How do updates work? Immich update push delay #2

Immich was updated to 1.117.0~ynh1 in it’s repo (Merge pull request #113 from YunoHost-Apps/master-promotion · YunoHost-Apps/immich_ynh@231f21b · GitHub) more than a day ago. But the update still does not show up neither when checking for updates in yunohost, nor in YunoHost app store | Immich.
I found this discussion:
How do updates work? Immich update push delay
There it’s said that the delay should be at most 4 hours. Is the update script running?
Is there any public place where it’s runs can be seen? This way the update process could be more transparent.

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Bro, I came here just to see if I could re-open that.
I tried to do, from CLI:
sudo yunohost app upgrade immich -F,
which did force it to reinstall, but interestingly, it did NOT install the new version 0.117.0. I thought this command would have it re-fetch from the github.

Cheers! Glad I’m not the only one!

sudo yunohost app upgrade immich -u is the command for unpatient people