Is this yunohost tutorial still relevant?

I’m just checking up here. I’m trying to load files to ausiobookshelf using this filezilla tutorial on the YH site

Does admin still exist? I thought it had been turned off.

It then mentions:

Click New Site and give a name the server you will be using : Family here. Fill the settings as on the screenshot (replace the server address with your own), and click on Connect . (N.B. : if you want to interact with the custom webapp files, you should use a different user than admin . Refer to the custom webapp documentation.)

Is “my web app” refered to above a way to access the audiobookshelf data directory located at
or something else?

I’ve spent over a week on this trolling the forums and guides and can’t get it to work so I thought I’d check my assumptions,



I can see a lot of people have looked at this post and I realise it may be a stupid question for the technically proficient. Could I please get an answer to the two questions, a yes/no is fine. I can then start working on what to do.

Many thanks in advance,


This is not what you need.
With the custom webapp you can allow ssh and define a password for it.
Go to the webadmin > applications > your custom webapp > configuration
Enable sftp

And define a password
Scroll down to the bottom you’ll find the admin doc that will tell you what host and username to use

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Many thanks . I’ve got it sorted.