Problème lors renouvellement certificat Let's Encrypt / Issue during Let's Encrypt renewal

(version française en dessous)

My YunoHost server

Hardware: VPS bought online
YunoHost version: (stable)
I have access to my server : Through SSH | through the webadmin
Are you in a special context or did you perform some particular tweaking on your YunoHost instance ? : no

Description of my issue

This morning YunoHost tried to renew the Let’s Encrypt certificate for one of my domains, and apparently failed :

Now attempting renewing of certificate for domain [] !
Configuration updated for 'dnsmasq'
Parsing account key...
Parsing CSR...
Found domains: xmpp-upload.[], []
Getting directory...
Directory found!
Registering account...
Already registered!
Creating new order...
Order created!
Verifying []...
[] verified!
Verifying xmpp-upload.[]...
xmpp-upload.[] verified!
Signing certificate...
Certificate signed!
Configuration updated for 'nginx'
Certificate renewing for [] failed !
The operation 'Renew '[]' Let's Encrypt certificate' could not be completed. Please share the full log of this operation using the command 'yunohost log display 20201202-052503-letsencrypt_cert_renew-[] --share' to get help
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/moulinette/yunohost/", line 386, in certificate_renew
    _fetch_and_enable_new_certificate(domain, staging, no_checks=no_checks)
  File "/usr/lib/moulinette/yunohost/", line 580, in _fetch_and_enable_new_certificate
    raise YunohostError('certmanager_certificate_fetching_or_enabling_failed', domain=domain)
YunohostError: Trying to use the new certificate for [] did not work...

Trying to use the new certificate for [] did not work...
Sending email with details to root ...
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/yunohost", line 218, in <module>
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/moulinette/", line 149, in cli, output_as=output_as, password=password, timeout=timeout)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/moulinette/interfaces/", line 469, in run
    ret = self.actionsmap.process(args, timeout=timeout)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/moulinette/", line 588, in process
    return func(**arguments)
  File "/usr/lib/moulinette/yunohost/", line 349, in domain_cert_renew
    return yunohost.certificate.certificate_renew(domain_list, force, no_checks, email, staging)
  File "/usr/lib/moulinette/yunohost/", line 402, in certificate_renew
    _email_renewing_failed(domain, msg + "\n" + e, stack.getvalue())
TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'YunohostError' objects
run-parts: /etc/cron.daily/yunohost-certificate-renew exited with return code 1

Checking in the webadmin, the certificate seems ok but the certificate authority doesn’t display properly and i don’t have the button to renew manually the certificate :

Finally, when checking the certificate with Firefox, it is viewed as valid and secured and it seems to me that it is the renewed certificate, not the old one :

Should i try

yunohost domain cert-install votre.domaine.tld --self-signed --force

and installing again the Let’s encrypt certificate?

Thanks for your help!

Mon serveur YunoHost

Matériel: VPS acheté en ligne
Version de YunoHost: (stable)
J’ai accès à mon serveur : En SSH | Par la webadmin
Êtes-vous dans un contexte particulier ou avez-vous effectué des modificiations particulières sur votre instance ? : non

Description du problème

YunoHost a tenté de renouveler automatiquement le certificat Let’s Encrypt d’un des domaines ce matin, renvoyant apparemment une erreur :

Now attempting renewing of certificate for domain [] !
Configuration updated for 'dnsmasq'
Parsing account key...
Parsing CSR...
Found domains: xmpp-upload.[], []
Getting directory...
Directory found!
Registering account...
Already registered!
Creating new order...
Order created!
Verifying []...
[] verified!
Verifying xmpp-upload.[]...
xmpp-upload.[] verified!
Signing certificate...
Certificate signed!
Configuration updated for 'nginx'
Certificate renewing for [] failed !
The operation 'Renew '[]' Let's Encrypt certificate' could not be completed. Please share the full log of this operation using the command 'yunohost log display 20201202-052503-letsencrypt_cert_renew-[] --share' to get help
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/moulinette/yunohost/", line 386, in certificate_renew
    _fetch_and_enable_new_certificate(domain, staging, no_checks=no_checks)
  File "/usr/lib/moulinette/yunohost/", line 580, in _fetch_and_enable_new_certificate
    raise YunohostError('certmanager_certificate_fetching_or_enabling_failed', domain=domain)
YunohostError: Trying to use the new certificate for [] did not work...

Trying to use the new certificate for [] did not work...
Sending email with details to root ...
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/yunohost", line 218, in <module>
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/moulinette/", line 149, in cli, output_as=output_as, password=password, timeout=timeout)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/moulinette/interfaces/", line 469, in run
    ret = self.actionsmap.process(args, timeout=timeout)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/moulinette/", line 588, in process
    return func(**arguments)
  File "/usr/lib/moulinette/yunohost/", line 349, in domain_cert_renew
    return yunohost.certificate.certificate_renew(domain_list, force, no_checks, email, staging)
  File "/usr/lib/moulinette/yunohost/", line 402, in certificate_renew
    _email_renewing_failed(domain, msg + "\n" + e, stack.getvalue())
TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'YunohostError' objects
run-parts: /etc/cron.daily/yunohost-certificate-renew exited with return code 1

En allant vérifier dans la webadmin, le certificat est indiqué ok mais l’autorité de certification ne s’affiche pas correctement et je n’ai pas la possibilité de renouveler manuellement le certificat :

Et pour finir, quand je vérifie le certificat via Firefox, il est indiqué valide et il me semble qu’il s’agit bien du nouveau :

Pensez-vous que je doive exécuter la commande

yunohost domain cert-install votre.domaine.tld --self-signed --force

et ensuite réinstaller le certificat Let’s Encrypt ?
Merci pour votre aide !

@Gavy Même problème et constat que toi ce matin…

Il semblerait qu’il y ait des changements du côté des certificats Let’s Encrypt : Info complète du site officiel

Je ne suis pas sûr d’avoir tout compris :confused: mais les anciens certificats " X3 " sont remplacés par les nouveaux " R3 " ? Peux-être quelques modifications à faire dans YunoHost au niveau de ?

ça me rassure un peu :sweat_smile:

Suite à une migration avortée de yunohost 3.8 à 4.0, j’ai tout réinstallé proprement ce matin, et au moment du certificat, j’ai exactement le même soucis …
je suis aussi assez content de voir que ce n’est pas uniquement mon cas !
si quelqu’un a une idée

  force: false
  no_checks: false
  staging: false
ended_at: 2020-12-02 13:12:14.334122
error: "Certificate installation for maindomain.tld failed !\nException: Il semble que\
  \ l\u2019activation du nouveau certificat pour maindomain.tld a \xE9chou\xE9 \u2026"
interface: true
operation: letsencrypt_cert_install
- - domain
  - maindomain.tld
started_at: 2020-12-02 13:11:24.531132
success: false


