Meeting this evening?

Hi everyone

I would really propose a meeting this evening, there’re some matters I would really to discuss about.

  • Our probably soon testing release and stable release
  • Think about a fallback of our main server, after the break down of sunday.
  • Discuss about where we are with this new server. And what we have to do.
  • Maybe discuss about money ? For some vps and other stuff we need for our infra ? :innocent: (Please don’t hit me :pray:)
  • And anything else you want to discuss about.

Bonjour tout le monde

Je voudrais vraiment vous proposer réunion ce soir, il y a des sujets dont je voudrais vraiment que nous discutions.

  • Notre testing probablement bientôt disponible et la release stable.
  • Pensez à un fallback de notre serveur principal, après la panne de dimanche.
  • Discutez d’où nous en sommes avec ce nouveau serveur. Et ce que nous devons encore faire.
  • Peut-être parler d’argent ? Pour quelques vps et d’autres choses dont nous avons besoin pour notre infra ? :innocent: (Pas taper :pray: )
  • Et tout ce dont vous voudriez discuter.
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Discuss about releasing a Let’s Encrypt bugfix version.
I need the certificate for Duniter.

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It’s already fix here [Fix LE] Update acme-tiny as LE updated its ToS by M5oul · Pull Request #386 · YunoHost/yunohost · GitHub

I don’t know what the release will contains. It’s not my part.

But, if you’re really in a hurry, you can also buy a real certificate or fix your server by yourself.
Or, even !!! Help to enhance YunoHost and help to release faster by contributing !

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My bad. Looks like my certificate problem is IPv4/IPv6 related.

Perhaps a make ‘make my Yunohost accessible via IPv6 only command’ would be nice.

admin@YunoHost:~ $ sudo yunohost tools ip ipv6-only