Migration to 11.x failed: Migration 0021_migrate_to_bullseye did not complete, aborting. Error: Failed to reinstall mariadb-common?

Hi Aleks, thanks for your reply. I managed to get the migration to work before I saw your response; I think the failure may have something with an incomplete removal of firefly-iii causing issues. In addition to a couple reboot cycles, I did the following:

  • sudo dpkg --configure -a
  • Delete /etc/php/7.4/fpm/pool.d/firefly-iii.conf
  • Install php7.4-fpm
  • run sudo apt --fix-broken install
  • run sudo yunohost tools migrations run --accept-disclaimer

after which the migration was successfully completed.

For context: I have had strange issues ever since installing firefly-iii (such as being unable to install or update apps), which was many updates ago. When experiencing these issues some time ago, I removed php7.4-fpm after finding this thread, which appeared to resolve them for a while.