Issues restoring backups when migrating from a dying SSD (Yunohost 11) to a new HDD (Yunohost 12) on the same machine

You’re right. That way they match. Thanks.

I see what I was doing wrong. I should have ran sha256sum --check against the .iso.sha256 file (and not the .iso). :man_facepalming:

But even then (and only for 11.2), I get:

sha256sum --check yunohost-bullseye-11.2-amd64-stable.iso.sha256sum
sha256sum: debian-11.11.0-amd64-netinst-modified.iso: No such file or directory
debian-11.11.0-amd64-netinst-modified.iso: FAILED open or read
sha256sum: WARNING: 1 listed file could not be read

Which makes sense, since yunohost-bullseye-11.2-amd64-stable.iso.sha256sum does actually point to the wrong file:

d18bf0aa2be09bf4a893f109097b8cb94918c7c845469098bc30e85ba1ddce92  debian-11.11.0-amd64-netinst-modified.iso

But yes, should be fine. It’s just a filename “typo”.

update, so I don’t spam with another post:

These did not work:

  • yunohost-bullseye-11.2-amd64-stable.iso works, but the installer gets stuck at not finding any root partition or something similar and partman won’t do anything
  • yunohost-bullseye-11.0.9-amd64-stable.iso does not even show up as a bootable medium in EFI menu

So this is what I’m doing now:

  1. installed Debian 11 on newHDD2debian-11.11.0-amd64-netinst.iso booted and worked fine
  2. ran curl | bash on top of that
  3. mounted oldHDD1 to /home/yunohost.backup with noatime
  4. successfully ran yunohost backup restore 20241215-193442 --system – took several hours
  5. successfully ran yunohost backup restore 20241215-193442 --apps pelican redirect__3 my_webapp to restore my Pelican blog and some static pages (600 MB) – took 4h
  6. successfully ran yunohost backup restore 20241215-193442 --apps pihole nextcloud to restore, well Pi-Hole and Nextcloud (cca. 20 GB) – took 3h40’
    • Pi-Hole itself seems to work, but if I use it as DNS, I can’t access anything on the web anymore. But I had a slightly odd set-up already before, IIRC. I’ll look into it later.
  7. successfully ran yunohost backup restore 20241215-193442 --apps biboumi unattended_upgrades searxng scrutiny piped to restore my Biboumi IRC-XMPP bridge (XMPP works already), search, SMART monitor, and yt sane-ifier (850 MB) – took 5h20’
  8. succesfully ran yunohost backup restore 20241215-193442 --apps languagetool funkwhale collabora calibreweb converse
    • Funkwhale seems to have issues accessing the shared music folder

If anything big happens, I’ll start a new comment; else just update this one.