[Piwigo] Photo gallery

It seems a problem to get the token

Or perhaps to connect first with the admin user, perhaps a special character on the password ??

Thanks for the reply,
all the upgrades are using the “admin” user, with

sudo yunohost tools upgrade apps

but same error unfortunately :frowning:

shall I change the admin password ? (it has special characters) or try with my personal user who also have admin rights ?

You can try with your user

The admin user is no more recommended since yunohost 11.*, you still have an admin user ??

yes I still have the admin user, it never got deleted, my ssh key and alias connects me directly to admin. I can try with the regular / admin group member personal user, I thought you asked the opposite :

edit: unfortunately, that was not the problem, same error “Invalid numeric literal at line 1, column 10”

always this error:

2023-05-16 13:09:03,425: DEBUG - ++ jq --raw-output .result.pwg_token
2023-05-16 13:09:03,438: WARNING - parse error: Invalid numeric literal at line 1, column 10
2023-05-16 13:09:03,439: DEBUG - + pwg_token=

Like if the install process can’t read the token ?

Same error here:

and in the repository, few users seems have the same issue

Perhaps the next release will solved the issue ?

wish you were true :slight_smile:

I’ve had this problem for a few versions now :frowning:

let’s hope :crossed_fingers:

hello everyone,
My piwigo still won’t upgrade with that same error.

I have tried more than once to upgrade, to upgrade --force, to remove, restore
 nothing seems to work I am stuck in v 12.3.0~ynh1 :frowning:

any updates on your sides ?

Bonjour tout le monde,
retour d’expĂ©rience personnelle, je ne reccomande Ă  personne.

AprĂšs de multiples essais d’upgrade infonctionnels. j’ai fini par craquer, sauvegarder mon app avec les outils YunoHost. Puis j’ai fait l’upgrade de piwigo proposĂ© Ă  l’intĂ©rieur de la photothĂšque, lĂ  ou les mises Ă  jours sont proposĂ©es. dĂ©jĂ  ça n’a pas crash, j’ai laissĂ© passĂ© une sauvegarde automatique puis Ă  l’instant je viens de tester l’upgrade AVEC Yunohost (qui, effectivement, n’est pas au courant du changement de version) et aprĂšs 5min : upgrade rĂ©ussi.

Si certain·e·s veulent tenter la mĂȘme manipulation avec des photothĂšques non critiques / bien sauvegardĂ©es / d’instance de test

Hello everyone, Here to tell you what I have just done, but would not reccomend.

After months of not being able to upgrade, I gave up and (after checking a good backup was done) I have upgraded piwigo from within the photo-app itself, where it offered to. It hasn’t crashed, after 24hours (and a new backup of the apps) I tried the upgrade FROM yunohost admin-webui once again (Yunohost couldn’t guess I had upgraded) and after 5 minutes the upgrade was a success.
If anyone could / want to try this out with an empty piwigo, a test-instance or a very-well-backed-up gallery 

cheers all.

It is not clear for me which version of piwigo you are working on but I tried to install the version coming from yunohost (13.5.0~ynh1) and then tried to upgrade from the upgrader within the application (to version 13.8.0) and it worked fine: piwigo works normally but yunohost “thinks” to have the old version.

I was stuck into version 12.x.

After the “in-app” upgrade, I had to go through the upgrade from yunohost admin and it went through, have you tried it ?

I forgot to mention that I am working with the testing branch of yunohost and now I can’t upgrade the app anymore

how come you can’t upgrade the app, if yunohost was asking you to upgrade ?
you said : “yunohost ‘thinks’ it has the old version”
Didn’t that mean that your yunohost was asking for an upgrade ? :thinking:

If yunohost asks for nothing, I believe you have no problem.

As the forum closes general topics after 15 days without answers, I feel like many conversations about piwigo are remaining scattered around and it’s very difficult to follow new developments and attempts to recover this wonderful app.
So just to say I’m willing to help and test at least whatever to try and solve these issues, thanks a lot to who is trying to repair this!
Not knowing where to post I wrote on github repo about some interesting solutions found by another user here on the forum and the fact that wallabag_ynh was recently able to solve some long standing issues with login etc which I feel were similar to piwigo’s ones.
It’s been a long time without piwigo and I hope times are mature to make it come back :slight_smile: