.control
2024-07-04 21:36:50,592: DEBUG - +++ cut '--delimiter= ' --fields=2
2024-07-04 21:36:50,594: DEBUG - ++ local pkgname=nextcloud-ynh-deps
2024-07-04 21:36:50,595: DEBUG - +++ grep '^Version: ' /tmp/nextcloud-ynh-deps.control
2024-07-04 21:36:50,595: DEBUG - +++ cut '--delimiter= ' --fields=2
2024-07-04 21:36:50,597: DEBUG - ++ local pkgversion=29.0.2~ynh1
2024-07-04 21:36:50,597: DEBUG - ++ [[ -z nextcloud-ynh-deps ]]
2024-07-04 21:36:50,597: DEBUG - ++ [[ -z 29.0.2~ynh1 ]]
2024-07-04 21:36:50,597: DEBUG - ++ ynh_package_update
2024-07-04 21:36:50,597: DEBUG - ++ ynh_apt update
2024-07-04 21:36:50,597: DEBUG - ++ ynh_wait_dpkg_free
2024-07-04 21:36:50,739: DEBUG - ++ return 0
2024-07-04 21:36:50,739: DEBUG - ++ LC_ALL=C
2024-07-04 21:36:50,739: DEBUG - ++ DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
2024-07-04 21:36:50,739: DEBUG - ++ apt-get --assume-yes --quiet -o=Acquire::Retries=3 -o=Dpkg::Use-Pty=0 update
2024-07-04 21:36:54,673: DEBUG - +++ mktemp --directory
2024-07-04 21:36:54,674: DEBUG - ++ local TMPDIR=/tmp/tmp.eH31LqdEUx
2024-07-04 21:36:54,674: DEBUG - ++ rm -f /usr/share/equivs/template/debian/compat
2024-07-04 21:36:54,675: DEBUG - ++ ynh_wait_dpkg_free
2024-07-04 21:36:54,817: DEBUG - ++ return 0
2024-07-04 21:36:54,818: DEBUG - ++ cp /tmp/nextcloud-ynh-deps.control /tmp/tmp.eH31LqdEUx/control
2024-07-04 21:36:54,820: DEBUG - ++ cd /tmp/tmp.eH31LqdEUx
2024-07-04 21:36:54,820: DEBUG - ++ LC_ALL=C
2024-07-04 21:36:54,820: DEBUG - ++ equivs-build ./control
2024-07-04 21:36:57,056: DEBUG - ++ LC_ALL=C
2024-07-04 21:36:57,056: DEBUG - ++ dpkg --force-depends --install ./nextcloud-ynh-deps_29.0.2~ynh1_all.deb
2024-07-04 21:36:57,056: DEBUG - ++ tee ./dpkg_log
2024-07-04 21:36:57,195: DEBUG - ++ ynh_package_install --fix-broken
2024-07-04 21:36:57,195: DEBUG - ++ ynh_apt --no-remove --option Dpkg::Options::=--force-confdef --option Dpkg::Options::=--force-confold install --fix-broken
2024-07-04 21:36:57,196: DEBUG - ++ ynh_wait_dpkg_free
2024-07-04 21:36:57,335: DEBUG - ++ return 0
2024-07-04 21:36:57,335: DEBUG - ++ LC_ALL=C
2024-07-04 21:36:57,335: DEBUG - ++ DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
2024-07-04 21:36:57,335: DEBUG - ++ apt-get --assume-yes --quiet -o=Acquire::Retries=3 -o=Dpkg::Use-Pty=0 --no-remove --option Dpkg::Options::=--force-confdef --option Dpkg::Options::=--force-confold install --fix-broken
2024-07-04 21:36:58,220: DEBUG - ++ [[ -n /tmp/tmp.eH31LqdEUx ]]
2024-07-04 21:36:58,220: DEBUG - ++ rm --recursive --force /tmp/tmp.eH31LqdEUx
2024-07-04 21:36:58,221: DEBUG - ++ ynh_package_is_installed nextcloud-ynh-deps
2024-07-04 21:36:58,231: DEBUG - ++ dpkg-query --show '--showformat=${Status}' nextcloud-ynh-deps
2024-07-04 21:36:58,231: DEBUG - ++ grep --count 'ok installed'
2024-07-04 21:36:58,249: DEBUG - ++ rm /tmp/nextcloud-ynh-deps.control
2024-07-04 21:36:58,250: DEBUG - +++ ynh_package_is_installed postgresql-13
2024-07-04 21:36:58,260: DEBUG - +++ dpkg-query --show '--showformat=${Status}' postgresql-13
2024-07-04 21:36:58,260: DEBUG - +++ grep --count 'ok installed'
2024-07-04 21:36:58,277: DEBUG - +++ echo yes
2024-07-04 21:36:58,278: DEBUG - ++ local psql_installed2=yes
2024-07-04 21:36:58,278: DEBUG - ++ [[ yes != \y\e\s ]]
2024-07-04 21:36:58,279: DEBUG - ++ cd /var/www/nextcloud
2024-07-04 21:36:58,279: DEBUG - +++ filter_boring_occ_warnings
2024-07-04 21:36:58,279: DEBUG - ++ ynh_exec_as nextcloud php8.2 --define apc.enable_cli=1 occ --no-interaction --no-ansi -V
2024-07-04 21:36:58,279: DEBUG - +++ sed -E 's@\s*([0-9]+\/[0-9]+\s+\[(-|>|=)+\]\s+[0-9]+%|\s*Starting ...|Nextcloud or one of the apps require upgrade - only a limited number of commands are available|You may use your browser or the occ upgrade command to do the upgrade)@@g'
2024-07-04 21:36:58,280: DEBUG - ++ local user=nextcloud
2024-07-04 21:36:58,280: DEBUG - ++ shift 1
2024-07-04 21:36:58,280: DEBUG - +++ whoami
2024-07-04 21:36:58,282: DEBUG - ++ [[ nextcloud = root ]]
2024-07-04 21:36:58,282: DEBUG - ++ sudo -u nextcloud php8.2 --define apc.enable_cli=1 occ --no-interaction --no-ansi -V
