[Outline] An open, extensible, wiki for your team

Hi there !

New release for Outline app is here !

A lot of changes have been made under the hood :

  • Automated installation and setup of Dex app for authentification against LDAP user base. Dex app is now part of Yunohost catalog and Level 7.
  • Updated installation and setup of MinIO app to follow major changes made to that app, now part of Yunohost catalog and Level 7.

You can now install a fully working version of Outline wiki and login with your Yunohost users.

Main disclaimer

  1. This is still a beta package. Please don’t install it yet on a production server !
  2. For technical reasons I’m still trying to understand, related to Dex app, Outine can’t be installed yet using the Web UI. Please use the command line instead sudo yunohost app install https://github.com/Yunohost-Apps/outline_ynh
  3. The licence of that app is not totally free, although very close to. You can refer to that conversation or to the app readme.

Next major steps will be to :

  1. Have Outline integrated into Yunohost catalog (should be done within a few days)
  2. Have Outline successfully running the CI tests and reach Level 7 integration