2020-12-02 13:11:24,583: DEBUG - Making sure tmp folders exists...
2020-12-02 13:11:24,628: DEBUG - Fetching IP from 
2020-12-02 13:11:25,288: DEBUG - IP fetched: xx.xx.xx.xx
2020-12-02 13:11:25,331: DEBUG - Fetching IP from 
2020-12-02 13:11:25,955: DEBUG - IP fetched: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
2020-12-02 13:11:26,024: DEBUG - No custom hook for action 'conf_regen' in /etc/yunohost/hooks.d/
2020-12-02 13:11:26,059: DEBUG - Executing command 'sh -c YNH_DOMAINS=maindomain.tld YNH_CWD=/usr/share/yunohost/hooks/conf_regen YNH_INTERFACE=api YNH_STDRETURN=/tmp/tmpIXOsnO/stdreturn YNH_STDINFO=/tmp/tmpL_hKJ8/stdinfo BASH_XTRACEFD=7 /bin/bash -x "./43-dnsmasq" pre 0 0 /home/yunohost.conf/pending/dnsmasq 7>&1'
2020-12-02 13:11:26,135: DEBUG - + set -e
2020-12-02 13:11:26,141: DEBUG - + . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers
2020-12-02 13:11:26,144: DEBUG - +++ run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d
2020-12-02 13:11:26,146: DEBUG - ++ for helper in $(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)
2020-12-02 13:11:26,150: DEBUG - ++ '[' -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/apt ']'
2020-12-02 13:11:26,153: DEBUG - ++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/apt
2020-12-02 13:11:26,155: DEBUG - ++ for helper in $(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)
2020-12-02 13:11:26,156: DEBUG - ++ '[' -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/backup ']'
2020-12-02 13:11:26,158: DEBUG - ++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/backup
2020-12-02 13:11:26,160: DEBUG - +++ CAN_BIND=1
2020-12-02 13:11:26,262: DEBUG - ++ for helper in $(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)
2020-12-02 13:11:26,264: DEBUG - ++ '[' -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/fail2ban ']'
2020-12-02 13:11:26,266: DEBUG - ++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/fail2ban
2020-12-02 13:11:26,268: DEBUG - ++ for helper in $(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)
2020-12-02 13:11:26,269: DEBUG - ++ '[' -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/getopts ']'
2020-12-02 13:11:26,270: DEBUG - ++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/getopts
2020-12-02 13:11:26,272: DEBUG - ++ for helper in $(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)
2020-12-02 13:11:26,274: DEBUG - ++ '[' -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/hardware ']'
2020-12-02 13:11:26,276: DEBUG - ++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/hardware
2020-12-02 13:11:26,277: DEBUG - ++ for helper in $(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)
2020-12-02 13:11:26,279: DEBUG - ++ '[' -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/logging ']'
2020-12-02 13:11:26,281: DEBUG - ++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/logging
2020-12-02 13:11:26,282: DEBUG - +++ increment_progression=0
2020-12-02 13:11:26,284: DEBUG - +++ previous_weight=0
2020-12-02 13:11:26,285: DEBUG - +++ max_progression=-1
2020-12-02 13:11:26,286: DEBUG - +++ progress_scale=20
2020-12-02 13:11:26,288: DEBUG - +++ progress_string2='####################'
2020-12-02 13:11:26,289: DEBUG - +++ progress_string1=++++++++++++++++++++
2020-12-02 13:11:26,291: DEBUG - +++ progress_string0=....................
2020-12-02 13:11:26,292: DEBUG - ++++ date +%s
2020-12-02 13:11:26,294: DEBUG - +++ base_time=1606914686
2020-12-02 13:11:26,295: DEBUG - ++ for helper in $(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)
2020-12-02 13:11:26,297: DEBUG - ++ '[' -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/logrotate ']'
2020-12-02 13:11:26,298: DEBUG - ++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/logrotate
2020-12-02 13:11:26,300: DEBUG - ++ for helper in $(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)
2020-12-02 13:11:26,301: DEBUG - ++ '[' -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/mysql ']'
2020-12-02 13:11:26,303: DEBUG - ++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/mysql
2020-12-02 13:11:26,304: DEBUG - +++ MYSQL_ROOT_PWD_FILE=/etc/yunohost/mysql
2020-12-02 13:11:26,306: DEBUG - ++ for helper in $(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)
2020-12-02 13:11:26,308: DEBUG - ++ '[' -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/network ']'
2020-12-02 13:11:26,309: DEBUG - ++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/network
2020-12-02 13:11:26,312: DEBUG - ++ for helper in $(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)
2020-12-02 13:11:26,313: DEBUG - ++ '[' -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/nginx ']'
2020-12-02 13:11:26,315: DEBUG - ++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/nginx
2020-12-02 13:11:26,316: DEBUG - ++ for helper in $(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)
2020-12-02 13:11:26,318: DEBUG - ++ '[' -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/nodejs ']'
2020-12-02 13:11:26,319: DEBUG - ++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/nodejs
2020-12-02 13:11:26,321: DEBUG - +++ n_version=6.5.1
2020-12-02 13:11:26,322: DEBUG - +++ n_install_dir=/opt/node_n
2020-12-02 13:11:26,324: DEBUG - +++ node_version_path=/opt/node_n/n/versions/node
2020-12-02 13:11:26,326: DEBUG - +++ export N_PREFIX=/opt/node_n
2020-12-02 13:11:26,327: DEBUG - +++ N_PREFIX=/opt/node_n
2020-12-02 13:11:26,329: DEBUG - ++ for helper in $(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)
2020-12-02 13:11:26,331: DEBUG - ++ '[' -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/php ']'
2020-12-02 13:11:26,332: DEBUG - ++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/php
2020-12-02 13:11:26,334: DEBUG - +++ readonly YNH_DEFAULT_PHP_VERSION=7.3
2020-12-02 13:11:26,335: DEBUG - +++ YNH_DEFAULT_PHP_VERSION=7.3
2020-12-02 13:11:26,337: DEBUG - +++ YNH_PHP_VERSION=7.3
2020-12-02 13:11:26,338: DEBUG - ++ for helper in $(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)
2020-12-02 13:11:26,340: DEBUG - ++ '[' -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/postgresql ']'
2020-12-02 13:11:26,342: DEBUG - ++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/postgresql
2020-12-02 13:11:26,343: DEBUG - +++ PSQL_ROOT_PWD_FILE=/etc/yunohost/psql
2020-12-02 13:11:26,345: DEBUG - +++ PSQL_VERSION=11
2020-12-02 13:11:26,347: DEBUG - ++ for helper in $(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)
2020-12-02 13:11:26,348: DEBUG - ++ '[' -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/setting ']'
2020-12-02 13:11:26,350: DEBUG - ++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/setting
2020-12-02 13:11:26,352: DEBUG - ++ for helper in $(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)
2020-12-02 13:11:26,353: DEBUG - ++ '[' -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/string ']'
2020-12-02 13:11:26,355: DEBUG - ++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/string
2020-12-02 13:11:26,357: DEBUG - ++ for helper in $(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)
2020-12-02 13:11:26,358: DEBUG - ++ '[' -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/systemd ']'
2020-12-02 13:11:26,359: DEBUG - ++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/systemd
2020-12-02 13:11:26,462: DEBUG - ++ for helper in $(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)
2020-12-02 13:11:26,465: DEBUG - ++ '[' -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/user ']'
2020-12-02 13:11:26,467: DEBUG - ++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/user
2020-12-02 13:11:26,468: DEBUG - ++ for helper in $(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)
2020-12-02 13:11:26,470: DEBUG - ++ '[' -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/utils ']'
2020-12-02 13:11:26,472: DEBUG - ++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/utils
2020-12-02 13:11:26,474: DEBUG - + FORCE=0
2020-12-02 13:11:26,476: DEBUG - + DRY_RUN=0
2020-12-02 13:11:26,478: DEBUG - + case "$1" in
2020-12-02 13:11:26,481: DEBUG - + do_pre_regen /home/yunohost.conf/pending/dnsmasq
2020-12-02 13:11:26,483: DEBUG - + pending_dir=/home/yunohost.conf/pending/dnsmasq
2020-12-02 13:11:26,485: DEBUG - + cd /usr/share/yunohost/templates/dnsmasq
2020-12-02 13:11:26,487: DEBUG - + dnsmasq_dir=/home/yunohost.conf/pending/dnsmasq/etc/dnsmasq.d
2020-12-02 13:11:26,490: DEBUG - + mkdir -p /home/yunohost.conf/pending/dnsmasq/etc/dnsmasq.d
2020-12-02 13:11:26,492: DEBUG - + etcdefault_dir=/home/yunohost.conf/pending/dnsmasq/etc/default
2020-12-02 13:11:26,494: DEBUG - + mkdir -p /home/yunohost.conf/pending/dnsmasq/etc/default
2020-12-02 13:11:26,496: DEBUG - + cp plain/etcdefault /home/yunohost.conf/pending/dnsmasq/etc/default/dnsmasq
