Jirafeau file sharing, with external users

I have installed jirafeau to be able to share files with anybody.

But it seems that the links provided by jirafeau are fowarding to the yunohost login screen (when used on another web browser than the one used to upload the file).

That is to say that somebody which does not own a login on my yunohost server is not able to download the file. Is that the wanted behavior ?

Thanks !

There is an installation setting for public mode.
Switch it to Yes and external users will be able to access your jirafeau without yunohost login.

Thank you for your help !

Actually, the meaning of this setting comment is not obvious (in French): “Est-ce un site public ?” / "Is it a public site?"
Perhaps it should be modified to something more explicit, like “Générer des liens publiques ?” / “Generate public links ?”

Thanks !


Jirafeau made many improvements :wink:
Gitorious is closing and Jirafeau is migrating to Gitlab:


Don’t hesitate to signal bugs in tracker :smile:

Hi @Mojo422

Good to know that the project is well alive !
It’s been a long time I didn’t update the yunohost package…