Lenny : display homepage instead of login page for visitors

What type of hardware are you using: Other(?)
What YunoHost version are you running: 12.0.10
How are you able to access your server: The webadmin

Describe your issue

I have lenny installed on my domain, How do you turn of the login page for visitors and members , I want it so when people go to the domain they see my webpage and not login, Cant find a way to turn it off in admin, it works me, just not visitors .

So this is what i need when visitors go to my domain it goes right to my domain and not my admin login panel.

Share relevant logs or error messages

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If you go to the admin panel, and then to the settings for your main domain, do you see the “Portal customization”?

There are some new options: “Show the list of public apps to visitors”, and, in case Lenny is on another domain, “Show other domain’s apps”:

I haven’t used those options yet, but they may be what you are looking for.

For the next time: do you know what kind of ‘Other’? For some cases, it is good to know what architecture (ARM, AMD64, x86, …) it is, as some packages don’t work the same way for all. The difference between having a VPS or an old laptop is important in case of problems with the web admin interface, for example.

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I’m on a dedicated server. those options dont work. I dont want the app icon on the home page, I need the lemmy instance to show on the homepage. I want the lemmy login/signup on homepage.

Thanks for the input.

Error: "400"

Action: "PUT" /yunohost/api/apps/lemmy/default

Unable to make ‘lemmy’ the default app on the domain, ‘lemmyspace.com’ is already in use by ‘lemmy’

This is the error i get.

Ah, I didn’t know Lemmy. Now I had a look at the app, I understand why you’d like to have it running publicly.

My main Yunohost is still at version 11, so the screenshots may be a bit different.

My blog (Wordpress) is publicly available in that way. I set it up as “Default app” on the same admin page:

The same can be set from the other end, at the app page itself:

I have this yellow “app_make_not_default”-button, it is a green “Make default” when it is not yet default.

Depending on the app, different groups and users are allowed to visit:


“Visitors” is the ‘group’ of anonymous visitors.

What are the permissions for Lemmy? Is it set to “Visitors”?

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Yes set to visitors. Its not letting me make lemmy the default app so it redirects to lemmy, when they go to my domain, I never had any issues when i used one of the free domains for testing from yonohost.