Portal simple dark - how to set?

I am trying to change the look of yunohost a little - but am happy with the “normal” theme.

One thing i couldnt figure out - on Github the yunohost portal is shown in a picture in “dark mode”

I could not find out how to select the dark option.
For the backend dark mode can easily be enabled (Tools →
Web-admin settings)

But how can this be done for the frontend/app catalog - as shown on github?

You can change the default theme in the portal config, which is “per top-most domain”, in Domains > yourdomain.tld > scroll down to Portal customization > Theme-something

Each user can also change the theme from the user portal itself, if you click the username in the top-left corner to edit the user info, then scroll down to change the theme (which also is automatically applied so easier to compare the different options available)