Problem while installing nextcloud

Finally I found that logs (find it at the end) I don’t understand how can’t it write in it as rights are ok, and there is enough space.
Finalement j’ai trouvé ces logs . Je ne comprends cependant pas pourquoi il n’arrive pas a écrire dedans vu que les droits semble ok et qu’il y a suffisament de place.

Thank you!
Merci d’avance

##logs :

941 DEBUG + sudo -u nextcloud php occ --no-interaction --no-ansi maintenance:install --database mysql --database-name nextcloud --database-user nextcloud --database-pass l5cUzoe8Uem5VTtThWCdypLk --admin-user admin --admin-pass svHYXU --data-dir /home/
218949 DEBUG Nextcloud is not installed - only a limited number of commands are available
219272 DEBUG Can’t create or write into the data directory /home/
219375 DEBUG + ynh_die ‘Unable to install Nextcloud’
219377 WARNING Unable to install Nextcloud
219379 DEBUG + echo ‘Unable to install Nextcloud’
219381 WARNING !!
219383 DEBUG + exit 1
219384 WARNING nextcloud’s script has encountered an error. Its execution was cancelled.
219386 DEBUG + ynh_exit_properly
219388 WARNING !!
219390 DEBUG + local exit_code=1
219391 WARNING