2024-07-04 21:36:58,795: DEBUG - ++ exec_occ app:list --output json
2024-07-04 21:36:58,795: DEBUG - ++ '[' 28 = last ']'
2024-07-04 21:36:58,795: DEBUG - ++ '[' 28 -ge 26 ']'
2024-07-04 21:36:58,795: DEBUG - ++ NEXTCLOUD_PHP_VERSION=8.2
2024-07-04 21:36:58,795: DEBUG - ++ sort
2024-07-04 21:36:58,796: DEBUG - +++ ynh_app_setting_get --app=nextcloud --key=phpversion
2024-07-04 21:36:58,797: DEBUG - ++ jq -r '.enabled | keys[]'
2024-07-04 21:36:58,830: DEBUG - +++ app=nextcloud
2024-07-04 21:36:58,831: DEBUG - +++ [[ phpversion =~ (unprotected|protected|skipped)_ ]]
2024-07-04 21:36:58,889: DEBUG - ++ phpversion=8.2
2024-07-04 21:36:58,889: DEBUG - ++ [[ 8.2 != \8\.\2 ]]
2024-07-04 21:36:58,890: DEBUG - ++ cd /var/www/nextcloud
2024-07-04 21:36:58,890: DEBUG - +++ filter_boring_occ_warnings
2024-07-04 21:36:58,890: DEBUG - ++ ynh_exec_as nextcloud php8.2 --define apc.enable_cli=1 occ --no-interaction --no-ansi app:list --output json
2024-07-04 21:36:58,890: DEBUG - +++ sed -E 's@\s*([0-9]+\/[0-9]+\s+\[(-|>|=)+\]\s+[0-9]+%|\s*Starting ...|Nextcloud or one of the apps require upgrade - only a limited number of commands are available|You may use your browser or the occ upgrade command to do the upgrade)@@g'
2024-07-04 21:36:58,890: DEBUG - ++ local user=nextcloud
2024-07-04 21:36:58,891: DEBUG - ++ shift 1
2024-07-04 21:36:58,891: DEBUG - +++ whoami
2024-07-04 21:36:58,892: DEBUG - ++ [[ nextcloud = root ]]
2024-07-04 21:36:58,892: DEBUG - ++ sudo -u nextcloud php8.2 --define apc.enable_cli=1 occ --no-interaction --no-ansi app:list --output json
2024-07-04 21:36:59,412: DEBUG - ++ curl -s
2024-07-04 21:36:59,413: DEBUG - ++ sort
2024-07-04 21:36:59,660: DEBUG - ++ curl -s
2024-07-04 21:36:59,661: DEBUG - ++ jq -r '.[] | .id'
2024-07-04 21:36:59,662: DEBUG - ++ sort
2024-07-04 21:36:59,993: DEBUG - ++ comm -23 /dev/fd/63 /tmp/tmp.BTTzHUi0t2
2024-07-04 21:36:59,994: DEBUG - +++ comm -23 /tmp/tmp.Kz8e8JnozO /tmp/tmp.ScNaNjEFnL
2024-07-04 21:36:59,998: DEBUG - + installed_apps_not_compatible_with_future_version=jitsi
2024-07-04 21:36:59,998: DEBUG - + [[ -n jitsi ]]
2024-07-04 21:36:59,998: DEBUG - + ynh_die '--message=The following apps are not (yet?) compatible with Nextcloud 29. You should make sure to upgrade the app, or disable it, or wait for it to become compatible before running this upgrade : jitsi'
2024-07-04 21:37:00,023: DEBUG - + ynh_exit_properly
2024-07-04 21:37:00,024: DEBUG - + [[ upgrade =~ ^install$|^upgrade$|^restore$ ]]
2024-07-04 21:37:00,032: WARNING - The following apps are not (yet?) compatible with Nextcloud 29. You should make sure to upgrade the app, or disable it, or wait for it to become compatible before running this upgrade : jitsi
2024-07-04 21:37:01,611: ERROR - Impossible de mettre à jour nextcloud : Une erreur s'est produite durant l'exécution du script de mise à niveau de l'application

merci de votre réponse et de votre aide

Le problème est:

The following apps are not (yet?) compatible with Nextcloud 29. You should make sure to upgrade the app, or disable it, or wait for it to become compatible before running this upgrade : jitsi’

There seems to be a lot of upgrades failures related to Nextcloud apps incompatibilities.
Can there be a pre-upgrade check displaying the apps that need to be removed on the webadmin? Or a cron job that sends an email when a new nextcloud upgrade is available listing the apps that are not compatible with the new upgrade?

Well yeah … the situation is already “better than before”, because at least now there’s a check at the very beginning of the upgrade whereas in the past, it just miserably crashed in the middle of the upgrade … Supposedly there’s also a pre-upgrade message encouraging people to check that their apps are up to date and compatible with the new version

We could probably work on a mechanism to check the actual compatibilty with code beforehand but hmpf that’s work and we already have plenty of stuff on the plate right now

1 Like

Yep, I fully understand. Thanks a lot :heart:

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