[phpMyAdmin] Administration of MySQL over the Web

New stable release available

  • 02 July 2019 - #92
  • Add change_url script
  • Normalization from example_ynh
  • Upgrade to upstream version

New testing release available

  • 27 September 2019 - #95
    • Upgrade to upstream version 4.9.1
sudo yunohost app install https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/phpmyadmin_ynh/tree/testing --debug
sudo yunohost app upgrade phpmyadmin -u https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/phpmyadmin_ynh/tree/testing --debug
1 Like


J’ai pu mettre à jour l’application sans problùme (passage de la version à la version 4.9.1).
Durant le script d’installation il m’a Ă©tĂ© signalĂ© que je devrais aprĂšs l’installation faire un update car quelques paquets du systĂšme (Debian) n’étaient pas Ă  jour.
J’ai donc fait un update && dist-upgrade suite à l’installation.
Je suis bien en version 4.9.1 et j’ai pu via le panel web SSO de YunoHost me connecter à phpMyAdmin.
Merci aux mainteneurs des applications :slight_smile:

Édit :
J’ai Ă©galement fait la mise Ă  jour de la version phpMyAdmin sur ma Raspberry Pi 3B vers la version 4.9.1 testing.
Alors exactement le mĂȘme dĂ©roulĂ© que pour la prĂ©cĂ©dente mise Ă  jour sur mon VPS.
Pour information, les 4 dĂ©pendances “obsolĂštes” retrouvĂ©es dans les 2 mises Ă  niveau de phpMyAdmin sont les suivantes :

e2fslibs e2fsprogs libcomerr2 libss2


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New stable version :tada:

  • 9 October 2019 - #95
    • Upgrade to upstream version 4.9.1
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New testing version :tada:

  • 4 December 2019 - #97
    • Upgrade to upstream version 4.9.2

New stable version :tada:

  • 29 December 2019 - #97
    • Upgrade to upstream version 4.9.2
1 Like


La derniĂšre version dans YunoHost est la 4.9.2.
La derniĂšre version 4.9.5 corrige plusieurs failles :

Je ne me rends pas compte du travail que cela représente, néanmoins est-il possible de voir pour mettre cette version 4.9.5 dans la branche testing ?


Considering the last upgrade, it may be as simple as this last time.
However, no one is maintaining this app anymore.
So, it could take a long time before an upgrade is done.

Unless a packager is ready to give some love to this app.

I don’t know how Github works at all.
If I registered with a free plan, could it be ok to (try to) modify the -/+ filled with the rights stuff related about version 4.9.5 ?


A simple account should be enough https://github.com/join

I’ve created an account.
By default it seems to be a free plan basic.

Now, how can i try to edit Upgrade to upstream version 4.9.2 · YunoHost-Apps/phpmyadmin_ynh@ac39c3c · GitHub and “validate” the change ?

edit :
In phpmyadmin_ynh/conf/app.src, i can’t propose file change with


Because of :
You’re editing a file in a project you don’t have write access to. Submitting a change to this file will write it to a new branch in your fork ***/phpmyadmin_ynh, so you can send a pull request.

What could i do ?


This documentation may help you better understand how to deal with the great and terrible Git. Which is not an easy quest

The message you see is not really an error (although It’s a long time since I’ve seen those), it’s just telling you that you will create a fork to then create a pull request.

But again, the documentation should help you better understand what does that mean.


J’ai montĂ© une VM pour y installer une instance YunoHost avec un nom de domaine en *.local et CI Package Check.
J’ai ensuite lancĂ© tout ça pour vĂ©rifier les modifications :

Voici la version courte :

Info: [#####+++++++++++++
] > Installing dependencies with Composer

Warning: yunohost.hook - [1053.1] Warning: The lock file is not up to date with the latest changes in composer.json. You may be getting outdated dependencies. It is recommended that you run composer update or composer update <package name>.
Warning: moulinette.interface call - ‘yunohost app addaccess’ is deprecated and will be removed in the future
Warning: yunohost.hook - [1053.1] ‘yunohost app addaccess’ is deprecated and will be removed in the future
Info: [##################+.] > Configuring SSOwat

Warning: yunohost.app app_addaccess - [2800.1] /! Packagers ! This app is using the legacy permission system. Please use the new helpers ynh_permission_{create,url,update,delete} and the ‘visitors’ group to manage permissions.
Warning: yunohost.hook - [1053.1] /! Packagers ! This app is using the legacy permission system. Please use the new helpers ynh_permission_{create,url,update,delete} and the ‘visitors’ group to manage permissions.
Info: [###################.] > Reloading nginx web server

Package linter: SUCCESS
Installation: SUCCESS
Deleting: SUCCESS
Installation in a sub path: SUCCESS
Deleting from a sub path: SUCCESS
Installation on the root: SUCCESS
Deleting from root: SUCCESS
Upgrade: SUCCESS
Installation in private mode: Not evaluated.
Installation in public mode: Not evaluated.
Multi-instance installations: Not evaluated.
Malformed path: SUCCESS
Port already used: Not evaluated.
Restore: SUCCESS
Actions and config-panel: Not evaluated.
This app doesn’t respect the YEP 1.7 ! (YunoHost ‱ index)
Level of this application: 5 ()
Level 1: 1
Level 2: 1
Level 3: 1
Level 4: 1
Level 5: 1
Level 6: 0
Level 7: 1
Level 8: 0
Level 9: 0
Level 10: 0

Voici la version longue :

Est-ce que ce rĂ©sultat peut permettre de “merger”, fusionner le patch-3 avec la testing ?
Si oui, comment cela se passe-t-il ?


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It looks pretty good indeed.

We’re talking about this PR right ?
If it’s ok for you, we can merge in testing.

J’ai pu mettre à niveau depuis la version stable 4.9.2 vers la testing 4.9.5 sur ma Raspberry Pi sans problùme.

Je n’y connais malheureusement rien en base de donnĂ©es.
Je ne peux donc pas tester plus en avant si les exports, imports, modifications et autres sur les bases fonctionnent bien.

Le bon cĂŽtĂ© c’est qu’il y a la possibilitĂ© d’avoir pour l’heure la version Ă  jour via le canal testing.


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New testing version :tada:

  • 25 April 2020 - #98
    • Upgrade to upstream version 4.9.5
sudo yunohost app install https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/phpmyadmin_ynh/tree/testing --debug
sudo yunohost app upgrade phpmyadmin -u https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/phpmyadmin_ynh/tree/testing --debug

@ppr do you want an usual testing of one week ?

What does it mean an usual testing of one week ?


I said on the PR that I will merge in 3 days.
For Official or High quality we have a testing period of one week before merging.
Since that’s your PR, do you want that we wait a week ?

It’s difficult for me to answer you with certainty.

In one hand, i’m not a programmer, so I would say to don’t change the protocol for me. Maybe someone of the team could see something wrong during this period.

In the other hand, regarding and considering to vulnerabilities (high?) then perhaps opt for the shorten time.
