Latest Yunohost Update broke Dnsmasq on my Server

Ok looks like things might almost be fixed here as I was sleeping in another timezone. Thank you to all people helping to troubleshoot this. In case this is still relevant now or in the future…

Output of ls /sys/class/net

br-2210102afa2a  docker0  lo           veth8dce4ed  vethb330b61  wg0
br-d500991efb71  enp4s0   veth116bc56  veth9901742  vethfb76a97  wlp3s0

Output of ls -m /sys/class/net | sed s/,//g

br-2210102afa2a br-d500991efb71 docker0 enp4s0 lo veth116bc56 veth8dce4ed
veth9901742 vethb330b61 vethfb76a97 wg0 wlp3s0

I am running Pihole version 5.4. I am running on computer on my local network.

$ python3 -c "for int in '$(ls -m /sys/class/net | sed s/,//g)'.strip().split(' '): printf(f"'"'"> {int}"'"'")"
  File "<string>", line 1
    for int in 'br-2210102afa2a br-d500991efb71 docker0 enp4s0 lo veth116bc56 veth8dce4ed
SyntaxError: EOL while scanning string literal
$ python3 -c "for int in '$(ip -j addr show | jq -r '[.[].ofname]|join(" ")')'.split(' '): print(f"'"'"> {int}"'"'")"

All working now! I manually deleted all these extra interface names in all the files, restarted Dnsmasq, installed the latest version of yunohost, then force updated Dnsmasq configuration. Thanks again to the community!!!

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