2020-12-02 13:11:26,498: DEBUG - + cp plain/dnsmasq.conf /home/yunohost.conf/pending/dnsmasq/etc/dnsmasq.conf
2020-12-02 13:11:26,499: DEBUG - + cat plain/resolv.dnsmasq.conf
2020-12-02 13:11:26,501: DEBUG - + grep '^nameserver'
2020-12-02 13:11:26,504: DEBUG - + shuf
2020-12-02 13:11:26,505: DEBUG - ++ curl -s -4
2020-12-02 13:11:26,909: DEBUG - + ipv4=xx.xx.xx.xx
2020-12-02 13:11:26,911: DEBUG - + ynh_validate_ip4 xx.xx.xx.xx
2020-12-02 13:11:26,933: DEBUG - + ynh_validate_ip --family=4 --ip_address=xx.xx.xx.xx
2020-12-02 13:11:27,052: DEBUG - + '[' 4 == 4 ']'
2020-12-02 13:11:27,055: DEBUG - + python /dev/stdin
2020-12-02 13:11:27,258: DEBUG - ++ curl -s -6
2020-12-02 13:11:27,561: DEBUG - + ipv6=xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
2020-12-02 13:11:27,564: DEBUG - + ynh_validate_ip6 xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
2020-12-02 13:11:27,686: DEBUG - + ynh_validate_ip --family=6 --ip_address=xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
2020-12-02 13:11:27,805: DEBUG - + '[' 6 == 4 ']'
2020-12-02 13:11:27,808: DEBUG - + '[' 6 == 6 ']'
2020-12-02 13:11:27,810: DEBUG - + python /dev/stdin
2020-12-02 13:11:27,913: DEBUG - + export ipv4
2020-12-02 13:11:27,916: DEBUG - + export ipv6
2020-12-02 13:11:27,918: DEBUG - + for domain in $YNH_DOMAINS
2020-12-02 13:11:27,921: DEBUG - + export domain
2020-12-02 13:11:27,924: DEBUG - + ynh_render_template domain.tpl /home/yunohost.conf/pending/dnsmasq/etc/dnsmasq.d/maindomain.tld
2020-12-02 13:11:27,927: DEBUG - + local template_path=domain.tpl
2020-12-02 13:11:27,929: DEBUG - + local output_path=/home/yunohost.conf/pending/dnsmasq/etc/dnsmasq.d/maindomain.tld
2020-12-02 13:11:27,932: DEBUG - ++ dirname /home/yunohost.conf/pending/dnsmasq/etc/dnsmasq.d/maindomain.tld
2020-12-02 13:11:27,934: DEBUG - + mkdir -p /home/yunohost.conf/pending/dnsmasq/etc/dnsmasq.d
2020-12-02 13:11:27,937: DEBUG - + python2.7 -c 'import os, sys, jinja2; sys.stdout.write(
2020-12-02 13:11:27,939: DEBUG -                     jinja2.Template(
2020-12-02 13:11:27,942: DEBUG -                     ).render(os.environ));'
2020-12-02 13:11:28,548: DEBUG - ++ ls -1 /etc/dnsmasq.d
2020-12-02 13:11:28,549: DEBUG - ++ awk '/^[^\.]+\.[^\.]+.*$/ { print $1 }'
2020-12-02 13:11:28,551: DEBUG - + conf_files=maindomain.tld
2020-12-02 13:11:28,553: DEBUG - + for domain in $conf_files
2020-12-02 13:11:28,554: DEBUG - + [[ maindomain.tld =~ maindomain.tld ]]
2020-12-02 13:11:28,555: DEBUG - + exit 0
2020-12-02 13:11:28,581: DEBUG - Vérification de la configuration en attente qui aurait été appliquée pour la catégorie 'dnsmasq'…
2020-12-02 13:11:28,754: DEBUG - processing pending conf '/home/yunohost.conf/pending/dnsmasq/etc/resolv.dnsmasq.conf' to system conf '/etc/resolv.dnsmasq.conf'
2020-12-02 13:11:28,763: DEBUG - Le fichier de configuration '/etc/resolv.dnsmasq.conf' a été sauvegardé sous '/home/yunohost.conf/backup/etc/resolv.dnsmasq.conf-20201202.131128'
2020-12-02 13:11:28,766: DEBUG - Le fichier de configuration '/etc/resolv.dnsmasq.conf' a été mis à jour
2020-12-02 13:11:28,770: DEBUG - processing pending conf '/home/yunohost.conf/pending/dnsmasq/etc/dnsmasq.d/maindomain.tld' to system conf '/etc/dnsmasq.d/maindomain.tld'
2020-12-02 13:11:28,773: DEBUG - > system conf is already up-to-date
2020-12-02 13:11:28,775: DEBUG - processing pending conf '/home/yunohost.conf/pending/dnsmasq/etc/default/dnsmasq' to system conf '/etc/default/dnsmasq'
2020-12-02 13:11:28,778: DEBUG - > system conf is already up-to-date
2020-12-02 13:11:28,780: DEBUG - processing pending conf '/home/yunohost.conf/pending/dnsmasq/etc/dnsmasq.conf' to system conf '/etc/dnsmasq.conf'
2020-12-02 13:11:28,783: DEBUG - > system conf is already up-to-date
2020-12-02 13:11:28,785: SUCCESS - La configuration a été mise à jour pour 'dnsmasq'
2020-12-02 13:11:28,790: DEBUG - updating conf hashes for 'dnsmasq' with: {'/etc/resolv.dnsmasq.conf': '4a36fbe84f61127989c2f9fb8604044e', '/etc/dnsmasq.d/maindomain.tld': 'ca5c74df023a2676f173767a44585092', '/etc/default/dnsmasq': 'ff5c2923b4d5e1e51ffd8d226c26fe2b', '/etc/dnsmasq.conf': 'e99384d2e9cd9de9d8bbb4f1f831948d'}
2020-12-02 13:11:29,079: DEBUG - No custom hook for action 'conf_regen' in /etc/yunohost/hooks.d/
2020-12-02 13:11:29,091: DEBUG - Executing command 'sh -c YNH_DOMAINS=maindomain.tld YNH_CWD=/usr/share/yunohost/hooks/conf_regen YNH_INTERFACE=api YNH_STDRETURN=/tmp/tmp5Us5E7/stdreturn YNH_STDINFO=/tmp/tmpqOJ4d4/stdinfo BASH_XTRACEFD=7 /bin/bash -x "./43-dnsmasq" post 0 0 /etc/resolv.dnsmasq.conf 7>&1'
2020-12-02 13:11:29,157: DEBUG - + set -e
2020-12-02 13:11:29,177: DEBUG - + . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers
2020-12-02 13:11:29,180: DEBUG - +++ run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d
2020-12-02 13:11:29,183: DEBUG - ++ for helper in $(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)
2020-12-02 13:11:29,185: DEBUG - ++ '[' -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/apt ']'
2020-12-02 13:11:29,186: DEBUG - ++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/apt
2020-12-02 13:11:29,188: DEBUG - ++ for helper in $(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)
2020-12-02 13:11:29,189: DEBUG - ++ '[' -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/backup ']'
2020-12-02 13:11:29,191: DEBUG - ++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/backup
2020-12-02 13:11:29,192: DEBUG - +++ CAN_BIND=1
2020-12-02 13:11:29,294: DEBUG - ++ for helper in $(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)
2020-12-02 13:11:29,296: DEBUG - ++ '[' -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/fail2ban ']'
2020-12-02 13:11:29,298: DEBUG - ++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/fail2ban
2020-12-02 13:11:29,299: DEBUG - ++ for helper in $(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)
2020-12-02 13:11:29,301: DEBUG - ++ '[' -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/getopts ']'
2020-12-02 13:11:29,303: DEBUG - ++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/getopts
2020-12-02 13:11:29,305: DEBUG - ++ for helper in $(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)
2020-12-02 13:11:29,306: DEBUG - ++ '[' -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/hardware ']'
2020-12-02 13:11:29,308: DEBUG - ++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/hardware
2020-12-02 13:11:29,309: DEBUG - ++ for helper in $(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)
2020-12-02 13:11:29,311: DEBUG - ++ '[' -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/logging ']'
2020-12-02 13:11:29,313: DEBUG - ++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/logging
2020-12-02 13:11:29,314: DEBUG - +++ increment_progression=0
2020-12-02 13:11:29,316: DEBUG - +++ previous_weight=0
2020-12-02 13:11:29,317: DEBUG - +++ max_progression=-1
2020-12-02 13:11:29,319: DEBUG - +++ progress_scale=20
2020-12-02 13:11:29,320: DEBUG - +++ progress_string2='####################'
2020-12-02 13:11:29,322: DEBUG - +++ progress_string1=++++++++++++++++++++
2020-12-02 13:11:29,324: DEBUG - +++ progress_string0=....................
2020-12-02 13:11:29,325: DEBUG - ++++ date +%s
2020-12-02 13:11:29,327: DEBUG - +++ base_time=1606914689
2020-12-02 13:11:29,328: DEBUG - ++ for helper in $(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)
2020-12-02 13:11:29,330: DEBUG - ++ '[' -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/logrotate ']'
2020-12-02 13:11:29,332: DEBUG - ++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/logrotate
2020-12-02 13:11:29,333: DEBUG - ++ for helper in $(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)
2020-12-02 13:11:29,335: DEBUG - ++ '[' -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/mysql ']'
2020-12-02 13:11:29,337: DEBUG - ++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/mysql
2020-12-02 13:11:29,338: DEBUG - +++ MYSQL_ROOT_PWD_FILE=/etc/yunohost/mysql
2020-12-02 13:11:29,340: DEBUG - ++ for helper in $(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)
2020-12-02 13:11:29,341: DEBUG - ++ '[' -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/network ']'
2020-12-02 13:11:29,343: DEBUG - ++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/network
2020-12-02 13:11:29,345: DEBUG - ++ for helper in $(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)
2020-12-02 13:11:29,346: DEBUG - ++ '[' -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/nginx ']'
2020-12-02 13:11:29,347: DEBUG - ++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/nginx
2020-12-02 13:11:29,349: DEBUG - ++ for helper in $(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)
2020-12-02 13:11:29,351: DEBUG - ++ '[' -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/nodejs ']'
