Impossible de relancer Metronome

Mon serveur YunoHost

Matériel: Raspberry Pi à la maison / Brique Internet avec VPN
Version de YunoHost: (stable)
J’ai accès à mon serveur : En SSH | Par la webadmin
Êtes-vous dans un contexte particulier ou avez-vous effectué des modifiiations particulières sur votre instance ? : non

Description du problème


Metronome semble s’être arrêté tout seul et il m’est impossible de le redémarrer, ni avec l’interface web ni en ligne de commande.
J’ai toujours :

Status exited since 2 hours ago

Mes logs sont ici :


Que peut-il bien se passer pour que je ne puisse pas relancer Metronome ?

ében c’est curieux … perso j’ai du mal à voir ce qui va pas dans le log … Est-ce que tu peux tenter un

metronomectl start

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metronomectl start

Metronome was unable to find the configuration file.
We looked for: /etc/metronome/metronome.cfg.lua
A sample config file is included in the Metronome download called metronome.cfg.lua.dist
Copy or rename it to metronome.cfg.lua and edit as necessary.

Ehbennnn du coup faisons un

yunohost tools regen-conf metronome

Pareil :

yunohost tools regen-conf metronome
Error: yunohost command must be run as root or with sudo.
admin@arnauld:~ $ sudo yunohost tools regen-conf metronome

Puis :

admin@arnauld:~ $ metronomectl start

Metronome was unable to find the configuration file.
We looked for: /etc/metronome/metronome.cfg.lua
A sample config file is included in the Metronome download called metronome.cfg.lua.dist
Copy or rename it to metronome.cfg.lua and edit as necessary.

Normalement ce fichier de conf est géré par la regen-conf de yunohost …

Cette commande, elle ne renvoie rien …?

Non, cette commande ne renvoie rien :


