Just a static html website

Ok now I’m completely stumped.

I got Yunohost installed using the tge .nohost.me and everything just works (including email! Turns out Im already a “business customer” so port 25 was open). Got Roundcube, nextcloud and the security dashboarf installed. Added my domain so I can put up my website. Its just a static website that I build with hugo on my laptop. But I cant for the life of me figure out where to put the files.
Actually I should probably just turn it into a wordpress theme and do that. Lol.
But where do you host static sites at? All I see is a standard linux file tree. No public_html/
Maybe I just not looking in the right place.

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Peut-être, si j’ai bien compris, le plus simple est d’installer
[Custom Webapp]

Bonne soirée.

Perhaps, as I understand it, the easiest way is to install Custom Webapp.


Thank you. I hadnt considered that aince it sounds more like an empty package for someones cuatom app.

I did locate the right directory. They are

I have a Hugo website too, I just upload the files in www in the ‘Custom Webapp’ install, as mentioned by anonyme18.

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Thank you. I guess I better take a harder look at that. Lol.

Si j’ai pu aider, c’est avec plaisir.
Désolé pour mon anglais, ce sera mes devoirs de vacances de l’améliorer :slight_smile:

If I could help, it is with pleasure.
Sorry for my English, it will be my summer homework to improve it :slight_smile:

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Your engkish may be rough but its enough to understand easily.
BTW I just installed that, uploaded the files and boom! It just works like its supposed to. Thank you. I think Im starting to get this whole thing understood, finally. Lol.

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