2020-12-02 13:11:29,353: DEBUG - ++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/nodejs
2020-12-02 13:11:29,354: DEBUG - +++ n_version=6.5.1
2020-12-02 13:11:29,355: DEBUG - +++ n_install_dir=/opt/node_n
2020-12-02 13:11:29,357: DEBUG - +++ node_version_path=/opt/node_n/n/versions/node
2020-12-02 13:11:29,359: DEBUG - +++ export N_PREFIX=/opt/node_n
2020-12-02 13:11:29,360: DEBUG - +++ N_PREFIX=/opt/node_n
2020-12-02 13:11:29,362: DEBUG - ++ for helper in $(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)
2020-12-02 13:11:29,363: DEBUG - ++ '[' -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/php ']'
2020-12-02 13:11:29,365: DEBUG - ++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/php
2020-12-02 13:11:29,366: DEBUG - +++ readonly YNH_DEFAULT_PHP_VERSION=7.3
2020-12-02 13:11:29,368: DEBUG - +++ YNH_DEFAULT_PHP_VERSION=7.3
2020-12-02 13:11:29,369: DEBUG - +++ YNH_PHP_VERSION=7.3
2020-12-02 13:11:29,371: DEBUG - ++ for helper in $(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)
2020-12-02 13:11:29,372: DEBUG - ++ '[' -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/postgresql ']'
2020-12-02 13:11:29,374: DEBUG - ++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/postgresql
2020-12-02 13:11:29,376: DEBUG - +++ PSQL_ROOT_PWD_FILE=/etc/yunohost/psql
2020-12-02 13:11:29,377: DEBUG - +++ PSQL_VERSION=11
2020-12-02 13:11:29,378: DEBUG - ++ for helper in $(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)
2020-12-02 13:11:29,380: DEBUG - ++ '[' -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/setting ']'
2020-12-02 13:11:29,381: DEBUG - ++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/setting
2020-12-02 13:11:29,384: DEBUG - ++ for helper in $(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)
2020-12-02 13:11:29,386: DEBUG - ++ '[' -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/string ']'
2020-12-02 13:11:29,389: DEBUG - ++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/string
2020-12-02 13:11:29,391: DEBUG - ++ for helper in $(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)
2020-12-02 13:11:29,393: DEBUG - ++ '[' -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/systemd ']'
2020-12-02 13:11:29,396: DEBUG - ++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/systemd
2020-12-02 13:11:29,398: DEBUG - ++ for helper in $(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)
2020-12-02 13:11:29,400: DEBUG - ++ '[' -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/user ']'
2020-12-02 13:11:29,403: DEBUG - ++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/user
2020-12-02 13:11:29,405: DEBUG - ++ for helper in $(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)
2020-12-02 13:11:29,407: DEBUG - ++ '[' -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/utils ']'
2020-12-02 13:11:29,409: DEBUG - ++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/utils
2020-12-02 13:11:29,411: DEBUG - + FORCE=0
2020-12-02 13:11:29,414: DEBUG - + DRY_RUN=0
2020-12-02 13:11:29,416: DEBUG - + case "$1" in
2020-12-02 13:11:29,418: DEBUG - + do_post_regen /etc/resolv.dnsmasq.conf
2020-12-02 13:11:29,420: DEBUG - + regen_conf_files=/etc/resolv.dnsmasq.conf
2020-12-02 13:11:29,422: DEBUG - + grep -q -E '^ *(domain|search)' /run/resolvconf/resolv.conf
2020-12-02 13:11:29,425: DEBUG - ++ hostname -s
2020-12-02 13:11:29,427: DEBUG - + short_hostname=entrotti
2020-12-02 13:11:29,432: DEBUG - + grep -q '*entrotti' /etc/hosts
2020-12-02 13:11:29,434: DEBUG - + [[ -n /etc/resolv.dnsmasq.conf ]]
2020-12-02 13:11:29,436: DEBUG - + for SERVICE in systemd-resolved bind9
2020-12-02 13:11:29,437: DEBUG - + systemctl is-enabled systemd-resolved
2020-12-02 13:11:29,540: DEBUG - + systemctl is-active systemd-resolved
2020-12-02 13:11:29,544: DEBUG - + for SERVICE in systemd-resolved bind9
2020-12-02 13:11:29,546: DEBUG - + systemctl is-enabled bind9
2020-12-02 13:11:29,649: DEBUG - + systemctl is-active bind9
2020-12-02 13:11:29,652: DEBUG - + systemctl restart dnsmasq
2020-12-02 13:11:30,463: DEBUG - + exit 0
2020-12-02 13:11:30,514: DEBUG - Journal complet de cette opération : '<a href="#/tools/logs/20201202-131125-regen_conf-dnsmasq" style="text-decoration:underline"> Régénérer les configurations du système 'dnsmasq' </a>'
2020-12-02 13:11:30,566: DEBUG - Prepare key and certificate signing request (CSR) for maindomain.tld...
2020-12-02 13:11:37,670: DEBUG - Saving to /tmp/acme-challenge-private/maindomain.tld.csr.
2020-12-02 13:11:37,673: DEBUG - Now using ACME Tiny to sign the certificate...
2020-12-02 13:11:37,675: INFO - Parsing account key...
2020-12-02 13:11:37,741: INFO - Parsing CSR...
2020-12-02 13:11:37,805: INFO - Found domains: maindomain.tld, xmpp-upload.maindomain.tld
2020-12-02 13:11:37,810: INFO - Getting directory...
2020-12-02 13:11:38,562: INFO - Directory found!
2020-12-02 13:11:38,565: INFO - Registering account...
2020-12-02 13:11:40,307: INFO - Registered!
2020-12-02 13:11:40,312: INFO - Creating new order...
2020-12-02 13:11:42,084: INFO - Order created!
2020-12-02 13:11:43,802: INFO - Verifying maindomain.tld...
2020-12-02 13:11:47,273: INFO - maindomain.tld verified!
2020-12-02 13:11:48,995: INFO - Verifying xmpp-upload.maindomain.tld...
2020-12-02 13:11:52,452: INFO - xmpp-upload.maindomain.tld verified!
2020-12-02 13:11:52,457: INFO - Signing certificate...
2020-12-02 13:11:57,971: INFO - Certificate signed!
2020-12-02 13:11:57,977: DEBUG - Saving the key and signed certificate...
2020-12-02 13:11:57,985: DEBUG - Enabling the certificate for domain maindomain.tld ...
2020-12-02 13:11:57,988: DEBUG - Restarting services...
2020-12-02 13:11:58,111: DEBUG - Running 'systemctl restart postfix'
2020-12-02 13:12:01,886: DEBUG - Running 'systemctl restart dovecot'
2020-12-02 13:12:03,425: DEBUG - Running 'systemctl restart metronome'
2020-12-02 13:12:04,373: DEBUG - No custom hook for action 'conf_regen' in /etc/yunohost/hooks.d/
2020-12-02 13:12:04,388: DEBUG - Executing command 'sh -c YNH_DOMAINS=maindomain.tld YNH_CWD=/usr/share/yunohost/hooks/conf_regen YNH_INTERFACE=api YNH_STDRETURN=/tmp/tmpIcc3sW/stdreturn YNH_STDINFO=/tmp/tmpU149Rw/stdinfo BASH_XTRACEFD=7 /bin/bash -x "./15-nginx" pre 0 0 /home/yunohost.conf/pending/nginx 7>&1'
2020-12-02 13:12:04,462: DEBUG - + set -e
2020-12-02 13:12:04,469: DEBUG - + . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers
2020-12-02 13:12:04,472: DEBUG - +++ run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d
2020-12-02 13:12:04,474: DEBUG - ++ for helper in $(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)
2020-12-02 13:12:04,477: DEBUG - ++ '[' -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/apt ']'
2020-12-02 13:12:04,481: DEBUG - ++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/apt
2020-12-02 13:12:04,584: DEBUG - ++ for helper in $(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)
2020-12-02 13:12:04,586: DEBUG - ++ '[' -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/backup ']'
2020-12-02 13:12:04,588: DEBUG - ++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/backup
2020-12-02 13:12:04,590: DEBUG - +++ CAN_BIND=1
2020-12-02 13:12:04,592: DEBUG - ++ for helper in $(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)
2020-12-02 13:12:04,595: DEBUG - ++ '[' -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/fail2ban ']'
2020-12-02 13:12:04,598: DEBUG - ++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/fail2ban
2020-12-02 13:12:04,601: DEBUG - ++ for helper in $(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)
2020-12-02 13:12:04,604: DEBUG - ++ '[' -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/getopts ']'
2020-12-02 13:12:04,607: DEBUG - ++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/getopts
2020-12-02 13:12:04,609: DEBUG - ++ for helper in $(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)
2020-12-02 13:12:04,611: DEBUG - ++ '[' -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/hardware ']'
2020-12-02 13:12:04,613: DEBUG - ++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/hardware
2020-12-02 13:12:04,615: DEBUG - ++ for helper in $(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)
2020-12-02 13:12:04,617: DEBUG - ++ '[' -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/logging ']'
2020-12-02 13:12:04,619: DEBUG - ++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/logging
2020-12-02 13:12:04,621: DEBUG - +++ increment_progression=0
2020-12-02 13:12:04,623: DEBUG - +++ previous_weight=0
2020-12-02 13:12:04,625: DEBUG - +++ max_progression=-1
2020-12-02 13:12:04,627: DEBUG - +++ progress_scale=20
2020-12-02 13:12:04,629: DEBUG - +++ progress_string2='####################'
2020-12-02 13:12:04,631: DEBUG - +++ progress_string1=++++++++++++++++++++
2020-12-02 13:12:04,633: DEBUG - +++ progress_string0=....................