Hmokay alors regardons de plus près avec

sudo yunohost tools regen-conf metronome --debug

admin@arnauld:~ $ sudo yunohost tools regen-conf metronome --debug
428 DEBUG loading actions map namespace ‘yunohost’
526 DEBUG extra parameter classes loaded: [‘comment’, ‘ask’, ‘password’, ‘required’, ‘pattern’]
527 DEBUG initializing base actions map parser for cli
532 DEBUG registering new callback action ‘yunohost.utils.packages.ynh_packages_version’ to [’-v’, ‘–version’]
896 DEBUG acquiring lock…
994 DEBUG lock has been acquired
1190 DEBUG loading python module took 0.195s
1191 INFO processing action [13350.1]: with args={‘force’: False, ‘dry_run’: False, ‘with_diff’: False, ‘names’: [‘metronome’], ‘list_pending’: False}
1321 DEBUG initialize authenticator ‘as-root’ with: uri=‘ldapi://%2Fvar%2Frun%2Fslapd%2Fldapi’, base_dn=‘dc=yunohost,dc=org’, user_rdn=‘gidNumber=0+uidNumber=0,cn=peercred,cn=external,cn=auth’
1371 DEBUG No custom hook for action ‘conf_regen’ in /etc/yunohost/hooks.d/
1411 DEBUG Executing command ‘sh -c YNH_DOMAINS=‘’ YNH_CWD=/usr/share/yunohost/hooks/conf_regen YNH_INTERFACE=cli YNH_STDRETURN=/tmp/tmpB8_dBo/stdreturn YNH_STDINFO=/tmp/tmps1fZfG/stdinfo BASH_XTRACEFD=7 /bin/bash -x “./12-metronome” pre 0 0 /home/yunohost.conf/pending/metronome 7>&1’…
1412 DEBUG About to run the command ‘[‘sh’, ‘-c’, ‘YNH_DOMAINS=‘’ YNH_CWD=/usr/share/yunohost/hooks/conf_regen YNH_INTERFACE=cli YNH_STDRETURN=/tmp/tmpB8_dBo/stdreturn YNH_STDINFO=/tmp/tmps1fZfG/stdinfo BASH_XTRACEFD=7 /bin/bash -x “./12-metronome” pre 0 0 /home/yunohost.conf/pending/metronome 7>&1’]’
1446 DEBUG + set -e
1450 DEBUG + FORCE=0
1453 DEBUG + DRY_RUN=0
1455 DEBUG + case “$1” in
1457 DEBUG + do_pre_regen /home/yunohost.conf/pending/metronome
1460 DEBUG + pending_dir=/home/yunohost.conf/pending/metronome
1461 DEBUG + cd /usr/share/yunohost/templates/metronome
1464 DEBUG + metronome_dir=/home/yunohost.conf/pending/metronome/etc/metronome
1466 DEBUG + metronome_conf_dir=/home/yunohost.conf/pending/metronome/etc/metronome/conf.d
1468 DEBUG + mkdir -p /home/yunohost.conf/pending/metronome/etc/metronome/conf.d
1470 DEBUG ++ cat /etc/yunohost/current_host
1471 DEBUG +
1474 DEBUG + sed ‘s/{{ main_domain }}/’
1476 DEBUG + cat metronome.cfg.lua
1478 DEBUG + for domain in $YNH_DOMAINS
1480 DEBUG + sed ‘s/{{ domain }}/’
1482 DEBUG + cat domain.tpl.cfg.lua
1483 DEBUG + for domain in $YNH_DOMAINS
1485 DEBUG + cat domain.tpl.cfg.lua
1487 DEBUG + sed ‘s/{{ domain }}/’
1489 DEBUG + for domain in $YNH_DOMAINS
1490 DEBUG + cat domain.tpl.cfg.lua
1492 DEBUG + sed ‘s/{{ domain }}/’
1594 DEBUG ++ awk ‘/^[^.]+.[^.]+.*.cfg.lua$/ { print $1 }’
1596 DEBUG ++ ls -1 /etc/metronome/conf.d
1597 DEBUG + conf_files=‘
1598 DEBUG
1599 DEBUG’
1601 DEBUG + for file in $conf_files
1602 DEBUG +
1603 DEBUG + [[ =~ ]]
1604 DEBUG + for file in $conf_files
1606 DEBUG +
1607 DEBUG + [[ =~ ]]
1609 DEBUG + for file in $conf_files
1610 DEBUG +
1611 DEBUG + [[ =~ ]]
1613 DEBUG + exit 0
1671 DEBUG Checking pending configuration which would have been applied for category ‘metronome’…
1823 DEBUG processing pending conf ‘/home/yunohost.conf/pending/metronome/etc/metronome/conf.d/’ to system conf ‘/etc/metronome/conf.d/’
1824 DEBUG > system conf is already up-to-date
1825 DEBUG processing pending conf ‘/home/yunohost.conf/pending/metronome/etc/metronome/conf.d/’ to system conf ‘/etc/metronome/conf.d/’
1827 DEBUG > system conf is already up-to-date
1828 DEBUG processing pending conf ‘/home/yunohost.conf/pending/metronome/etc/metronome/conf.d/’ to system conf ‘/etc/metronome/conf.d/’
1830 DEBUG > system conf is already up-to-date
1831 DEBUG processing pending conf ‘/home/yunohost.conf/pending/metronome/etc/metronome/metronome.cfg.lua’ to system conf ‘/etc/metronome/metronome.cfg.lua’
1832 DEBUG > system conf is already up-to-date
1833 DEBUG The configuration is already up-to-date for category ‘metronome’
1835 DEBUG No custom hook for action ‘conf_regen’ in /etc/yunohost/hooks.d/
1842 DEBUG Executing command ‘sh -c YNH_DOMAINS=‘’ YNH_CWD=/usr/share/yunohost/hooks/conf_regen YNH_INTERFACE=cli YNH_STDRETURN=/tmp/tmpKTnRTG/stdreturn YNH_STDINFO=/tmp/tmpvWWs_E/stdinfo BASH_XTRACEFD=7 /bin/bash -x “./12-metronome” post 0 0 ‘’ 7>&1’…
1843 DEBUG About to run the command ‘[‘sh’, ‘-c’, ‘YNH_DOMAINS=‘’ YNH_CWD=/usr/share/yunohost/hooks/conf_regen YNH_INTERFACE=cli YNH_STDRETURN=/tmp/tmpKTnRTG/stdreturn YNH_STDINFO=/tmp/tmpvWWs_E/stdinfo BASH_XTRACEFD=7 /bin/bash -x “./12-metronome” post 0 0 ‘’ 7>&1’]’
1874 DEBUG + set -e
1878 DEBUG + FORCE=0
1879 DEBUG + DRY_RUN=0
1880 DEBUG + case “$1” in
1882 DEBUG + do_post_regen
1883 DEBUG + regen_conf_files=
1885 DEBUG ++ cat /etc/yunohost/current_host
1887 DEBUG +
1888 DEBUG ++ yunohost domain list --exclude-subdomains --output-as plain --quiet
3594 DEBUG +
3595 DEBUG + for domain in $domain_list
3597 DEBUG + mkdir -p /var/lib/metronome/arnauld%2eorg/pep
3598 DEBUG + mkdir -p /var/xmpp-upload/
3599 DEBUG + chmod g+s /var/xmpp-upload/
3600 DEBUG + chown -R metronome:www-data /var/xmpp-upload/
3602 DEBUG + usermod -aG ssl-cert metronome
3603 DEBUG + chown -R metronome: /var/lib/metronome/
3705 DEBUG + chown -R metronome: /etc/metronome/conf.d/
3707 DEBUG + [[ -z ‘’ ]]
3707 DEBUG + exit 0
3761 DEBUG To view the log of the operation ‘Regenerate system configurations ‘metronome’’, use the command ‘yunohost log display 20200603-141103-regen_conf-metronome’
3774 DEBUG action [13350.1] executed in 2.581s
3774 DEBUG lock has been released

