Matrix Messaging

It’s just if the app is private only the yunohost user (in LDAP) can register on matrix. If it is public all user can create an account on the server.

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Where do the empty rooms history goes?. If we don’t want the empty room history to be saved how can we delete it?

hi kanhu,

the matrix team is available in our user group:

Can some one tell me how to remove the empty room’s history ? I have lot of empty rooms with lot of stuff. I run private synapse server.



I have made a full update of riot and synapse. Here is the changes of every apps.


  • add backup and restore script
  • add change_url script
  • use new yunohost helper


  • migrate to postgresql
  • use new yunohost helper
  • install with virtualenvironement instead of debian package and jessie-packport repos.

For now synapse is not officially released because the migration from sqlite to postgresql fail (see the issue here : For now the new release is available here :

Every notices of this is welcome.


where can i change the html and css of the homepage or my Riot instance?

You can change the URL of an installed app by running the following command :

$ yunohost app change-url name_of_the_app --domain some.newdomain.tld --path /newwebpath

Can I create an account for Non Yunohost(no Ldap) member ? I have not set the app as public and I want the member to conned to my server just for matrix. Is it possible?

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In this case you can just edit the line 297 of the synapse file config ( ). This file is in /etc/matrix-synapse/homeserver.yaml and after restart the server by service matrix-synapse restart.
With this solution after the update of app this modification will be increased, so you need to do it a new time.

You could also change manually this setting in the file /etc/yunohost/apps/synapse/settings.yml. You need to change the key is_public from 0 to 1. After that you need to upgrade the app tu apply the new setting by this cmd : yunohost app upgrade -u synapse

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Hello @Josue,

First of all, thanks for your work on this packaging :slight_smile:

I tried to install it, but I don’t see anything in Yunohost’s main panel.
How to use this server (for instance how to create an account) ?

Regarding DNS config, I’m also not sure to understand how it works.

Let’s says I have the domain my.domain.tld.
Then I have to use: 3600 IN SRV 10 0 8448 my.domain.tld.

Correct ?
Thanks :slight_smile:

You have to use anyone of the clients mentioned in the website. You can try the web interface or install the riot on your domain with the YunoHost app.
Ldap works with it ,so you can use your normal username and password of YunoHost for login.

I’m trying using Riot.
But when I use custom server, with my.domain.tld or my.domain.tld/_matrix (I don’t know which one to use) it raises “a connection to homeserver” issue.

You need to enter https://my.domain.tld in home server and identity server ,then login from YunoHost id.

The identity server too ? Ok.

I tried, I get this error:

Erreur : Problème de communication avec le homeserveur. (M_UNRECOGNIZED)

Ok it works.
It seems like I didn’t set up my DNS correctly.

For, for the record, I used

https://my.domain.tld in home server and identity server

As you said :slight_smile:

And for the DNS (with subdomain.mydomain.tld)

_matrix._tcp.subdomain. IN SRV 10 8448 subdomain.domain.tld.

(I didn’t want to setup a custom TTL)

It seems to work fine, and I’m also able to contact my account from another instance.

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I am using private setup, so I did not added the SRV record :slight_smile:

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Which means that the accounts on your instance can’t communicate to another instance, or just that there are not seen ?

It’s strange, it didn’t work for me before changing the DNS.

join our Yunohost user group :wink:

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The new version is available on the official repos :

I have solved the upgrade from the old version so everybody can upgrade from the old version to the new.
The upgrade could take a long time because the upgrade script migrate all data from sqlite to postgresql so it could be really long if you have a big instance with big chattroom. It could be also long for ARM arch.

I advise to upgrade by command line instead of web interface.


Thank you so much :slight_smile: