MotionEye on YNH?

Hello everybody…

I’m looking for a way to add a Video Surveillance app to my YNH… after a lot of browsing, reading, it seems to me that MotionEye might be the best system…(best meaning one that works and is simple to use… and to set)

anyone did that ?

I didn’t, but I did find a link to the MotionEye project :slight_smile:

well, yes, the github is easy to find… but I’d think it would be nice to have a MotionEye app within YNH like all other apps… of eventually to know if it works properly as a wepp_app …

Sorry, I didn’t post the link to imply that everyone should go and fetch the installation from Github, but as an easy way for other readers to read more about MotionEye.

I am acquainted with Motion, but I didn’t know there’s a front end for it. Now I do :slight_smile: