How do you backup your YunoHost server?

I am currently using Archivist with some custom scripts to backup my VPS:

  1. for local backups (only, since its config panel is broken at the moment)
  2. then cronjobs:
    1. with rclone to send them on Scaleway encrypted object storage Glacier bucket, taking advantage of their 75GB free tier. Edit 2024-01-14: storage is not free anymore.
    2. then copying them over SSHFS to my in-home NAS and deleting the local archives since my VPS storage space is limited
# m h  dom mon dow   command
0 1 * * * rclone copy local:/home/ scaleway_crypt:/
0 4 * * * rsync -a --remove-source-files /home/ /media/nas/vps/archivist/

I’m by no means an example, and would love a more integrated solution. :slight_smile: