@ericg is very regularly updating the PosgreSQL branch in parallel to the MySQL branch. You may have to wait a little bit more than master before updating, and you may also bump into a few crashed upgrades like I just did ! But it’s now more than one year that I upgrade my PostgreSQL version from that branch without any major issues.
However, if I’m not wrong there are no scripts to migrate back to MySQL. You would have to do all manually which could be quite messy… You can’t “just” upgrade back to a master branch commit.
Ok, I found this solution, if someone have the same issue… remove the old logs sudo -u nextcloud truncate /home/yunohost.app/nextcloud/data/nextcloud.log --size 0
Then, I tried to access the logs, to bee greeted by a message : « Could not load log entries »
After some time, the logs load.
If I ignore the errors that are my fault (some mount point changed), here are the remaining errors :
Could not find resource files_external/js/public_key.js to load
Could not find resource files_external/js/oauth2.js to load
Could not find resource files_external/js/oauth1.js to load
List of relations
Schema | Name | Type | Owner
public | oc_accounts | table | nextcloud
public | oc_accounts_data | table | nextcloud
public | oc_activity | table | nextcloud
public | oc_activity_mq | table | nextcloud
public | oc_addressbookchanges | table | nextcloud
public | oc_addressbooks | table | nextcloud
public | oc_appconfig | table | nextcloud
public | oc_authorized_groups | table | nextcloud
public | oc_authtoken | table | nextcloud
public | oc_bruteforce_attempts | table | nextcloud
public | oc_calendar_appt_bookings | table | nextcloud
public | oc_calendar_appt_configs | table | nextcloud
public | oc_calendar_invitations | table | nextcloud
public | oc_calendar_reminders | table | nextcloud
public | oc_calendar_resources | table | nextcloud
public | oc_calendar_resources_md | table | nextcloud
public | oc_calendar_rooms | table | nextcloud
public | oc_calendar_rooms_md | table | nextcloud
public | oc_calendarchanges | table | nextcloud
… and a lot of other similar lines
That’s why I’m little bit confused about what is bugging here. Maybe my PostgreSQL database is somehow removed earlier in the process ?
Has someone already migrated to PosgreSQL tried the upgrade ?
Sur un nouveau serveur, encore un paquet d’erreurs 441 erreurs dans les journaux depuis 6 janvier 2024 !
je comprends qu’il faut attendre quelques jours, une semaine pour que le message disparaisse sur ce topic:
Avez vous vérifié le log dans l’administration de nextcloud ? J’ai eu un tas d’erreurs qui en cherchant c’est avéré qu’une application qui n’est plus supportée.
Ok, j’ai du enlever Mind Maps, et aussi un peu un bug avec Ownpad, en fait les pads fonctionnent, mais je ne vois plus dans le menu la possibilité d’ajouter un pad, un private pad ou ou calc, mais les ceux existant fonctionnent toujours, je vais attendre et ouvre une issue sur le dépôt de l’extension, mais je voudrai la garder activée…
Ensuite j’ai des erreurs de ce type
Error while running background job (class: OCA\\GroupFolders\\BackgroundJob\\ExpireGroupVersions, arguments: )","exception":{},"CustomMessage":"Error while running background job (class: OCA\\GroupFolders\\BackgroundJob\\ExpireGroupVersions, arguments: )"}}