2020-12-02 13:12:04,635: DEBUG - ++++ date +%s
2020-12-02 13:12:04,637: DEBUG - +++ base_time=1606914724
2020-12-02 13:12:04,639: DEBUG - ++ for helper in $(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)
2020-12-02 13:12:04,642: DEBUG - ++ '[' -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/logrotate ']'
2020-12-02 13:12:04,644: DEBUG - ++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/logrotate
2020-12-02 13:12:04,646: DEBUG - ++ for helper in $(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)
2020-12-02 13:12:04,648: DEBUG - ++ '[' -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/mysql ']'
2020-12-02 13:12:04,650: DEBUG - ++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/mysql
2020-12-02 13:12:04,652: DEBUG - +++ MYSQL_ROOT_PWD_FILE=/etc/yunohost/mysql
2020-12-02 13:12:04,654: DEBUG - ++ for helper in $(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)
2020-12-02 13:12:04,657: DEBUG - ++ '[' -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/network ']'
2020-12-02 13:12:04,659: DEBUG - ++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/network
2020-12-02 13:12:04,661: DEBUG - ++ for helper in $(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)
2020-12-02 13:12:04,663: DEBUG - ++ '[' -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/nginx ']'
2020-12-02 13:12:04,666: DEBUG - ++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/nginx
2020-12-02 13:12:04,668: DEBUG - ++ for helper in $(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)
2020-12-02 13:12:04,671: DEBUG - ++ '[' -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/nodejs ']'
2020-12-02 13:12:04,673: DEBUG - ++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/nodejs
2020-12-02 13:12:04,676: DEBUG - +++ n_version=6.5.1
2020-12-02 13:12:04,678: DEBUG - +++ n_install_dir=/opt/node_n
2020-12-02 13:12:04,680: DEBUG - +++ node_version_path=/opt/node_n/n/versions/node
2020-12-02 13:12:04,682: DEBUG - +++ export N_PREFIX=/opt/node_n
2020-12-02 13:12:04,685: DEBUG - +++ N_PREFIX=/opt/node_n
2020-12-02 13:12:04,687: DEBUG - ++ for helper in $(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)
2020-12-02 13:12:04,689: DEBUG - ++ '[' -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/php ']'
2020-12-02 13:12:04,691: DEBUG - ++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/php
2020-12-02 13:12:04,694: DEBUG - +++ readonly YNH_DEFAULT_PHP_VERSION=7.3
2020-12-02 13:12:04,696: DEBUG - +++ YNH_DEFAULT_PHP_VERSION=7.3
2020-12-02 13:12:04,697: DEBUG - +++ YNH_PHP_VERSION=7.3
2020-12-02 13:12:04,699: DEBUG - ++ for helper in $(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)
2020-12-02 13:12:04,701: DEBUG - ++ '[' -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/postgresql ']'
2020-12-02 13:12:04,704: DEBUG - ++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/postgresql
2020-12-02 13:12:04,706: DEBUG - +++ PSQL_ROOT_PWD_FILE=/etc/yunohost/psql
2020-12-02 13:12:04,707: DEBUG - +++ PSQL_VERSION=11
2020-12-02 13:12:04,709: DEBUG - ++ for helper in $(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)
2020-12-02 13:12:04,712: DEBUG - ++ '[' -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/setting ']'
2020-12-02 13:12:04,714: DEBUG - ++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/setting
2020-12-02 13:12:04,716: DEBUG - ++ for helper in $(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)
2020-12-02 13:12:04,718: DEBUG - ++ '[' -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/string ']'
2020-12-02 13:12:04,720: DEBUG - ++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/string
2020-12-02 13:12:04,722: DEBUG - ++ for helper in $(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)
2020-12-02 13:12:04,725: DEBUG - ++ '[' -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/systemd ']'
2020-12-02 13:12:04,728: DEBUG - ++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/systemd
2020-12-02 13:12:04,730: DEBUG - ++ for helper in $(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)
2020-12-02 13:12:04,733: DEBUG - ++ '[' -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/user ']'
2020-12-02 13:12:04,735: DEBUG - ++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/user
2020-12-02 13:12:04,737: DEBUG - ++ for helper in $(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)
2020-12-02 13:12:04,740: DEBUG - ++ '[' -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/utils ']'
2020-12-02 13:12:04,743: DEBUG - ++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/utils
2020-12-02 13:12:04,745: DEBUG - + FORCE=0
2020-12-02 13:12:04,748: DEBUG - + DRY_RUN=0
2020-12-02 13:12:04,750: DEBUG - + case "$1" in
2020-12-02 13:12:04,752: DEBUG - + do_pre_regen /home/yunohost.conf/pending/nginx
2020-12-02 13:12:04,755: DEBUG - + pending_dir=/home/yunohost.conf/pending/nginx
2020-12-02 13:12:04,758: DEBUG - + cd /usr/share/yunohost/templates/nginx
2020-12-02 13:12:04,760: DEBUG - + nginx_dir=/home/yunohost.conf/pending/nginx/etc/nginx
2020-12-02 13:12:04,764: DEBUG - + nginx_conf_dir=/home/yunohost.conf/pending/nginx/etc/nginx/conf.d
2020-12-02 13:12:04,767: DEBUG - + mkdir -p /home/yunohost.conf/pending/nginx/etc/nginx/conf.d
2020-12-02 13:12:04,770: DEBUG - + cp plain/ plain/global.conf plain/ssowat.conf plain/ plain/ plain/ plain/ /home/yunohost.conf/pending/nginx/etc/nginx/conf.d
2020-12-02 13:12:04,773: DEBUG - ++ cat /etc/yunohost/current_host
2020-12-02 13:12:04,776: DEBUG - + main_domain=maindomain.tld
2020-12-02 13:12:04,779: DEBUG - ++ yunohost settings get security.nginx.compatibility
2020-12-02 13:12:06,588: DEBUG - + export compatibility=intermediate
2020-12-02 13:12:06,590: DEBUG - + compatibility=intermediate
2020-12-02 13:12:06,592: DEBUG - + ynh_render_template /home/yunohost.conf/pending/nginx/etc/nginx/conf.d/
2020-12-02 13:12:06,594: DEBUG - + local
2020-12-02 13:12:06,596: DEBUG - + local output_path=/home/yunohost.conf/pending/nginx/etc/nginx/conf.d/
2020-12-02 13:12:06,598: DEBUG - ++ dirname /home/yunohost.conf/pending/nginx/etc/nginx/conf.d/
2020-12-02 13:12:06,600: DEBUG - + mkdir -p /home/yunohost.conf/pending/nginx/etc/nginx/conf.d
2020-12-02 13:12:06,603: DEBUG - + python2.7 -c 'import os, sys, jinja2; sys.stdout.write(
2020-12-02 13:12:06,605: DEBUG -                     jinja2.Template(
2020-12-02 13:12:06,606: DEBUG -                     ).render(os.environ));'
2020-12-02 13:12:07,111: DEBUG - ++ yunohost domain cert-status --json
2020-12-02 13:12:10,125: DEBUG - + cert_status='{"certificates": {"maindomain.tld": {"validity": 89, "summary": "Good", "CA_type": "Other / Unknown"}}}'
2020-12-02 13:12:10,128: DEBUG - + for domain in $YNH_DOMAINS
2020-12-02 13:12:10,129: DEBUG - + domain_conf_dir=/home/yunohost.conf/pending/nginx/etc/nginx/conf.d/maindomain.tld.d
2020-12-02 13:12:10,132: DEBUG - + mkdir -p /home/yunohost.conf/pending/nginx/etc/nginx/conf.d/maindomain.tld.d
2020-12-02 13:12:10,134: DEBUG - + mail_autoconfig_dir=/home/yunohost.conf/pending/nginx/var/www/.well-known/maindomain.tld/autoconfig/mail/
2020-12-02 13:12:10,137: DEBUG - + mkdir -p /home/yunohost.conf/pending/nginx/var/www/.well-known/maindomain.tld/autoconfig/mail/
2020-12-02 13:12:10,139: DEBUG - + export domain
2020-12-02 13:12:10,141: DEBUG - ++ echo '{"certificates":' '{"maindomain.tld":' '{"validity":' 89, '"summary":' '"Good",' '"CA_type":' '"Other' / 'Unknown"}}}'
2020-12-02 13:12:10,144: DEBUG - ++ jq '.certificates."maindomain.tld".CA_type'
2020-12-02 13:12:10,146: DEBUG - ++ tr -d '"'
2020-12-02 13:12:10,148: DEBUG - + export 'domain_cert_ca=Other / Unknown'
2020-12-02 13:12:10,150: DEBUG - + domain_cert_ca='Other / Unknown'
2020-12-02 13:12:10,153: DEBUG - + ynh_render_template server.tpl.conf /home/yunohost.conf/pending/nginx/etc/nginx/conf.d/maindomain.tld.conf
2020-12-02 13:12:10,156: DEBUG - + local template_path=server.tpl.conf
2020-12-02 13:12:10,158: DEBUG - + local output_path=/home/yunohost.conf/pending/nginx/etc/nginx/conf.d/maindomain.tld.conf
2020-12-02 13:12:10,161: DEBUG - ++ dirname /home/yunohost.conf/pending/nginx/etc/nginx/conf.d/maindomain.tld.conf
2020-12-02 13:12:10,163: DEBUG - + mkdir -p /home/yunohost.conf/pending/nginx/etc/nginx/conf.d
2020-12-02 13:12:10,165: DEBUG - + python2.7 -c 'import os, sys, jinja2; sys.stdout.write(
2020-12-02 13:12:10,167: DEBUG -                     jinja2.Template(
2020-12-02 13:12:10,169: DEBUG -                     ).render(os.environ));'
2020-12-02 13:12:10,774: DEBUG - + ynh_render_template autoconfig.tpl.xml /home/yunohost.conf/pending/nginx/var/www/.well-known/maindomain.tld/autoconfig/mail//config-v1.1.xml
2020-12-02 13:12:10,776: DEBUG - + local template_path=autoconfig.tpl.xml