Et donc si tu fais

ls -l /etc/metronome/metronome.cfg.lua

ça montre bien que le fichier existe ?

Est-ce que tu peux regarder la version de metronome avec dpkg --list | grep metronome


admin@arnauld:~ $ ls -l /etc/metronome/metronome.cfg.lua
-rw-r----- 1 root metronome 5064 May 21 07:18 /etc/metronome/metronome.cfg.lua
admin@arnauld:~ $

admin@arnauld:~ $ dpkg --list | grep metronome
ii metronome 3.14.1+ynh9-1 armhf Lightweight XMPP server with advanced microblogging features
admin@arnauld:~ $

Bon en fait il faut lancer la commande avec sudo …

sudo metronomectl start

C’est ce que j’ai fait, mais ça ne change rien, je ne peux toujours pas relancer le service après.

admin@arnauld:~ $ sudo metronomectl start
admin@arnauld:~ $

Bon du coup faisons un

sudo systemctl restart metronome
sudo journalctl --no-pager --no-hostname -u metronome -n 100
1 Like

admin@arnauld:~ $ sudo systemctl restart metronome
admin@arnauld:~ $ sudo journalctl --no-pager --no-hostname -u metronome -n 100
– Logs begin at Tue 2020-06-02 23:24:56 BST, end at Wed 2020-06-03 15:25:39 BST. –
Jun 03 06:25:02 systemd[1]: Reloading LSB: Metronome XMPP Server.
Jun 03 06:25:02 metronome[30042]: Reloading Metronome XMPP Server: metronome.
Jun 03 06:25:02 systemd[1]: Reloaded LSB: Metronome XMPP Server.
Jun 03 15:25:27 systemd[1]: Stopping LSB: Metronome XMPP Server…
Jun 03 15:25:28 metronome[15126]: Stopping Metronome XMPP Server: metronome.
Jun 03 15:25:28 systemd[1]: Stopped LSB: Metronome XMPP Server.
Jun 03 15:25:28 systemd[1]: Starting LSB: Metronome XMPP Server…
Jun 03 15:25:28 metronome[15137]: Starting Metronome XMPP Server: metronome.
Jun 03 15:25:28 systemd[1]: Started LSB: Metronome XMPP Server.
admin@arnauld:~ $

Ben du coup ça dit que le service a bien démarré donc je ne pige pas où est le soucis …

C’est bon, Metronome fonctionne.
Merci beaucoup !!

Bizarre bizarre.


sudo systemctl restart metronome
sudo journalctl --no-pager --no-hostname -u metronome -n 100

qui semble avoir fait quelque chose…

Pourtant la webadmin fait la même chose … et dans tes premiers logs ça montrait déjà que le service démarrait bien …