[OnlyOffice] Office editor


Vous auriez une idée ? de comment résoudre cela s’il vous plaît ?
Je sais que cela viens sûrement de la configuration nginx : https://github.com/liberodark/onlyoffice_ynh/blob/master/conf/nginx.conf !
Voici une édition éditable : https://hackmd.io/pfY6UccqThGTw0384Fykdg?edit
Pourriez vous me dire ?


Voici quelques informations en plus j’ai installé onlyoffice sur le domaine cloud.copysud.fr pour essayer voici les résultats :

  1. https://paste.yunohost.org/xihanosite.nginx

  2. https://paste.yunohost.org/amisulefov.nginx

le premier c’est /etc/nginx/conf.d/cloud.copysud.fr.d/onlyoffice.conf

le deuxième c’est /etc/nginx/conf.d/cloud.copysud.fr.conf

Si cela peut vous aider !

Bonjour y a eu un petit progrès sur le SSL l’app peut tourner en SSL maintenant !
grâce à une nouvelle config nginx : https://github.com/liberodark/onlyoffice_ynh/blob/master/conf/nginx.conf

Mais le projet à encore besoin de quelques fixes notamment la sélection d’un port à l’installation et aussi pouvoir installer l’app sur le même domaine que une autre app puis aussi corriger le

502 Bad Gateway


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Sorry, I was away for a few days.
A 502 error means that your server is having an error. The good part is that means that your server is answering the request but is having some trouble.
The bad part is, with a reverse proxy, it can be difficult to understand why…

The first thing to do in front of a 502 is to have a look to the log of your server. If you don’t have a specific log for this app, you should find some info about it in syslog.


ok i can mount a server and give you access if you want?
Because I do not know what to look for in syslog and very or too long to copy everything :frowning:

You can try cat /var/log/syslog | grep onlyoffice to get some info from this log.
Also less /var/log/syslog to explore it, and then / onlyoffice to search through the log while you’re in the less command

Thx for commands :slight_smile:

cat /var/log/syslog | grep onlyoffice


less /var/log/syslog


Best Regards

Voici les derniers commits : https://github.com/liberodark/onlyoffice_ynh/commit/277589a6872238cac39657bf4bb79813baf74964
Qui corrige un problème de deps ! une légère amélioration lors de l’installation avec une fenêtre avec la page onlyoffice qui s’affiche.


And so ? Is there still issues with your scripts ?

yes same error 502 with restart and is not running great !

Here’s your error:

INFO supervisord started with pid 28310
INFO spawnerr: can't find command 'node'

Only-office is using a systemd config file, this file has to be patched with the correct location of node.
The systemd script is here, /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/supervisor.service, because supervisor is not using directly node, but taking it from PATH, you should have a look to the way etherpad is doing that.

how to add this on onlyoffice script ?

Either you use sed to (prefer ynh_replace_string) to add the line you want in the script, or you use your own systemd script which you copy over the original one during the install.

Have foud service file : onlyoffice-documentserver-docservice.conf

command=node --max_old_space_size=4096 /var/www/onlyoffice/documentserver/server/DocService/sources/server.js

Voici le service !

That’s probably a service script for supervisor. If you can find a documentation for this file, it can be maybe better to patch this file instead.

Have /etc/ from deb : https://github.com/liberodark/onlyoffice_ynh/tree/master/etc

Salut à tous

J’ai un soucis sur un script via un argument j’ai un doute dessus !
Pourriez me dire le quel est le bon ?
PATH ou $path

sur https://github.com/liberodark/onlyoffice_ynh/blob/beta/scripts/install

Ligne 54 57 59

Reste que cela pourrait etre $url_path aussi

$PATH is not $path if that’s your question.

About the lines 54, 57 and 59, you’re using here $path_url which is another variable, and the good one in this part of the script.

The beta version works but it works with the official OnlyOffice commands. However the goal of this version is to be able to install it on the same domain as Nextcloud.
Could you tell me how to modify my script in order to install it on the same domain as Nextcloud?

What’s the problem about that ?