2020-12-02 13:12:10,778: DEBUG - + local output_path=/home/yunohost.conf/pending/nginx/var/www/.well-known/maindomain.tld/autoconfig/mail//config-v1.1.xml
2020-12-02 13:12:10,780: DEBUG - ++ dirname /home/yunohost.conf/pending/nginx/var/www/.well-known/maindomain.tld/autoconfig/mail//config-v1.1.xml
2020-12-02 13:12:10,783: DEBUG - + mkdir -p /home/yunohost.conf/pending/nginx/var/www/.well-known/maindomain.tld/autoconfig/mail
2020-12-02 13:12:10,785: DEBUG - + python2.7 -c 'import os, sys, jinja2; sys.stdout.write(
2020-12-02 13:12:10,787: DEBUG -                     jinja2.Template(
2020-12-02 13:12:10,789: DEBUG -                     ).render(os.environ));'
2020-12-02 13:12:11,192: DEBUG - + [[ maindomain.tld != maindomain.tld ]]
2020-12-02 13:12:11,195: DEBUG - + cp yunohost_local.conf /home/yunohost.conf/pending/nginx/etc/nginx/conf.d/maindomain.tld.d/yunohost_local.conf
2020-12-02 13:12:11,197: DEBUG - + ynh_render_template yunohost_admin.conf /home/yunohost.conf/pending/nginx/etc/nginx/conf.d/yunohost_admin.conf
2020-12-02 13:12:11,200: DEBUG - + local template_path=yunohost_admin.conf
2020-12-02 13:12:11,202: DEBUG - + local output_path=/home/yunohost.conf/pending/nginx/etc/nginx/conf.d/yunohost_admin.conf
2020-12-02 13:12:11,204: DEBUG - ++ dirname /home/yunohost.conf/pending/nginx/etc/nginx/conf.d/yunohost_admin.conf
2020-12-02 13:12:11,207: DEBUG - + mkdir -p /home/yunohost.conf/pending/nginx/etc/nginx/conf.d
2020-12-02 13:12:11,209: DEBUG - + python2.7 -c 'import os, sys, jinja2; sys.stdout.write(
2020-12-02 13:12:11,211: DEBUG -                     jinja2.Template(
2020-12-02 13:12:11,213: DEBUG -                     ).render(os.environ));'
2020-12-02 13:12:11,717: DEBUG - + mkdir -p /home/yunohost.conf/pending/nginx/etc/nginx/conf.d/default.d/
2020-12-02 13:12:11,719: DEBUG - + cp redirect_to_admin.conf /home/yunohost.conf/pending/nginx/etc/nginx/conf.d/default.d/
2020-12-02 13:12:11,722: DEBUG - ++ ls -1 /etc/nginx/conf.d
2020-12-02 13:12:11,725: DEBUG - ++ awk '/^[^\.]+\.[^\.]+.*\.conf$/ { print $1 }'
2020-12-02 13:12:11,728: DEBUG - + conf_files=maindomain.tld.conf
2020-12-02 13:12:11,730: DEBUG - + for file in $conf_files
2020-12-02 13:12:11,733: DEBUG - + domain=maindomain.tld
2020-12-02 13:12:11,735: DEBUG - + [[ maindomain.tld =~ maindomain.tld ]]
2020-12-02 13:12:11,737: DEBUG - ++ ls -1 /var/www/.well-known/maindomain.tld/autoconfig/mail/config-v1.1.xml
2020-12-02 13:12:11,739: DEBUG - + autoconfig_files=/var/www/.well-known/maindomain.tld/autoconfig/mail/config-v1.1.xml
2020-12-02 13:12:11,742: DEBUG - + for file in $autoconfig_files
2020-12-02 13:12:11,744: DEBUG - ++++ dirname /var/www/.well-known/maindomain.tld/autoconfig/mail/config-v1.1.xml
2020-12-02 13:12:11,745: DEBUG - +++ readlink -f /var/www/.well-known/maindomain.tld/autoconfig/mail/../..
2020-12-02 13:12:11,747: DEBUG - ++ basename /var/www/.well-known/maindomain.tld
2020-12-02 13:12:11,850: DEBUG - + domain=maindomain.tld
2020-12-02 13:12:11,852: DEBUG - + [[ maindomain.tld =~ maindomain.tld ]]
2020-12-02 13:12:11,854: DEBUG - + mkdir -p /home/yunohost.conf/pending/nginx/etc/nginx/sites-enabled
2020-12-02 13:12:11,856: DEBUG - + touch /home/yunohost.conf/pending/nginx/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default
2020-12-02 13:12:11,857: DEBUG - + exit 0
2020-12-02 13:12:11,889: DEBUG - Vérification de la configuration en attente qui aurait été appliquée pour la catégorie 'nginx'…
2020-12-02 13:12:12,060: DEBUG - processing pending conf '/home/yunohost.conf/pending/nginx/etc/nginx/conf.d/default.d/redirect_to_admin.conf' to system conf '/etc/nginx/conf.d/default.d/redirect_to_admin.conf'
2020-12-02 13:12:12,063: DEBUG - > system conf is already up-to-date
2020-12-02 13:12:12,065: DEBUG - processing pending conf '/home/yunohost.conf/pending/nginx/etc/nginx/conf.d/' to system conf '/etc/nginx/conf.d/'
2020-12-02 13:12:12,067: DEBUG - > system conf is already up-to-date
2020-12-02 13:12:12,068: DEBUG - processing pending conf '/home/yunohost.conf/pending/nginx/etc/nginx/conf.d/' to system conf '/etc/nginx/conf.d/'
2020-12-02 13:12:12,070: DEBUG - > system conf is already up-to-date
2020-12-02 13:12:12,072: DEBUG - processing pending conf '/home/yunohost.conf/pending/nginx/etc/nginx/conf.d/' to system conf '/etc/nginx/conf.d/'
2020-12-02 13:12:12,074: DEBUG - > system conf is already up-to-date
2020-12-02 13:12:12,076: DEBUG - processing pending conf '/home/yunohost.conf/pending/nginx/etc/nginx/conf.d/' to system conf '/etc/nginx/conf.d/'
2020-12-02 13:12:12,078: DEBUG - > system conf is already up-to-date
2020-12-02 13:12:12,079: DEBUG - processing pending conf '/home/yunohost.conf/pending/nginx/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default' to system conf '/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default'
2020-12-02 13:12:12,081: DEBUG - > system conf is already removed
2020-12-02 13:12:12,083: DEBUG - processing pending conf '/home/yunohost.conf/pending/nginx/etc/nginx/conf.d/' to system conf '/etc/nginx/conf.d/'
2020-12-02 13:12:12,086: DEBUG - > system conf is already up-to-date
2020-12-02 13:12:12,088: DEBUG - processing pending conf '/home/yunohost.conf/pending/nginx/etc/nginx/conf.d/yunohost_admin.conf' to system conf '/etc/nginx/conf.d/yunohost_admin.conf'
2020-12-02 13:12:12,090: DEBUG - > system conf is already up-to-date
2020-12-02 13:12:12,092: DEBUG - processing pending conf '/home/yunohost.conf/pending/nginx/etc/nginx/conf.d/ssowat.conf' to system conf '/etc/nginx/conf.d/ssowat.conf'
2020-12-02 13:12:12,095: DEBUG - > system conf is already up-to-date
2020-12-02 13:12:12,096: DEBUG - processing pending conf '/home/yunohost.conf/pending/nginx/etc/nginx/conf.d/global.conf' to system conf '/etc/nginx/conf.d/global.conf'
2020-12-02 13:12:12,098: DEBUG - > system conf is already up-to-date
2020-12-02 13:12:12,100: DEBUG - processing pending conf '/home/yunohost.conf/pending/nginx/etc/nginx/conf.d/maindomain.tld.d/yunohost_local.conf' to system conf '/etc/nginx/conf.d/maindomain.tld.d/yunohost_local.conf'
2020-12-02 13:12:12,102: DEBUG - > system conf is already up-to-date
2020-12-02 13:12:12,103: DEBUG - processing pending conf '/home/yunohost.conf/pending/nginx/etc/nginx/conf.d/maindomain.tld.conf' to system conf '/etc/nginx/conf.d/maindomain.tld.conf'
2020-12-02 13:12:12,108: DEBUG - Le fichier de configuration '/etc/nginx/conf.d/maindomain.tld.conf' a été sauvegardé sous '/home/yunohost.conf/backup/etc/nginx/conf.d/maindomain.tld.conf-20201202.131212'
2020-12-02 13:12:12,111: DEBUG - Le fichier de configuration '/etc/nginx/conf.d/maindomain.tld.conf' a été mis à jour
2020-12-02 13:12:12,113: DEBUG - processing pending conf '/home/yunohost.conf/pending/nginx/etc/nginx/conf.d/' to system conf '/etc/nginx/conf.d/'
2020-12-02 13:12:12,115: DEBUG - > system conf is already up-to-date
2020-12-02 13:12:12,117: DEBUG - processing pending conf '/home/yunohost.conf/pending/nginx/var/www/.well-known/maindomain.tld/autoconfig/mail/config-v1.1.xml' to system conf '/var/www/.well-known/maindomain.tld/autoconfig/mail/config-v1.1.xml'
2020-12-02 13:12:12,119: DEBUG - > system conf is already up-to-date
2020-12-02 13:12:12,121: SUCCESS - La configuration a été mise à jour pour 'nginx'
2020-12-02 13:12:12,124: DEBUG - updating conf hashes for 'nginx' with: {'/etc/nginx/conf.d/default.d/redirect_to_admin.conf': '69b9d60d4f87f404e4d376458d9de4e1', '/etc/nginx/conf.d/maindomain.tld.d/yunohost_local.conf': '58856e17936ac091e3a8a645e790b1cb', '/etc/nginx/conf.d/': '2230d8402c1167bea5db3f06f327e8fa', '/etc/nginx/conf.d/': 'cc6ce9ce7c88e87ff622f4748fe8f770', '/etc/nginx/conf.d/': 'd7fb33db23bcf76daef2f3bce20479cf', '/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default': None, '/etc/nginx/conf.d/': '2195f0c81c1491e194cec69fcfb39539', '/etc/nginx/conf.d/yunohost_admin.conf': '4f23bfc63fa5614e5b6997efcd83706c', '/etc/nginx/conf.d/': 'f822a0f5203c9dd86e6ea1e6d516ee86', '/etc/nginx/conf.d/ssowat.conf': '88f0941db4a897c214f34a0661db890d', '/etc/nginx/conf.d/global.conf': 'f8c8721f10d718546b2735080770d307', '/etc/nginx/conf.d/maindomain.tld.conf': 'a6ec9dc486e6ddd53114fce3b93256f8', '/etc/nginx/conf.d/': '9492e1180a5b95b497604fd434082562', '/var/www/.well-known/maindomain.tld/autoconfig/mail/config-v1.1.xml': '810bc239003dbba214ba50b80ca1f8a8'}
2020-12-02 13:12:12,413: DEBUG - No custom hook for action 'conf_regen' in /etc/yunohost/hooks.d/
2020-12-02 13:12:12,424: DEBUG - Executing command 'sh -c YNH_DOMAINS=maindomain.tld YNH_CWD=/usr/share/yunohost/hooks/conf_regen YNH_INTERFACE=api YNH_STDRETURN=/tmp/tmp7Ev4UQ/stdreturn YNH_STDINFO=/tmp/tmppSiLVF/stdinfo BASH_XTRACEFD=7 /bin/bash -x "./15-nginx" post 0 0 /etc/nginx/conf.d/maindomain.tld.conf 7>&1'
2020-12-02 13:12:12,490: DEBUG - + set -e
2020-12-02 13:12:12,497: DEBUG - + . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers
