What type of hardware are you using: Virtual machine
What YunoHost version are you running:
How are you able to access your server: The webadmin
Direct access via physical keyboard/screen
Are you in a special context or did you perform specific tweaking on your YunoHost instance ?: No
Describe your issue
I am unable to log into the YunoHost web admin portal. Until late October, I could log in without issues. Recently, I returned to the server after a couple of months, but every login attempt now fails with a 401 error, indicating an incorrect username or password.
To troubleshoot, I have:
- Tried resetting the passwords by running:
yunohost tools rootpw
yunohost tools adminpw
, which this command seems not to exist any longer- I was very careful when typing the passwords I tried
- Upgrade YUNOHOST:
I was already on 12, but upgraded to the most recent version as of 12/27/2024 - Checked user accounts:
- Used
yunohost user list
andyunohost user group list
to confirm I’m using the correct username.
- Reviewed fail2ban
- Allowed time to pass for any lockout mechanisms (24 hrs)
Despite these steps, I still can’t log in. The browser console consistently shows a 401 error, suggesting invalid credentials. I can SSH into the server with root, but the web admin portal continues to reject my admin password. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Additionally, I’m sorry if you read the first version of this post I came back to fix it as it was very confusing.
Share relevant logs or error messages
The browser’s console shows that it says 401, and either the password or username is incorrect.