Personal blog, which platform? / Blog perso, quelle plate-forme?

I have a personal blog hosted using WordPress. It is good but I think there is a better option. What are you using and why?


J’ai un blog perso sous wordpress. C’est bon mais je pense qu’il y a de meilleures options. Qu’est ce que vous utilisez et pourquoi ?

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Bonne question, je souhaiterai aussi quelquechose de simple et de statique si possible. Si quelqu’un s’y connait, merci d’avance.

I’m using WriteFreely.

  • low system requirements
  • clean, simple design
  • no images, so don’t have to worry about storage and stuff, broken image links
  • simple markup
  • federation with activitypub (i.e. mastodon…)

I do nothave a blog, but Iknow there are a few static tools which are really nice.
To work,you can have a tool on your computer, or on the server (not in the weé directory) that will read your writtings and build a static site that you can put (automatically) in a web directory in YunoHost.

I found this list with a huge list :
And I’ve heard a lot of hugo :


ooooh Hugo seems interesting!

Is anybody running Hugo on their Yunohost server?

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There’s pluXml which is really nice

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Personnellement je me sert de PHPBOOST sur mes 2 sites.
(Il est dispo sur yunohost)

Hugo is incredibly fast, doesn’t seem easy to use for beginners, needs some learning, but it’s worth it (saw some sites running hugo that are graphically great)

I’ll give it a try. It has a nice design.

true. i just spent like 30 minutes reading up on it and trying it out. i already got a test site up with a pre-made theme i like. so it’s not very, very hard, but is a different way of thinking of ‘content’ or ‘blog’.

i now need to learn how to import my writefreely content.

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I am running Hugo on my computer then upload the files on my Yunohost and I am very happy with it, although I am not a very active blogger. if you have any questions do not hesitate to ask.


I use my phone to write. I have a little free time, so I take some free minutes to write some articles. I don’t think Hugo works on android.
And I add some pictures to the article, I don’t know to what extent it is possible to manipulate the pictures, alignment, title etc

Dotclear (Dotclear 2 in the Yunohost documentation) might be worth a try. I experimented with it briefly, but went back to WordPress because I didn’t have time to play with it. Looks pretty full-featured.


There is no Android app, but as it works in command line, and Android use a Linux kernel, I am pretty sure you can use it with something line Termux : Termux | F-Droid - Free and Open Source Android App Repository

The other way is to have a git repo somewhere and push your posts to it, then have your server automatically read this and build the site itself, or many other ways, many documented here : Hosting and deployment | Hugo

(but again, I never used it, so I have no idea about anything really)


Yes! : Writing a blog on smartphone | DSkrzypiec Blog


Bludit is very nice and easy to use !

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Sorry for the late reply, I have had a crazy week (and I don’t think it will be better next days).
I see a lot of good alternatives, hugo seems to be the highest rated in terms of performance, I’ll try it when I get some free time. That’s a good idea for a blog post

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I got hugo running on my phone and it was very easy

1- Install termux app

2- Update packages
pkg upgrade

3- Install hugo package
pkg install hugo

4- First site
hugo new site <sitename>

5- Go to the site folder
cd <sitename>

6- Install a theme

git init
git submodule add <hugo-git-theme-link> themes/<theme-name>

7- Add the theme to config file
echo theme = \"theme-name\" >> config.toml

8- Launch hugo server
hugo server

9- Open in your browser

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Now you can install and use rsync to push the Hugo static files on Yunohost.

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Yup! I do this.

  1. Create your website with hugo. Test is with hugo server. YOU DID THAT.
  2. Install Custom Web app on Yunohost
  3. Use Rsync from your phone to upload the /public/ directory of your hugo site into the /www/ folder of my_webapp. Should be something like “/var/www/APP/www”