How to install Firefly III CSV importer

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How do I install Firefly III CSV Importer on Yunohost?

Good day people!
I’m afraid this might sound like a silly question to those conversant with Yunohost and Firefly III installation with all the inner workings, but please bear with my ignorance for now, and thanks in advance for your help.
I’ve installed Firefly III version 5.4.6 successfully, everything seems to be working very well, but for me to be able to import in the needed financial info, Firefly III requires that I instal the CSV Importer separately. My problem now is that I can’t figure out how to install the CSV importer within the ecosystem of Yunohost. I’ve search around the web, and this forum to see if there is any instruction on how to do this, I’ve found none. I’ll be very grateful if someone could please tell be how to install this Firefly III CSV importer on Yunohost.

Thanks in advance for your time and help!

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La catégorie “support” est destinée à l’aide et au dépannage lié à l’installation et utilisation de YunoHost et de ses applications. Elle n’est pas destinée à de l’assistance généraliste pour l’administration système, réseau, ou pour les cas particuliers qui vont au dela de ce que propose le projet. Si vous souhaitez discuter de cas d’usage avancés, merci d’utiliser la catégorie “Advanced Use Case”.

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Mon serveur YunoHost

Matériel: VPS acheté en ligne / Vieil ordinateur / Raspberry Pi à la maison / Brique Internet avec VPN / Autre carte ARM / …
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Voici des messages d'erreurs

You have few options.

  1. Wait for someone to make an app for Yunohost. (If I get time I will look into it).
  2. Use webapp package and install it yourself. It would require little bit of reading and experimentation.
  3. Try to install with Portainer(a docker web interface). Ofcourse you will need to do things manually here too. But you will have lot of documents to pave your way to what you want to achieve. Though this is not recommended way.
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Thank you for clarifying the current state of this app, and for pointing me in the right direction. I’ll most likely go with option 1, while at the same time I’ll also be trying my hands on option 2.
Much appreciated!

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