2020-12-02 13:12:12,499: DEBUG - +++ run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d
2020-12-02 13:12:12,502: DEBUG - ++ for helper in $(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)
2020-12-02 13:12:12,505: DEBUG - ++ '[' -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/apt ']'
2020-12-02 13:12:12,509: DEBUG - ++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/apt
2020-12-02 13:12:12,511: DEBUG - ++ for helper in $(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)
2020-12-02 13:12:12,513: DEBUG - ++ '[' -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/backup ']'
2020-12-02 13:12:12,514: DEBUG - ++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/backup
2020-12-02 13:12:12,516: DEBUG - +++ CAN_BIND=1
2020-12-02 13:12:12,618: DEBUG - ++ for helper in $(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)
2020-12-02 13:12:12,620: DEBUG - ++ '[' -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/fail2ban ']'
2020-12-02 13:12:12,622: DEBUG - ++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/fail2ban
2020-12-02 13:12:12,623: DEBUG - ++ for helper in $(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)
2020-12-02 13:12:12,625: DEBUG - ++ '[' -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/getopts ']'
2020-12-02 13:12:12,627: DEBUG - ++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/getopts
2020-12-02 13:12:12,628: DEBUG - ++ for helper in $(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)
2020-12-02 13:12:12,629: DEBUG - ++ '[' -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/hardware ']'
2020-12-02 13:12:12,631: DEBUG - ++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/hardware
2020-12-02 13:12:12,633: DEBUG - ++ for helper in $(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)
2020-12-02 13:12:12,634: DEBUG - ++ '[' -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/logging ']'
2020-12-02 13:12:12,637: DEBUG - ++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/logging
2020-12-02 13:12:12,639: DEBUG - +++ increment_progression=0
2020-12-02 13:12:12,640: DEBUG - +++ previous_weight=0
2020-12-02 13:12:12,642: DEBUG - +++ max_progression=-1
2020-12-02 13:12:12,643: DEBUG - +++ progress_scale=20
2020-12-02 13:12:12,645: DEBUG - +++ progress_string2='####################'
2020-12-02 13:12:12,646: DEBUG - +++ progress_string1=++++++++++++++++++++
2020-12-02 13:12:12,648: DEBUG - +++ progress_string0=....................
2020-12-02 13:12:12,650: DEBUG - ++++ date +%s
2020-12-02 13:12:12,652: DEBUG - +++ base_time=1606914732
2020-12-02 13:12:12,654: DEBUG - ++ for helper in $(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)
2020-12-02 13:12:12,655: DEBUG - ++ '[' -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/logrotate ']'
2020-12-02 13:12:12,657: DEBUG - ++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/logrotate
2020-12-02 13:12:12,658: DEBUG - ++ for helper in $(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)
2020-12-02 13:12:12,660: DEBUG - ++ '[' -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/mysql ']'
2020-12-02 13:12:12,662: DEBUG - ++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/mysql
2020-12-02 13:12:12,665: DEBUG - +++ MYSQL_ROOT_PWD_FILE=/etc/yunohost/mysql
2020-12-02 13:12:12,666: DEBUG - ++ for helper in $(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)
2020-12-02 13:12:12,668: DEBUG - ++ '[' -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/network ']'
2020-12-02 13:12:12,670: DEBUG - ++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/network
2020-12-02 13:12:12,672: DEBUG - ++ for helper in $(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)
2020-12-02 13:12:12,674: DEBUG - ++ '[' -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/nginx ']'
2020-12-02 13:12:12,676: DEBUG - ++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/nginx
2020-12-02 13:12:12,677: DEBUG - ++ for helper in $(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)
2020-12-02 13:12:12,679: DEBUG - ++ '[' -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/nodejs ']'
2020-12-02 13:12:12,682: DEBUG - ++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/nodejs
2020-12-02 13:12:12,683: DEBUG - +++ n_version=6.5.1
2020-12-02 13:12:12,685: DEBUG - +++ n_install_dir=/opt/node_n
2020-12-02 13:12:12,688: DEBUG - +++ node_version_path=/opt/node_n/n/versions/node
2020-12-02 13:12:12,689: DEBUG - +++ export N_PREFIX=/opt/node_n
2020-12-02 13:12:12,691: DEBUG - +++ N_PREFIX=/opt/node_n
2020-12-02 13:12:12,692: DEBUG - ++ for helper in $(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)
2020-12-02 13:12:12,694: DEBUG - ++ '[' -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/php ']'
2020-12-02 13:12:12,696: DEBUG - ++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/php
2020-12-02 13:12:12,697: DEBUG - +++ readonly YNH_DEFAULT_PHP_VERSION=7.3
2020-12-02 13:12:12,698: DEBUG - +++ YNH_DEFAULT_PHP_VERSION=7.3
2020-12-02 13:12:12,700: DEBUG - +++ YNH_PHP_VERSION=7.3
2020-12-02 13:12:12,701: DEBUG - ++ for helper in $(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)
2020-12-02 13:12:12,703: DEBUG - ++ '[' -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/postgresql ']'
2020-12-02 13:12:12,705: DEBUG - ++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/postgresql
2020-12-02 13:12:12,706: DEBUG - +++ PSQL_ROOT_PWD_FILE=/etc/yunohost/psql
2020-12-02 13:12:12,708: DEBUG - +++ PSQL_VERSION=11
2020-12-02 13:12:12,709: DEBUG - ++ for helper in $(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)
2020-12-02 13:12:12,711: DEBUG - ++ '[' -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/setting ']'
2020-12-02 13:12:12,713: DEBUG - ++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/setting
2020-12-02 13:12:12,716: DEBUG - ++ for helper in $(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)
2020-12-02 13:12:12,719: DEBUG - ++ '[' -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/string ']'
2020-12-02 13:12:12,721: DEBUG - ++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/string
2020-12-02 13:12:12,723: DEBUG - ++ for helper in $(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)
2020-12-02 13:12:12,727: DEBUG - ++ '[' -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/systemd ']'
2020-12-02 13:12:12,729: DEBUG - ++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/systemd
2020-12-02 13:12:12,731: DEBUG - ++ for helper in $(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)
2020-12-02 13:12:12,733: DEBUG - ++ '[' -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/user ']'
2020-12-02 13:12:12,735: DEBUG - ++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/user
2020-12-02 13:12:12,737: DEBUG - ++ for helper in $(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)
2020-12-02 13:12:12,739: DEBUG - ++ '[' -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/utils ']'
2020-12-02 13:12:12,741: DEBUG - ++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/utils
2020-12-02 13:12:12,744: DEBUG - + FORCE=0
2020-12-02 13:12:12,746: DEBUG - + DRY_RUN=0
2020-12-02 13:12:12,747: DEBUG - + case "$1" in
2020-12-02 13:12:12,749: DEBUG - + do_post_regen /etc/nginx/conf.d/maindomain.tld.conf
2020-12-02 13:12:12,750: DEBUG - + regen_conf_files=/etc/nginx/conf.d/maindomain.tld.conf
2020-12-02 13:12:12,752: DEBUG - + '[' -z /etc/nginx/conf.d/maindomain.tld.conf ']'
2020-12-02 13:12:12,754: DEBUG - + for domain in $YNH_DOMAINS
2020-12-02 13:12:12,756: DEBUG - + mkdir -p /etc/nginx/conf.d/maindomain.tld.d
2020-12-02 13:12:12,758: DEBUG - + for domain in $YNH_DOMAINS
2020-12-02 13:12:12,761: DEBUG - + '[' -e /etc/nginx/conf.d/maindomain.tld.d/000-acmechallenge.conf ']'
2020-12-02 13:12:12,763: DEBUG - + nginx -t
2020-12-02 13:12:13,367: DEBUG - + pgrep nginx
2020-12-02 13:12:13,369: DEBUG - 898
2020-12-02 13:12:13,371: DEBUG - 899
2020-12-02 13:12:13,372: DEBUG - 901
2020-12-02 13:12:13,377: DEBUG - 902
2020-12-02 13:12:13,389: DEBUG - 909
2020-12-02 13:12:13,392: DEBUG - + systemctl reload nginx
2020-12-02 13:12:13,700: DEBUG - + exit 0
2020-12-02 13:12:13,733: DEBUG - Journal complet de cette opération : '<a href="#/tools/logs/20201202-131204-regen_conf-nginx" style="text-decoration:underline"> Régénérer les configurations du système 'nginx' </a>'
2020-12-02 13:12:13,920: DEBUG - Running 'systemctl reload nginx'
2020-12-02 13:12:14,318: DEBUG - No default hook for action 'post_cert_update' in /usr/share/yunohost/hooks/
2020-12-02 13:12:14,321: DEBUG - No custom hook for action 'post_cert_update' in /etc/yunohost/hooks.d/
2020-12-02 13:12:14,329: ERROR - Certificate installation for maindomain.tld failed !
Exception: Il semble que l’activation du nouveau certificat pour maindomain.tld a échoué …

