New Hibzilla instalation can not login as admin

Hardware: UltraHost VPS (Debian 11)
YunoHost version: 11.2.27
I have access to my server : Through SSH | through the webadmin
Are you in a special context or did you perform some particular tweaking on your YunoHost instance ? : no
Installed Huzilla version: 9.2.1~ynh1
Description of my issue (solved)
Can’t login as admin on Hubzilla main login page.
Web interface (https://yunohost/admin/#/groups) show that my account is in admin group. Permission to Hubzilla application for admin account are granted.

Documentation from Yunohost about Hubzilla says

For admin rights: When installation is complete, you will need to visit your new hub’s page and login with the admin account username which was entered at the time of installation process. You should then be able to create your first channel and have the admin rights for the hub. *

But it newer asks me about creating any accounts during installation process

Documentation from Yunohost about Hubzilla later says

Failing to get admin rights: If the admin cannot access the admin settings at then you have to manually add 4096 to the account_roles under accounts for that user in the database through phpMyAdmin. *

It sound confusing. Why am I need phpMyAdmin If I have only command line.

Compare with official documentation form Hubzilla. It is much clearer.

In order for your account to be given administrator access, it should be the
first account created, and the email address provided during registration
must match the “administrator email” address you provided during
installation. Otherwise to give an account administrator access,
add 4096 to the account_roles for that account in the database.

As far as I understand Hubzilla use MySQL (MariaDB) by default. But when I list all MySQL databases on my server it was empty. No database with a name Hubzilla.
So I found yunohost installation log
and found mentioning about psql, so Hubzilla database has installed on postgresql.
Next I login in postgresql found hubzilla database and table account, which is totally empty.

I attempt to register new user on Hubzilla login page (I do not hope to receive e-mail with token cause outgoing SMTP port 25 blocked on my server by hosting provider but I get me token right on next web page) and indeed that added in postgresql DB one entry with 4096 in account_roles, hope that mean that I have admin rights.

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