Outline restore from backup fails // then login fails

What type of hardware are you using: VPS bought online
What YunoHost version are you running:
What app is this about: Outline

Describe your issue

When trying to restore from an outline backup I created, I get the error ‘Argument oidc_name is required’ and the restoration fails

although from the yunopaste logs it looks like an argument OIDC_name is passed … maybe it needs to be changed to lowercase? is there a way to manually edit the restore script so I can try to debug restoring outline and get my data back?

Share relevant logs or error messages

here is the full yunopaste log https://paste.yunohost.org/raw/zagaxenamo

going to try this related thread Dex (Outline) Update Error - #37 by Limezy

now even after getting outline restored… I’m still unable to login :frowning: … also unable to login on a fresh install as well :frowning:

Thanks for your topic, I will try to reproduce and/or understand what is happening

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