Matériel: Raspberry Pi à la maison
Version de YunoHost:

Happened again this morning with a subdomain : // Même problème ce matin avec un sous-domaine :

Now attempting renewing of certificate for domain todo.[] !
Configuration updated for 'dnsmasq'
Parsing account key...
Parsing CSR...
Found domains: todo.[]
Getting directory...
Directory found!
Registering account...
Already registered!
Creating new order...
Order created!
Verifying todo.[]...
todo.[] verified!
Signing certificate...
Certificate signed!
Configuration updated for 'nginx'
Certificate renewing for todo.[] failed !
The operation 'Renew 'todo.[]' Let's Encrypt certificate' could not be completed. Please share the full log of this operation using the command 'yunohost log display 20201203-052502-letsencrypt_cert_renew-todo.[] --share' to get help
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/moulinette/yunohost/", line 386, in certificate_renew
    _fetch_and_enable_new_certificate(domain, staging, no_checks=no_checks)
  File "/usr/lib/moulinette/yunohost/", line 580, in _fetch_and_enable_new_certificate
    raise YunohostError('certmanager_certificate_fetching_or_enabling_failed', domain=domain)
YunohostError: Trying to use the new certificate for todo.[] did not work...

Trying to use the new certificate for todo.[] did not work...
Sending email with details to root ...
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/yunohost", line 218, in <module>
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/moulinette/", line 149, in cli, output_as=output_as, password=password, timeout=timeout)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/moulinette/interfaces/", line 469, in run
    ret = self.actionsmap.process(args, timeout=timeout)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/moulinette/", line 588, in process
    return func(**arguments)
  File "/usr/lib/moulinette/yunohost/", line 349, in domain_cert_renew
    return yunohost.certificate.certificate_renew(domain_list, force, no_checks, email, staging)
  File "/usr/lib/moulinette/yunohost/", line 402, in certificate_renew
    _email_renewing_failed(domain, msg + "\n" + e, stack.getvalue())
TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'YunohostError' objects
run-parts: /etc/cron.daily/yunohost-certificate-renew exited with return code 1

J’ai exécuté yunohost log display --share, voilà les logs :
I used yunohost log display --share, here are the logs :

Salut, normalement la nouvelle version devrait résoudre le problème :partying_face:


Super ! Et après la mise à jour il y a une manipulation spécifique à faire pour les certificats déjà “passablement” renouvelés ou juste la mise à jour suffira ?

Si le certificat apparaît comme non valide sur la webadmin, le renouveler devrait résoudre le problème, sinon il n’y a rien à faire

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Mise à jour faite sans souci vers la, tout est revenu à la normale sans besoin de faire plus :

Grand merci @Kayou !


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