Nextcloud Files view not rendering

My YunoHost server

Hardware: VPS bought online / Old laptop or computer / Raspberry Pi at home / Internet Cube with VPN / Other ARM board / …
YunoHost version: 11.2.27
I have access to my server : Through SSH | through the webadmin | direct access via keyboard / screen | …
Are you in a special context or did you perform some particular tweaking on your YunoHost instance ? : no
If yes, please explain:
If your request is related to an app, specify its name and version: Nextcloud 29.0.4~ynh2

Description of my issue

I’m not sure quite what’s going on here but I have 3 Nextcloud instances which have been running for a while now without issues, even with the string of recent updates.

However one of them has stopped showing the file list, and the “New” is greyed out so I can’t add anything. No photos are shown but in the app Memories they are all there. Nextcloud is working, so if I add/remove files on my desktop using the Nextcloud sync app, the sync happens without errors but when I log in using the web… Nichts!

The other two instances on my server are just fine. Where can I find a log so I can share what is happening and can anyone help?

Many thanks



What’s your permissions? Could you give them?

namei -l /home/*/files

You can compare with others instances.


Found the possible issue.

If I switch on “Folder Descriptions” then the Personal Files page does not render. Odd as the other Nextcloud instances do have this switched on. Switch it of, refresh and the files reappear.

Anyone else with this issue by any chance?


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